싱글, 크림화이트, 햇빛~ 반그늘, 산성토양에서도 잘 자람, 천천히 자람, Hardiness Zone 3-8
- Botanical NamePaeonia Madrid
- FormPerennial
- Hardiness Zone3-8
- Flowering TimeMidseason (mid-late spring)
- Light RequirementsFull Sun, Partial Shade
- Flower ColorSingle white flowers with cream centers.
- Flower FormSingle flowers, 5" in diam.
- Foliage TypeGlossy, deep green leaves. Very ornamental through-out the growing season. The new growth in spring is a copper-burgundy and turns a soft yellow in the fall.
- Growth RateSlow
- Height/Habit24 - 28 inches
- Spread24 inches
- Planting InstructionsDig a hole large enough to spread out roots without bending them. Set crown with buds 1" below ground-level. Water in thoroughly. Plant at least 6 weeks before ground freezes.
- Soil RequirementsWell-drained, deep, fertile soil
- Will TolerateAcidic Soil, Clay Soil, Loamy Soil, Sandy Soil
- PruningRemove spent flower stems after flowering to maintain an attractive bush type perennial all summer long.