MS: Wait There's no mountain too great
BS: Oh, oh, iyo
MS: Hear the words and have faith
BS: Oh, oh, iyo
MS: Have faith
BS: Hela hey mamela
CHORUS: He lives in you He lives in me He watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you
{On "In your reflection", a giraffe looks up, and Zazu flies in towards Pride Rock. Simba and Nala are there; Rafiki takes Kiara from Nala's mouth and holds her up before the assembled crowd. The animals all cheer, and Simba and Nala are blown by the wind from the approving figure of Mufasa.}
{third verse repeats} {chorus repeats}
Timon ; Ah, Pumba, look at that little guy. A chip off the old block.And you got to know who"s going to raise him.
Pumba ; His parents?
Timon ; Okay, sure. Get technical. But who's going to teach him the really important stuff? Like how to belch (burp out; 트림하다) and dig for grubs? I'm telling you, buddy... It's going to be like old times, you, me ...and the little guy.
Rafiki; It's a girl.
Timon ; ...Girl.
Ti & Pum; Girl?
Kiara ; Wow.
Simba ; Whoa! Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?
Kiara ; Daddy! Let go!
Simba ; Well, I just want you to be careful. Kiara, are you listening? Accidents can happen. You could easily get hurt or stepped...
Kiara ; Hurt or stepped on or even get lost.
Simba ; And remember... I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all times.
Kiara ; At all times, I know. And if I see any stragers, don't talk to them. Come straight home. Okay, okay, can I go now, please?
Simba ; Hmm, very funny.
Nala ; Mind your father, Kiara.
Kiara ; Yes, mom.
Simba ; And stay away from the Outlands.
Zazu ; Nothing there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous Outsiders!
Simba ; Zazu's right. You can't turn your back on them.
Kiara ; Really? How come?
Simba ; Mmm, never mind. Just run along now.
Kiara ; But dad, I...
Simba ; You will understand someday. Go on. And stay on the path I've marked for you.
Nala ; Simba, who does she remind you of, umm? (A remind B of C; A는 B에게 C를 기억나게 하다)
Simba ; Huh? What? Who?
Nala ; She's just like you were when you were young.
Simba ; Exactly. Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?
Nala ; You mean the danger you put us in? She will be fine.
Simba ; Hey, Timon, Pumba, come here.
Timon ; Good morning, mon capitan.
Simba ; I want you to keep a close watch on Kiara. You know she's bound to run off.(be bound to; 반드시--- 하다)
Timon ; Don't worry, Simba. We are on her like stink(악취) on a warthog!(warthog;아프리카산 흑멧돼지)
Pumba ; Hey!
Timon; It's a hard truth, Pumba. Live with it.
Simba; Guys. I'm counting on you. Danger could be lurking behind every rock.
Kiara; Hey! Wait! Come back! I just want to play. Ahh... the might hunter has cornered her prey. Whoah, cool! The Outlands! I wonder what's out there.
Timon; Uh, let's see. Uh, gee, Simba, the good news is we found your daughter. The bad news is we dropped a warthog on her. Is there a problem with that?
Pumba; Kiara! Kiara!
Timon; Pumba, let me define "baby-sitting".
Pumba; Sorry. Now princess, Kiara, as Simba's daughter, you know better than to go off all alone. You could have been hurt.( know better than to do; 하는것이 좋지 않음을 알고 있다)
Kiara; But... but...
Timon; Hurt? Oh, Simba would kill us. You didn't slip a disk, did you?
Catch a fever? Get a hangnail?
Kiara; Timon.
Timon; I had one once.
Pumba; Very painful.
Timon; Excruciating(육체적 고통을 주는). Darling with your complexion, you should stay out of the sun. What? Do you want to wrinkle?
Kiara; Would someone please listen to me?
Timon; I am sorry I wasn't listening. Did you say something, princess?
Kiara; I'm not just a princess, you know. That's only half of who I am.
Pumba; Oh, uh... who's the other half?
Kiara; Uh... well, I, uh... um...
Timon; While you are figuring it out, let's eat. Grubs!
Pumba; The other white meat!
Timon; And so high in protein.
Kiara; Eww! Gross!
Timon; How about you, big boy?
Pumba; Love grubs!
Timon; Not like...
Ti& Pu; Love!
Timon; Oh! You always do that. You take a bite out of every one, and then put it back. It drives me crazy.
Pumba; But you can't tell from the outside which are the real slimy ones.
Timon; Slimy? Pumba... my corpulent compadre(뚱뚱보 친구), it's the crunch ones that make the meal!
