In the listening passage, the lecturer is in favor of the reading passage's argument that the Green Revolution has been a serious problem in the modern society. He supports the points in the reading passage with three main aspects.
Initially, he insists that only a big single crop is being cultivated in farms since most of the other crops come from overseas. Also, the farmers are really busy taking care of the most money-making crops such as corn or wheat. That is exactly why mixed cultivation is needed. Actually, regulation regarding cultivation is being done in America and more education about viable methods of growing crops with good quality should be done in poor countries.
Furthermore, more and more soil has been lost due to Green Revolution. Therefore, more education needes to be conducted not only to encourgae more number of crops cultivated but also to grow kinds of crops that need less water mainly.
Finally, there is more need of research and development. In fact, chemical materials are used for fertilizing the soil and preventing crops from pest. However, they have seriously negative effect on the environment; therefore, alternative materials should be popular. As a matter of fact, DDT has already been prohibited due to its cancer-causing characteristic.
In the listening passage, the lecturer is in favor of the reading passage's argument that the Green Revolution has been a serious problem in the modern society. He supports the points in the reading passage with three main aspects.
Initially, he insists that only a big single crop is being cultivated in farms. Most of the other crops come from overseas since the farmers are really busy taking care of the most money-making crops such as corn or wheat. That is exactly why mixed cultivation system is needed. 그 다음 부분 불명확해서 못 쓰겠습니다,, 미국이 곡식 수를 제한한다는 이야기가 갑자기 왜 나온 건가요.,...?
Furthermore, more and more soil has been lost due to Green Revolution. Therefore, ecologically practical methods of farming should be transmitted to farmers not only to encourage more number of crops cultivated but also to grow kinds of crops that need less water mainly. Also, water-saving irrigation technique is required.
Finally, there is more need of research and development. In fact, chemical materials are used for fertilizing the soil and preventing crops from pest. However, they have seriously negative effect on the environment; therefore, alternative materials should be popular. As a matter of fact, DDT has already been prohibited due to its cancer-causing characteristic.
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28 29 23 27 총 107입니다...
리슨닝 29가 참 기쁩니다.. 제가 열심히 한 것도 있지만 솔직히 운이 따른 게 더 큽니다.. 아직 부족하니 계속 리슨닝 게을리하지 않겠습니다...
리딩 28은 조금 의외입니다,, 내심 30을 바랐는데요^^
스피킹은 세개 다 F였습니다,, 통합형에서 G을 받을 수 있으리라 생각했는데 아쉽네요,,
라이팅은 둘 다 오랜만에 굿이 나왔습니다,..,
아직 통합형이 부족하니,, 앞으로 통합형 숙제해 나가면 더 좋은 결과 나오리라고 생각합니다,,
하하하이젠 최상의 컨디션으로 백십점이상 날아보자 홧팅 네가 넘 자랑스럽다 홧팅
감사합니다! 선생님께서 가르쳐 주신 덕분입니다^^ 조금 더 점수를 올리도록 노력하겠습니다..
그래 각각의 최고점을 모두 합하면 그게 112점이다...리딩29 리슨닝29 스피킹26 라이팅28...예전에도 말했듯이 어느날 스피킹이 26점 나와주고...리딩/리스닝에서 2점 실점하고...라이팅을 28점 유지하면 그게 112점이다...홧팅...모두다 나의 얘기를 귀담아 듣고 실천에 옮긴 너의 성취다...아직은 만족하기엔 다소 이른감이 있지만...오늘의 너의 성취는 참으로 대견스럽다...홧팅...
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