1장 계선편 繼善篇 Gyeseon
1. 위선자爲善者 Do good
2. 물이선勿以善 If good
3. 일일불념선-日不念善 Even for a day
4. 수탐須貪 Covet good things
5. 선유부족善猶不足 Running short
6. 적덕積德 Building virtue
7. 광시廣施 Give others grace
8. 무악無惡 No evil
9. 춘원지초春園之草 Grass in the garden of spring
10. 불급不及 Don't complete well
2장 천명편 天命篇 Cheonymeong
1. 순천順天 Responds to heaven
2. 천청天聽 The heavens
3. 기초基礎 Basis
4. 악관惡鑵 A bad heart
5. 천필육지天必戮之 Heaven will never leave him alone
6. 소이불루疏而不漏 Principle
7. 무소도無所禱 No place to appeal
3장 순명편 順命篇 Sunmyeong
1. 부귀富貴 Rich and fame
2. 분이정分已定 Everything is already set
3. 복福 The blessing
4. 시래時來 The time comes
5. 유명由命 Fate
4장 효행편 孝行篇 Hyeohaeng
1. 은恩 Deep kindness
2. 효자孝子 Filial son
3. 부모父母 Parents
4. 부명父命 Father call
5. 효어친孝於親 Good to your parents
6. 효순孝順 The person who is good to his parents
5장 정기편 正己篇 Jeonggy
1. 견인지선見人之善 After seeing others' good
2. 대장부大丈夫 Master
3. 용勇 Bravery
4. 문인지과실聞人之過失 Fault
5. 난초蘭蕙 Orchid
6. 오사吾師 My teacher
7. 신지부身之符 Amulet
8. 무명無名 Unnamed
9. 삼계三戒 Three things
10. 운노심云怒甚 Too angry
11. 식담食淡 The food
12. 불독서不讀書 Can't read
13. 징분懲忿 A punish at your anger
14. 여피전如避箭 Like avoiding arrows
15. 무용지변無用之辯 By saying useless things
16. 필찰必察 Keep a cool eye
17. 진군자眞君子 Gentleman
18. 종관從寬 Pursuing generosity
19. 선수자량先須自量 Considering yourself at first
20. 유근惟勤 Only hardworking
21. 과전瓜田 A melon patch
22. 우로憂勞 Worries and sufferings
23. 군자君子 A virtuous man
24. 언출어구言出於口 Out of your mouth
25. 후목朽木 The rotten tree
26. 계지계지戒之戒之 Be on your guard
6장 안분편 安分篇 Ahnbun
1. 지족知足 A pleasure
2. 지족知足 Satisfied
3. 남상濫想 Useless thoughts
4. 지족상족智足常足 Know enough
5. 만초손滿招損 Declining if full
6. 무욕無辱 Comfortable mind
7장 존심편 存心篇 Johnsim
1. 좌밀실坐密室 Sitting in a clandestine room
2. 부귀富貴 Wealth
3. 책인즉명責人則明 Bright at reproaching others
4. 수지이겸守之以謙 Be humble
5. 귀이망貴而忘 Don’t get being difficult
6. 물구보勿求報 Do not seek a reward
7. 욕방欲方 Gentle
8. 염염念念 Think discreetly
9. 법法 The law
10. 방의防意 Block bad meanings
11. 불부인不負人 Not abandon others
12. 천년계千年計 Planning for a thousand years
13. 시회時悔 Regret
14. 금옥金屋 Ecstatic house
15. 천명天命 God's will
16. 자서자自恕者 He who forgives himself
17. 천필지지天必知之 Only heaven knows
18. 책기責己 Forgive yourself
19. 멸공滅公 The public benefit will be destroyed.