Ti & Pu; Slimy!... Crunch!... Slimy!... Crunch!... Slimy!... Crunch!... Less filling! Taste good!... Less filling!... Taste good!...
Kovu ; Who are you, Pridelander? What are you doing?
Kiara; My father says to never turn your back on an outsider!
Kovu ; You always do what your daddy says?
Kiara; No!
Kovu ; Bet you do. Bet you're daddy's little girl! An Outsider doesn't need anybody. I take care of myself.
Kiara; Really? Cool!
Kovu ; Run! This way! That was a close one.
Kiara; Yeah!
Kovu ; Scoot!(급히 달려가다.)
Kiara; Whoa! Hey, what about me?
Kovu ; I'll distract him! Run! Whoops!
Kiara; Look out! Move it! I did it! I did it! Oh, man... did you see the size of those teeth? They were going "grrrrr". He just totally ate me up right there and I jumped on his head... and I bopped him so good. We make such a good team and you... you were really brave.
Kovu ; Yeah, you were pretty brave, too. My name's Kovu.
Kiara; I'm Kiara. Tag! You're it! Tag! You are it! You are it! Hello, you run. I tag... get it? What's the matter? Don't you know how to play?
Simba; Zira.
Zira ; Simba! Nala!
Nala ; Zira.
Timon; Timon. Pumba. Great! Now that we all know each other. Get out of our Pride Lands.
Zira ; Your Pride Lands? These lands belong to Scar.
Simba; I banished you from the Pride Lands! Now you and your young cub, get out!
Zira ; Oh, haven't you met my son, Kovu? He was hand-chosen by Scar to follow in his pawprints and become king.
Timon; That's not a king... that's fuzzy maraca(애송이)!
Zira : Kovu was the last born before you exiled us to the Outlands where we have little food, less water...
Simba; You know the penalty for returning to the Pride Lands.
Zira ; But the child does not! However... if you need your pound of flesh, here.
Simba; Take him and get out. We are finished here.
Zira ; Oh, no. Simba... we have barely begun.
Kiara; Bye! Kovu ; Bye!
Nala ; Simba!
Simba; Kiara, what did you think you were doing? You could have been killed today.
Kiara; But daddy, I didn't mean to disobey...
Simba; I'm telling you this because I love you. I don't want to lose you.
Kiara; I know.
Simba; If something happened to you, I don't know what I'd do. One day I won't be here... and I need you to carry on in my place. You are part of the great circle of...
Kiara; Cicle of life, I know.
Simba; Exactly and you need to be careful. As future queen...
Kiara; What if I don't want to be queen? It's no fun.
Simba; That's like saying you don't want to be a lion. It's in your blood... as I am. We are part of each other.
[ We Are One ]
{Simba grins back down at her, and they nuzzle as Simba begins singing.}
SIMBA: As you go through life you'll see There is so much that we Don't understand
And the only thing we know Is things don"t always go The way we planned
But you"ll see every day That we"ll never turn away When it seems all your dreams come undone
We will stand by your side Filled with hope and filled with pride We are more than we are We are one
KIARA: If there"s so much I must be Can I still just be me The way I am?
Can I trust in my own heart Or am I just one part Of some big plan?
SIMBA: Even those who are gone Are with us as we go on Your journey has only begun
Tears of pain, tears of joy One thing nothing can destroy Is our pride, deep inside We are one We are one, you and I We are like the earth and sky One family under the sun All the wisdom to lead All the courage that you need You will find when you see We are one
Simba; As long as you live here. It's who you are. You'll understand someday.
Nuka ; Kovu, Kovu, Kovu. Scar wasn't even his father. He just took him in. Vitani! Oh, hey, Vitani! Where is the little termite, Kovu? The chosen one!
Vitani; Nuka! Where is Kovu? Did you leave him out there on his own again?
Nuka ; Hey, it's every lion for himself out here. That little termite's got to learn to be on his own.
Vitani; Mother's going to be mad. She told you to watch him.
Nuka ; Oh, who cares? I should've been the chosen one. I am the oldest. I am the strongest. I am the smartest. Ooooh, these termites! I could be a leader, if she'd just give me a chance!
Vitani; Yeah, right. Why don't you tell that to her?
Nuka ; Yeah? Don't think I won't!
Vitani; Oh, yeah? Here is your chance.
Nuka ; What? Oh, mother! Mother! Hi! Mother! I caught some field mice for your
dinner. I left it by the ... by the... okay.
Vitani; Hey, Kovu. You want to... fight?
Zira ; You were supposed to be watching him!
