근위병 교대식은 2004년도 12월달은 홀수 요일에 행사가 진행이 되고
2005년도 1월달에는 짝수 요일이죠. 시간은 아침 11시 30분 이구요.
12월 25일이 홀수 요일이지만 근위병 교대식은 없고
새해 1월 1일은 짝수 요일에 행사가 진행되어 당연히 없구요.
Changing of the Guard 영문 관련 내용을 같이 첨부해 드리니 참조해 주시구요.
Changing of the Guard
The Guard Change takes place at 11:30 daily from April until the end of June and on alternate days for the rest of the year, weather permitting.
Provisional Schedule for 2004/5 (subject to change)
November odd numbered dates (1, 3, 5, 7 etc.)
December odd numbered dates (1, 3, 5, 7 etc.) until 23 December 2004
There is no Guard Change on 25 December
Guard Change will take place on 26, 28, 30 December 2004
January 2005 Even numbered dates (2, 4, 6, etc.)
February 2005 Odd numbered dates (1, 3, 5, etc.)
March 2005 Even numbered dates (2, 4, 6, etc.)
April 2005 Daily
May 2005 Daily
June 2005 Daily
July 2005 Daily
August 2005 Odd numbered dates (1, 3, 5, etc.)
September 2005 Even numbered dates (2, 4, 6, etc.)
The new guards arrive at the forecourt of the Palace at 11:30 from Wellington Barracks. The journey takes about 5 minutes and the soldiers are accompanied by a band. The ceremony is conducted on the Palace forecourt and takes approximately forty minutes to complete.
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