20. 성사省事 Take the job off
8장 계성편 戒性篇 Gyesung
1. 인성人性 A person's personality
2. 인忍 Endurance
3. 차계且戒 On your guard
4. 성공成空 All empty
5. 인지忍之 Tolerate
6. 불인不忍 If not tolerate
7. 굴기屈己 The man who bends himself
8. 부대不對 Don't rebuke
9. 양롱洋聾 Pretending to be deaf
10. 유인정有人情 Warm heart
9장 근학편 勤學篇 Gunhaak
1. 인仁 The morality
2. 학이지원學而智遠 What he learns and knows
3. 옥玉 Jade
4. 불학不學 If not learn
5. 고금古今 The teachings of the ancient
6. 학자學者 A learned man
7. 불학자不學者 Those who have learned
8. 학여불급學如不及 Not enough at learning
10장 훈자편 訓子篇 Hunza
1. 시서詩書 The Book of Poetry
2. 불교不敎 Unless you teach
3. 일경一經 A scripture
4. 교자敎子 Teaching
5. 엄사嚴師 Strict teachers
6. 실교失敎 Not learned
7. 낙주樂酒 Learning playing fun
8. 엄부嚴父 The strict father
9. 여봉與棒 A lot of rod
10. 자손현子孫賢 The generosity of my descendants
11장 성심편상 省心篇上 Sungsim Part1
1. 충효忠孝 Loyalty and filial piety
2. 가화家和 At peace
3. 인因 Because
4. 우憂 Anxiety
5. 득총得寵 If loved
6. 영화榮輕 If the splendor is light
7. 심애甚愛 Love too much
8. 경험經驗 Experience
9. 미래未來 The future
10. 명경明鏡 A bright mirror
11. 경조鏡朝 A bright mirror
12. 조지사朝之事 Tomorrow morning's work
13. 풍우風雨 Rain and wind
14. 삼척三尺 Samseok
15. 양養 Grow well
16. 자신자自信者 He who believes in himself
17. 의인疑人 Suspect
18. 사람의 마음人心 The heart of a man
19. 불지심不知心 Don't know the heart
20. 심격心隔 Hearts are separated
21. 불지심不知心 Not know
22. 해수海水 Sea water
23. 자전自賊 To harm oneself
24. 편견便見 Only one thing
25. 음욕淫慾 A carnal desire
26. 다재多才 More wealth
27. 빈지단貧智短 If poor, his wisdom is shortened
28. 불경일사不經一事 Not experience
29. 자연무自然無 Disappear by itself
30. 비자非者 Quarrel
31. 승비勝碑 Better than the tombstone
32. 향香 Smell
33. 교치驕侈 Pride and luxury
34. 유유留有 Spare
35. 천금千金 A thousand golds
36. 고苦 Trouble
37. 소선小船 Small ships
38. 안락安樂 Comfort
39. 객客 A guest
40. 빈거貧居 Live in poverty
41. 인의人義 Man's righteousness
42. 비하횡鼻下橫 To block the mouth
43. 인정人情 Poor
44. 주酒 Wine
45. 악의악식惡衣惡食 Bad clothes and bad food
46. 투우妬友 Speculating about his friend
47. 록명祿名 Blessings and name
48. 유근由勤 Depend on diligence
49. 성가成家 Succeeding a house
50. 무방無妨 Nothing to worry about
51. 묘약妙藥 Marvelous medicine
52. 천의天意 The meaning of heaven
53. 천안天眼 The eyes from heaven
54. 자손현子孫賢 The wisdom of the descendants
55. 일일산一日仙 A legendary hermit
12장 성심편하 省心篇下 Sungsim Part2
1. 거선擧善 Accept good things
2. 유비도遠非道 Stay away from not moral but wealth
3. 일성지화一星之火 A single spark
4. 신臣 Servants
5. 지청至淸 Very clear
6. 춘우春雨 Spring rain
7. 명절名節 Cause and righteousness
8. 인지흉人之凶 Others' wickedness
9. 개진皆眞 Everything is true.