Kovu ; It's not his fault. I went off on my own.
Zira ; What were you doing?
Kovu ; Nothing!
Zira ; Who has made us outsiders?
Kovu ; Simba!
Zira ; Who killed Scar?
Kovu ; Simba!
Zira ; What have I told you about them?
Kovu ; I'm sorry, mother! Oh, she didn't seem so bad. Oh, I... I... thought we could be....
Zira ; Friends? You thought you'd get to the daughter and Simba would welcome you with open arms? What an idea! What an idea! You brilliant child... I'm so proud of you! You have the same conniving mind that made Scar so... powerful!
Nuka ; Ugh, "chosen one".
Zira ; I now see the path to our glorious return to power.
Kovu ; But I don't want...
Zira ; Hush, my little one. You must be exhausted.
Zira ; Sleep, my little Kovu Let your dreams take wing One day when you're big and strong You will be a king{Zira tucks Kovu in.}
Kovu ; Good night...
Zira ; Good night, my little prince. Tomorrow, your training intensifies.
{Zira's dancing in this scene is very reminiscent of Scar"s in "Be Prepared". She leaps up onto rocks to emphasize lines, and punctuates her graphic points by beating up on Nuka. Lionesses leap as she musters her forces.}
Zira ; (song)I've been exiled, persucuted Left alone with no defense When I think of what that brute did I get a little tense. But I dream a dream so pretty That I don't feel so depressed "Cause it soothes my inner kitty And it helps me get some rest.
The sound of Simba's dying gasp His daughter squealing in my grasp His lionesses' mournful cry That's my lullaby Now the past I've tried forgetting And my foes I could forgive Trouble is, I knows it's petty But I hate to let them live
Nuka ; So you found yourself somebody who"d chase Simba up a tree
Zira ; Oh, the battle may be bloody, but that kind of works for me. The melody of angry growls A counterpoint of painful howls A symphony of death, oh my! That"s my lullaby. Scar is gone... but Zira"s still around To love this little lad Till he learns to be a killer With a lust for being bad!
Nuka ; Sleep, ya little termite! Uh-- I mean, precious little thing!
Vitani ; One day when you're big and strong
Zira ; You will be a king! The pounding of the drums of war The thrill of Kovu's mighty roar
Nuka ; The joy of vengeance
Vitani ; Testify!
Zira ; I can hear the cheering
Nuka and Vitani ; Kovu! What a guy!
Zira ; Rayback time is nearing And then our flag will fly Against a blood-red sky That"s my lullaby!
Rifiki ; Oh, Mufasa... every day Kiara grows more beautiful, into a Queen that will someday make us all very proud. But this cub Kovu grows stronger. And Zira fills his heart with hate. I am very worried, Mufasa. Things are not going well.
Rafiki ; Hmm? You have a plan? What? Kovu... Kiara... together? This is the plan? {yells} Are you crazy? This will never work! Oh, Mufasa, you been up there too long. Your head is in the clouds!Okay, okay, okay! Okay! All right-- okay! I don't think this is going to work... but I trust you. I just hope you know what you are doing!
Zira ; You are ready! {chuckles} Nice... very nice. You have the same blackness in your soul that Scar had. What is your destiny?
Kovu ; I will avenge Scar... take his place in the Pride Lands.
Zira ; Yes! What have I taught you?
Kovu ; Simba is the enemy.
Zira ; And what must you do?
KOVU ; I must kill him!
Random Lionesses ; This is Kiara's first hunt! , Nala. Here she is!
Rafiki ; Kiara.
Random Lionesses ; Oh! You can do it. It's your day. Look! Oh, your first time out. My, how you've grown!
Nala ; You'll do just fine.
Kiara ; Daddy... you have to promise to let me do this on my own. Promise
Simba ; All right... I promise. {quietly} Make sure she doesn't get hurt.
Nuka ; Eeew. This place is even creepier since the hyenas ran off.
Vitani ; {mouth full of kindling} Mmmh. Sheeeh.
Nuka ; {annoyed} I'm not scared, okay? I just don't know why we have to be here, that's all. If Kovu was so special, why does he need us?... I never even had a CHANCE! Yaaah!
Vitani ; Well, come on... Kiara has started her hunt. We have to move quickly.
Timon ; Tango-Charley-Alpha. What's your position?
Pumba; {confused} Uhhh... Upright... {now smiling} head turned slightly to the left... tail erect.
Timon ; Why do I bother?
Timon ; This must be where the deer and the antelope play!
Kiara ; {sternly} Timon... what are you doing here?
Timon ; Uh... shopping! We thought a nice pelt for the den... some throw pillows, a little potpourri...
Kiara ; My father sent you. After he promised to let me do this on my own-- he lied!
Timon ; No... he just doesn't want you to get hurt!
Kiara ; I should have known he'd never give me a real chance.{Kiara runs past them, still breathing hard.}
Kiara ; I'll do this on my own away from the Pride Lands!
Timon ; Hey! Wait! Come back! Kiara-- come back! {He hops up on Pumbaa, and they run after her-- but she's far ahead already.} Oh... she's gone again! Somebody's gotta get a beeper for this kid!
Nuka ; Let's light fire! Roasty toasty princess... roasty toasty princess... Hey, is it hot in here, or is that just me? {realizes} Fire! Yowww!
Vitani ; Grr... come on!
Zira ; The plan is in motion. {pauses} Go!
Zazu ; Don't worry, Simba. She'll be fine. What could happen?
Zazu ; {gasps} I must tell Simba! Kiara ; Where am I?
Kovu ; You're safe... in the Pride Lands.
Kiara ; {bewildered} The Pride Lands... no! Why did you bring me here? Who do you think you are?
Kovu ; I think I'm the one who just saved your life!
Kiara ; Look! I had everything under control!
Kovu ; Not from where I'm standing.
Kiara ; Then move downwind.
Kovu ; What are you doing?
Kiara ; {recognizing him} Kovu?
Simba ; {off-screen} Kiara! {Simba and the lionesses from Pride Rock arrive. Simba jumps in front of Kiara, snarling and growling.}
Nala ; Kiara! You're all right.
Simba ; Kiara! {he begins snarling at Kovu}
Kiara ; Father... how could you break your promise?
Simba ; It's a good thing I did. I almost lost you. No more hunts for you; not ever!
Kiara ; But I was doing just fine! Even before Kovu--
Simba ; Kovu? {he roars at Kovu again}
Nala ; Simba?
Rafiki ; Hey! You! How dare you save the King's daughter?
Simba ; You saved her? Why?
Kovu ; I humbly ask to join your pride.
Simba ; {immediately} No! You were banished with the other Outsiders.
Kovu ; I have left the Outsiders. I am a rogue(부랑자). Judge me now, for what I am... or am I to be blamed for a crime I didn't commit? {Simba snarls and paces around. Nala looks hard at him.}
Nala ; Simba... you owe him your daughter's life.
Zazu ; Mmm... yes, sire. Clearly we are in his debt... and royal protocol demands that all debts be paid. Though in this case you might want to make an exception.
Simba ; Hmmm. My father's law will prevail. For now, I reserve judgment. We'll see who you really are.
Zazu ; Hmph! Riffraff.
Kiara ; Hey... uh, thanks for saving me today.
Kovu ; What kind of hunter are you, anyway-- Princess? You almost got yourself killed out there.
Kiara ; What?
Kovu ; You wouldn't last three days on your own.
Kiara ; {provoked} Oh... and I suppose you could teach me?
Kovu ; Heh... yeah.
Simba ; Kiara!
Kiara ; Coming! {She turns back to Kovu.} All right-- impress me. We start at dawn
Kovu ; {chuckles} I look forward to it.
Nuka ; Oh... oh... d-d-did you see that?! He let her go! If that were me--
ZIRA: Hush. The fire-rescue worked perfectly, and Simba fell for it. Now, the closer Kovu gets to the daughter, the closer he gets to Simba! And once he has Simba alone... rraaagh!
Mufasa ; Simba! Simba! Help me!
Simba ; Father! Dad... just... a little... farther...
Scar ; Gotcha! ...( Got you.)Trust me.
Mufasa ; Simba!
Simba ; Noooo! Kovu...?
Kiara ; G'morning!
Kiara ; Surprised ya, huh?
Kiara ; {laughing} Hey, c'mon. Let's go!
Kovu ; Three... two... {rolls his eyes} one... {he ducks}
Kiara ; Gotcha!
Kiara ; {slightly embarrassed} You could hear me... huh?
Kovu ; Only... a lot. You're still breathing too hard. Relax... feel the earth under your paws... so it doesn't shift and make noise. Ssshh. Watch the master... and learn
Timon ; Aaaahhhh! Don't eat me! Please! I... I... I never really met your tyrant. I mean, uh-- Scar. Scar. Oh, heck of a guy. A little moody(변덕스러운, 뚱한), but, I...
KIARA: Timon! What are you doing here?