10. 한恨 Blame
11. 박복인薄福人 Those who have little luck
12. 약개상若改常 Jumping the track
13. 국정國正 The country is right
14. 수간受諫 Taking advice
15. 인재후人在後 A man behind you
16. 득천금得千金 To get gold without a reason
17. 화복禍福 Anger and fortune
18. 대하천간大廈千間 A thousand rooms in a large house
19. 인천人賤 Mean to others
20. 감로甘露 A sweet wine
21. 자취自醉 Drunk by himself
22. 공심公心 The mind for the public
23. 천하졸天下拙 If the heavens are foolish
24. 지소智小 No wisdom
25. 사자四者 Four
26. 기만器滿 The bowl is full
27. 촌음寸陰 A short period of time
28. 양갱羊羹 Lamb soup
29. 명지明智 Bright wisdom
30. 개구開口 Words
31. 원친遠親 The relatives living in the far distance
32. 일월日月 The sun and The moon
33. 박예薄藝 The petty tricks
34. 반구저기反求諸己 Blame yourself
35. 주색재기酒色財氣 Wine, lust, wealth, and energy
13장 입교편 立敎篇 Ipgyo
1. 위본爲本 Foundation
2. 여근與勤 Diligent
3. 독서讀書 Reading
4. 지계之計 The plans
5. 오교지목五敎之目 Five articles of teaching
6. 삼강三綱 Samgang
7. 충신忠臣 The faithful
8. 치관治官 The affairs of the government
9. 좌우명 1 座右銘 1 Motto
10. 좌우명 2 座右銘 2 Motto
11. 부자富者 The rich
12. 십도十盜 Ten thieves
13. 삼모三耗 Sammo(three wastes)
14. 비천강앙非天降殃 Heaven doesn't make go down disaster
15. 교훈敎訓 Teaching
14장 치정편 治政篇 Chijung
1. 일명지사一命之士 A government post
2. 당태종어제唐太宗御製 The notebooks written by Taejong
3. 삼자三者 Three things
4. 폭노暴怒 Suddenly getting angry
5. 사군事君 Serving the king
6. 성의誠意 Should do what he has to do naturally
7. 명도明道 People's duty
8. 충신忠臣 Faithfulness
15장 치가편 治家篇 Chiga
1. 가장家長 Family's elders
2. 불검不儉 Keep the house simple
3. 현녀賢女 The wise woman
4. 기탄飢寒 Cold and hunger
5. 자효子孝 When a child is faithful
6. 방화발防火發 The fire breaking out
7. 조안早晏 Quickly and late
8. 논재論財 Discuss wealth
16장 안의편 安義篇 Ahnwie
1. 안씨가훈顔氏家訓 The book of AhnSsyGaHoon
2. 위수족爲手足 Hands and feet
3. 부불친富不親 Even if rich, don't approach
17장 준례편 遵禮篇 Junrea
1. 거가유례居家有禮 Manners to keep in a house
2. 무례無禮 Not polite
3. 막여덕莫如德 Nothing like morality
4. 천분질서天分秩序 Set by God's orders
5. 대빈大賓 A big guest
6. 약요인중아若要人重我 If you want others to value me
7. 부지과父之過 Father's fault
18장 언어편言語篇 Aahnner
1. 일언부중一言不中 If a word doesn't make sense
2. 구설자口舌者 The mouth and tongue
3. 유염有鹽 No mill
4. 구시상인부口是傷人斧 The mouth is the ax that cuts the tongue
5. 량양심兩樣心 Two hearts of humans
6. 일구一句 Too much
20장 부행편 婦行篇 Gowoo
1. 사덕四德 Four virtues
2. 부덕자1婦德者1 Being a Buduck
3. 부덕자2婦德者2 Buduck
4. 사덕자四德者 Four virtues
5. 부인지례婦人之禮 The lady's words
21장 증보편 增補篇 Boohaeng
1. 선부적善不積 If you do not build up good
2. 이상履霜 If you step on the frost