Timon ; Kiara! Thank goodness! Ohh! Hey... for once, we're not following ya. This just happens to be the best smorgasbord in the Pride Lands. Bugs everywhere! But, you don't call for a reservation, and-- yeesh! Get outta here, ya scavengers. Go on! Shoo! Shoo!
Timon ; Oh!... oh!... oh.
Pumba ; Ohh... Timon, I'm getting tired. I gotta lose some pounds!
Timon ; Shoo! Go on! Shoo! Shoo!
Pumba ; Hey! Maybe he can help. You think?
Timon ; Shoo! Oh! Yeah...there's an idea. Right. Let the vicious Outsider-- Hey! Wait! I have an idea! What if he helps?
Pumba ; What?
Timon ; You wanna lend a voice? Huh? Grrr. Guh... Roar! Work with me!
Kiara ; Like this.
Timon ; Wooo hoo! Come on, do it again! Do it again! {Kovu roars this time, sending the birds into a rout.} Yee-haa!
Kovu ; Why are we doing this? What's the point of this training?
Kiara ; {laughing} Training? This is just for fun!
Kovu ; Fun?
Timon ; Yeah. You gotta get out more often. Fun! Yeee-haa! Ha ha ha ha... Woooo-hoo!
Kovu ; Yeee-haa! Yeee-haaa!
Kiara ; Uh-oh!
Timon ; Hey, Rhino!
Kovu ; What a blast!
Pumba ; Oh... sorry.
Timon ; {giving Kovu a noogie} You're okay, kid...
Kovu ; Hey!
Timon ; You're okay.
Kiara ; Um... s-sorr-- uh...
Timon ; Hey! Are you two coming or what?
Kovu ; Did you see that? Did you see that? Watch! Oh, wow. Look at that! It's really pretty.
Kiara ; What? Oh yeah! Um-- look... there's one that looks like a baby rabbit. See the fluffy tail?
Kovu ; Yeah... hey! There's one that looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat! I've never done this before.
Kiara ; Really? My father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the great Kings of the past are up there.
Kovu ; Do you think Scar is up there?
Kovu ; He wasn't my father, but he was still... part of me.
Kiara ; My father said there was a... a darkness in Scar that he couldn't escape.
Kovu ; Maybe there's a darkness in me too.
Simba ; Father... I am lost. Kovu is one of them. Scar's heir. How can I accept him
Nala ; Simba?
Simba ; I was... seeking counsel from the Great Kings.
Nala ; Did they help?
Simba ; {sighs} Silent as stars. My father would never--
Nala ; Oh, Simba... you want so much to walk the path expected of you. Perhaps Kovu does not.
Simba ; {surprised} What? How do you know what--
Nala ; {chuckles} I can see them down there just as easily as you can. Get to know them and see.
Kiara ; What's wrong?
Kovu ; Nothing.
Kiara ; Kovu...
Kovu ; It's just that... my whole life I've been trained to... {he stops} Nothing. I gotta go. {turns and walks off}
Kiara ; Kovu-- wait.
Rafiki ; And where are you going?
Kovu ; Nuhh... nowhere.
Rafiki ; {springing up} That's what you think! {Rafiki slips under Kovu and vanishes in the grass.}
Kovu ; {confused} Who was that?
Kiara ; Uh... {amused, slightly apologetic} friend of the family.
Rafiki ; Come on! You follow old Rafiki; he knows the way!
Kovu ; {hesitating} The way to where?
Rafiki ; You follow-- you'll see! Hurry now!
Kiara ; {giggling} Kovu, come on!
Kovu ; Where's he taking us?
Rafiki ; To a special place in your heart... called Upendi!
[ Upendi ]
Rafiki ; There's a place where the crazy moon Makes the monkeys sing and the baboons swoon And the sultry scent of the lotus bloom Will carry you away
Where the hippos swing from the jungle vines And the rhino rhumba in a conga line And the pink flamingoes are intertwined As the stars come out to play
In Upendi Where the passionfruit grows sweet And it"s so divine That you lose your mind As it sweeps you off your feet In Upendi Without a worry or a care It just takes two To make it true Your heart will lead you there
Kiara ; Where is it?
Rafiki ; No place you don't take with you...
You better watch your step "cause the path is steep Better hold your breath cause the water"s deep It"s a long way down over Lovers" Leap But falling"s half the fun!
In Upendi Where the passionfruit grows sweet And it"s so divine That you lose your mind As it sweeps you off your feet In Upendi Without a worry or a care It just takes two To make it true Your heart will take you there
You can beat the bush like there"s no tomorrow From Tanganyika to Kilimanjaro But you"ll find Upendi wherever you are Oh underneath the sun
Kiara ; Upendi-- it means "love", doesn"t it?
Rafiki ; Welcome to Upendi!
RAFIKI and CHORUS: In Upendi Where the passionfruit grows sweet And it"s so divine That you lose your mind As it sweeps you off your feet In Upendi Without a worry or a care It just takes two To make it true Your heart will take you there
Kiara ; Upendi!
RAFIKI and CHORUS: Down In Upendi Way down In Upendi!
Kovu ; Good night...
Kiara ; Good night.
Simba ; It's... kind of cold tonight, huh? Come on.
Vitani ; Get him! What are you waiting for? Kovu, get him!
Zira ; {snarling} You're sure?
Vitani ; Affirmative. I saw it with my own eyes.
Zira ; Kovu cannot betray us!
Kovu ; Okay-- I have to tell her today. Oh... where do I start? "Kiara... Zira had a plot-- and I was part of it. But I don't wanna be, because-- it's because I love you. {sighs} Oh, she'll never believe me. But I gotta try.
Kovu ; Kiara... I need to talk to you.
Simba ; {sternly} Kiara... I don't want you talking with him. {softening} I want to talk with him.
Simba ; Scar couldn't let go of his hate... and in the end, it destroyed him.
Kovu ; I've... never heard the story of Scar that way. He truly was a killer.
Simba ; Fire is a killer. Sometimes, what's left behind can grow better than the generation before... If given the chance.
Kovu ; No... oh, no... no....
Zira ; Why, Simba...
Simba ; Zira.
Zira ; What are you doing out here, and-- so alone? Well done, Kovu... just like we always planned.
Simba ; {turning on Kovu} You.
Kovu ; No! I didn't have anything to do with this!
Zira ; Attack!
Kovu ; No! {The lionesses attack. Simba is fighting off several at once. Kovu tries to help Simba, but is battered off by a lioness and falls to the side, hitting his head on a rock. Simba is thrown to the bottom of a ravine; lionesses slide down the slope towards him.}
Zira ; Yes! We've got him! Remember your training! As a unit!
Kovu ; Simba!
Zira ; Get him! Kovu! Get him! Do it now!
Nuka ; I'll do it-- for you, Mother! Mother-- are you watching? I'm doing it for you... and I'm doing it for me! This is my moment of glory!
Zira ; What? No! Nuka...
Nuka ; {gasping for air and coughing} I'm sorry, Mother... I tried.
Zira ; Ssshh. Nuka.
Kiara ; Father... {realizing} Father! Zazu, get help!
Zazu ; {flying off} Oh yes! Help... at once! Of course!
Kiara ; Father...?
Timon ; Simba! Talk to me! What happened?
Simba ; {Simba coughs, wheezing, having a hard time speaking} Kovu... {a painful breath of air} Ambush...
Kiara ; No...
Timon ; It's all right, buddy... we're here for you.
Zira ; Scar... watch over my poor Nuka. {menacingly} What have you done?
Kovu ; I didn't .. I..I didn't mean to... It wasn't my fault, I... {forcefully} I did nothing!
Zira ; Exactly! And in doing so, you betrayed your pride... betrayed Scar!
Kovu ; {shouting} I want nothing more to do with him!
Zira ; You cannot escape it! Nuka is dead because of you!
Kovu ; No.
Zira ; You've killed your own brother!
Kovu ; No!
Zira ; Let him go. Simba has hurt me for the last time... now he's corrupted Kovu! Listen to me... Simba is injured and weak. Now is the time to attack! We will take his entire kingdom... by force!
Kiara ; Daddy... it can't be true.
Cheetah ; It's Kovu. Hey.
Giraffes ; That's Kovu.
Kiara ; Kovu!
Timon ; Why I oughtta... let me at 'im! Let me at 'im! Here; hold me back.
Pumba ; Okay!
Timon ; lLet me at 'im! Let me at 'im!
Pumba ; Okay!
Timon ; I think you're missing the basic point here.
Pumba ;Uh...
Animals ; What's he doing here?... Look at that scar on his face...
Simba ; Why have you come back?
Kovu ; Simba... I had nothing to do with--
Simba ; You don't belong here.
Kovu ; Please... I ask your forgiveness.
Kiara ; Daddy, please... listen to him!
Simba ; Silence! When you first came here, you asked for judgment... And I pass it now.
Animal ; Judgment day is here!
Simba ; Exile!
Kiarsa ; No! No! ...Kovu!
[ One Of Us ]
ANIMALS: Deception Disgrace Evil as plain as the scar on his face
ZEBRAS: Deception (An outrage!)
ANIMALS: (He can"t change his stripes!)
GIRAFFES: Disgrace (For shame!)
ANIMALS: (You know these Outsider types!)
HIPPO: He asked for trouble the moment he came
ANIMALS: (See you later, agitator!)
ZEBRAS: Deception (An outrage!)
ANIMALS: (Just leave us alone!)
GIRAFFES: Disgrace (For shame!)
ANIMALS: (Traitor, go back with your own!)
HIPPO: He asked for trouble the moment he came
ANIMALS: (See you later, agitator!)
ANIMALS: Born in grief Raised in hate Helpless to defy his fate Let him run Let him live But do not forget What we cannot forgive
And he is not one of us He has never been one of us He is not part of us Not our kind
{Kovu is hounded from the Pride Lands. As he runs, he sees his reflection in a pool change to that of Scar.}
Someone once lied to us Now we"re not so blind For we knew he would do what he"s done And we know that he"ll never be one of us
Simba ; You will not go anywhere without an escort from now on.
Kiara ; No! That's not--
Simba ; He used you to get to me!
Kiara ; No! He loves me... for me!
Simba ; Because you are my daughter! You will not leave Pride Rock. You will stay where I can keep an eye on you... away from him.
Kiara ; You don't know him!
Simba ; I know he's following in Scar's pawprints... and I must follow in my father's.
Kiara ; You will never be Mufasa! {Simba is stung, but silenced... Kiara breaks down and runs back to her den to lie down, sobbing. She sees a stream of light shining through a hole in the wall. Determined, she pushes her way through the wall, then runs down away from Pride Rock, searching for Kovu. She tracks the same path Kovu took while fleeing Pride Rock, but cannot find him.}
Kiara ; Kovu? Kovu... Kovu...
[ Love Will Find a Way ]
{The song is sung by voice-overs. Kiara reflects on Kovu and their time together, all they have seen and been through.}
Kiara ; In a perfect world One we"ve never known We would never need to face the world alone
They can have the world We"ll create our own I may not be brave or strong or smart But somewhere in my secret heart
{Kiara looks up at the sky, seeing their rabbit and two lions in the sky, remembering}
I know Love will find a way Anywhere I go I"m home If you are there beside me
{She moves to a log overhanging the stream. She sits down on it, depressed. When she opens her eyes and peers at her reflection, she sees that it is, again, only half clear.}
Like dark turning into day Somehow we"ll come through Now that I"ve found you Love will find a way
{Kiara is sitting on a high knoll, with her head bowed. The scene moves to Kovu, who is approaching Kiara from behind her.}
Kovu ; I was so afraid Now I realize Love is never wrong And so it never dies
{Kiara turns and notices Kovu.}
There"s a perfect world Shining in your eyes
KIARA and KOVU: And if only they could feel it too The happiness I feel with you
They"d know Love will find a way Anywhere we go We"re home If we are there together
Like dark turning into day Somehow we"ll come through Now that I"ve found you Love will find a way
I know love will find a way
---The End of the song---
Kovu ; Hey, look... we are one. {he smiles at Kiara}
Kiara ; {she smiles back, then realizes what Kovu just said and looks shocked} What?
Kovu ; Let's get outta here. We'll run away together! And start a pride... all our own.
Kiara ; {chuckles} Kovu... we have to go back.
Kovu ; You're kidding. But we're finally together!
Kiara ; Our place is with our pride. If we run away, they'll be divided forever. {Kovu considers, but doesn"t seem entirely convinced.}
{Scene switches back to the Outlanders, crossing a river on the way to attack Pride Rock.} {Scene switches again; now back at Pride Rock, where Timon and Pumbaa are talking.}
Timon ; I can't believe we lost her again. This is the eight thousandth time!
Pumba ; Ooh!
Timon ; I thought you were gonna watch her!
Pumba ; Me? You were gonna watch her!
Timon ; I thought you were gonna watch her!
Pumba ; No, you were gonna watch her!
Timon ; You were gonna watch her!
Pumba ; Aah, watch this! {he leaps onto Timon}
Timon ; Oww! Take that, you creepy warthog! Say it! Say it!
Pumba ; Aaah! Aaah!
Timon ; Fatty fat. {Timon and Pumbaa are all-out wrestling when Simba approaches. When he speaks, they leap to attention.}
Simba ; What are you doing?
Timon ; Good question! Now let me ask one.
Pumba ; Hippo-thetically...
Timon ; Very hypo-thetical, there's this guy...
Pumba ; But he's not a lion...
Timon ; No! No, he's not a lion... yeesh. {Simba is looking amused} Definitely not a lion. And, uh... uh... his daughter, um, say... vanished.
Simba ; Kiara is gone? {Zazu flies into shot.}
Zazu ; Sire! The Outsiders are on the attack... heading this way! It's war!
Simba ; Zazu! Find Kiara! We'll assemble the lionesses. Move! Now!
{A storm gathers as the two prides close on the field of battle; rain mats Simba"s mane as he advances. Prey animals skitter away from between the advancing lions. Buzzards circle overhead. Kiara and Kovu rush home as fast as they can. The two prides face each other across the field; when all are assembled, Timon and Pumbaa moon the Outsiders.}
Timon and Pumba ; Nah nah nah nah nah nah!
Zira ; It's over, Simba! I have dreamed of nothing else for years!
Timon ; Boy... does she need a hobby.
Simba ; Last chance, Zira: Go home.
Zira ; I am home! {Lightning flashes and thunder cracks.}
Zira ; Attack! {The two opposing lines advance toward each other, first walking, then picking up speed until they hit at a full run. Zira coaches her pride from a high rock.} Go for the eyes! Break his jaw! Hit him low! Get them! Do what you must!
{Kiara and Kovu approach from a distance, but the dust of the battle is already rising; they're worried, but they rush towards the battlefield at full speed anyway.}
Pumba ; What do we do? What do we do?
Timon ; There's only one thing we can do, Pumbaa: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going." That"s our motto!
Pumba ; I thought our motto was "Hakuna Matata"!
Timon ; Pumbaa, stop living in the past! We need a new motto! {Timon and Pumbaa run screaming into the battle, trying to appear as menacing as they can. They are stopped short by a snarling lioness; they turn and run back the way they came.}
Timon ; Like I said: Let's get going! {Kovu and Kiara run down an embankment covered with fallen logs; Kovu nearly slips, but catches onto one of the logs and jumps down safely. The logs begin shifting.} {Vitani appears on a ledge above Nala.}
Vitani ; Where's your pretty daughter, Nala?
Nala ; Vitani! {Vitani leaps down onto Nala; the two roll down the hill, fighting fiercely.}{Timon and Pumbaa are being chased by a number of lionesses. They get backed up against a wall, surrounded; Pumbaa puts his face to the wall and covers his eyes. Timon looks around, panicking, and finally sees a way out; he jumps up on Pumbaa"s back, bends Pumbaa"s tail, cocks it, and holds it like a gun.}
Timon ; Don't anybody move! This thing's loaded. I'll let you have it!
Timon ; Yeah! Yeah... talk about your winds of war!
Zira ; Simba... {jumps down} you're mine!
Simba ; Kiara?
Zira ; Kovu! ...Move.
Simba ; Stand aside.
Kiara ; Daddy, this has to stop.
Zira ; You're even weaker than I thought. Get out of the way!
Kovu ; You'll never hurt Kiara... or Simba. Not while I'm here.
Simba ; Stay out of this!
Kiara ; A wise King once told me, "We are one." I didn't understand what he meant... now I do.
Simba ; But... they...
Kiara ; Them... us. Look at them... they are us. What differences do you see? Aren't we all part of the Circle of Life?
Zira ; Vitani... now!
Vitani ; No, Mother! Kiara's right. Enough.
Zira ; If you will not fight... then you will die as well. Wh-wha... Where are you going? Get back here!
Simba ; Let it go, Zira. It's time to put the past behind us.
Zira ; {now alone} I'll never let it go! This is for you, Scar!
Simba ; Kiara!
Kovu ; Kiara!
Nala ; Hold on, Kiara!
Nala ; Simba! Simba-- the river.
Kiara ; Zira! Give me your paw!
Zira ; Ahh... ahhh...
Kiara ; Zira, come on... I'll help you...
Zira ; No. ...
Simba ; Kiara...
Kiara ; Daddy... I tried...
Nala ; Kiara... oh.
Pumba ; Wow... that was really brave!
Timon ; Yeee-haaa!
Kiara ; Kovu...
Kovu ; Oh, Kiara.
Simba ; Kovu... I was wrong. You belong here. {Kiara leans into Kovu.} Let's go home... all of us.
Pumba ; I love moments like this.
Timon ; Yeah...
Timon and Pumba ; ...Love. Not like... love!
Mufasa ; Well done, my son. We are one.
Pumba ; Hakuna Matata!
Timon ; Outlands, shmoutlands... this place is better than Disneyland!