ab ovo usque ad mala |
from eggs to apples |
ad astra per aspera |
to the stars through difficulties (Kansas) |
ad infinitum |
to infinity, i.e., without limit |
ad Kalendas Graecas |
At the Greek Kalends; hence, never |
ad maiorem Dei gloriam |
to the greater glory of God |
ad nauseam |
to [the point of] seasickness or disgust |
Alea iacta est |
The die is cast |
Alis volat propriis |
He flies by his own wings |
alter ego |
second self |
Amantium irae amoris integratio est |
The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love (Terence; quoted by Winston Churchill) |
Alma Mater |
nuturing mother (applied to a school or college) |
Amari usque ad mare |
From sea to sea (Canada) |
amicus curiae |
friend of the court |
Annuit coeptis |
[God] has smiled on our undertakings (on the seal of the United States |
ante bellum |
before the war |
aqua vitae |
water of life (formerly applied to alcohol) |
argumentum ad hominem |
argument to the man, i.e., one that appeals to the person addressed |
Arma non servant modum |
Armies do not show (preserve) restraint |
Arma tuentur pacem |
Arms maintain peace |
Ars longa, vita brevis |
Art is long, life is short |
Aspirat primo Fortuna labori |
Fortune smiles upon our first effort (Virgil) |
Assiduus usus uni rei deditus et ingenium et artem saepe vincit |
Constant practice devoted to one subject often outdues both intelligence and skill (Cicero) |
Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere |
We dare defend our rights (Alabama) |
Audi et alteram partem |
Hear the other side too |
aut Caesar aut nihil |
Either Caesar or nothing |
Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit |
The fellow is either mad or he is composing verses |
auxilio ab alto |
by aid from [on] high |
bona fide |
in good faith |
Carpe diem |
Seize the day (Horace) |
casus belli |
an occasion for war |
Cave canem |
Beware of the dog |
consilio et armis |
by counsel and by arms |
corpus delicti |
the body (facts) of the crime |
cui bono? |
for whose benefit is it? What good is it? |
cum grano salis |
with a grain of salt |
cum laude |
with honor (praise) |
Curia pauperibus clausa est |
The Senate House keeps its doors closed to the poor |
de facto |
from or according to fact, actual |
de iure |
according to right |
de novo |
anew, literally, from a new [start] |
Dei gratia |
by the grace of God (seen on Canadian coins) |
Deo gratias |
thanks to God |
Disciplina praesidium civitatis |
The instruction [and] protection of the state (University of Texas) |
Ditat Deus |
God enriches (Arizona) |
Divide et impera |
Divide and conquer |
Dominus providebit |
The Lord will provide |
dramatis personae |
characters of the play |
Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori |
It is sweet and glorious to die for one's country (Horace) |
Dum spiro spero |
While I breathe I hope |
Dux femina facti |
A woman [was] leader in (of) the deed |
e pluribus unum |
one [country] out of many [states] (motto of the United states, found on coins) |
Elizabeth regina |
Elizabeth the queen |
Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem |
With the sword she seeks quiet peace under liberty (Massachusetts) |
errare humanum est |
to err is human |
erratum (plur. errata) |
error |
esse quam videri |
to be rather than to seem (North Carolina) |
Est modus in rebus |
There is a middle ground in things |
Esto Perpetua |
Let it be forever (Idaho) |
Et tu, Brute |
you too, Brutus (Caesar’s last words) |
ex animo |
from the heart (sincerely) |
ex officio |
out of (as a result of) one’s duty or office |
ex parte |
on [one] side |
ex post facto |
resulting after the fact |
Ex uno disce omnes |
From one learn [about them] all |
excelsior |
higher (New York) |
Excitabat fluctus in simpulo |
He was stirring up billows in a ladle (Cicero) |
Exigo a me non ut optimis par sim sed ut malis melior |
I require myself not to be equal to the best, but to be better than the bad (Seneca) |
Experientia docet |
experience teaches |
extempore |
without preparation (lit., from the moment) |
Facilis descensus Averno |
Easy is the descent to Avernus, i.e., the Lower World |
Facilius per partes in cognitionem totius adducimur |
We are more easily led part by part to an understanding of the whole (Seneca) |
facta, non verba |
deeds, not words |
Fata viam invenient |
The Fates will find a way |
Fide, non armis |
By faith, not arms |
Fortes et Liber |
Strong and free (Alberta) |
Fortes Fortuna adiuvat |
Fortune aids the brave |
Fortuna caeca est |
Fortune is blind |
genus homo |
the human race (humankind) |
Helluo librorum |
A glutton for books (bookworm) |
Homo proponit, sed Deus disponit |
Man proposes, but God disposes |
homo sapiens |
man having sense, i.e., human being |
hostis humani generis |
enemy of the human race |
Ilium fuit |
Ilium (Troy) no longer exists; applied to anything that is past and gone |
imperium et libertas |
empire and freedom |
in absentia |
in absence |
In Deo speramus |
In God we trust (Brown University) |
in forma pauperis |
in the form (or manner) of a poor man |
in hoc signo vinces |
in this sign (cross), you will conquer (told to Constantine before battle of Milvian Bridge) |
in libris libertas |
in books [there is] freedom (L.A. Public Library) |
in loco parentis |
in place of a parent |
in medias res |
into the middle of things |
in memoriam |
to the memory [of] |
in nomine Domini |
in the name of the Lord |
in omnia paratus |
prepared for all things |
in perpetuum |
(into perpetuity) forever |
in propria persona |
in one's own person (not through someone else) |
in re |
in the matter of |
in statu quo |
in the situation in which [it was before] |
in toto |
in the whole |
inter alia |
among other things |
inter nos |
between us |
Ipse dixit |
He himself said it |
ipsissima verba |
the very words |
ipso facto |
by the fact itself, thereby |
ius gentium |
the law of nations |
iustita omnibus |
justice for all (Washington, D.C.) |
Labor omnia vincit |
work conquers all (Oklahoma, University of Illinois, and the American Federation of Labor) |
Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus |
We are slaves of the laws in order that we may be free (Cicero) |
lex scripta |
the written law |
Littera scripta manet |
the written letter lasts |
lux ex oriente |
light from the east |
Karthago delenda est |
Carthage must be destroyed (Cato Maior) |
Magna Charta |
the Great Paper |
magna cum laude |
with high honor |
magnum bonum |
great good |
magnum opus |
a great work |
Manus manum lavat |
Hand washes hand, i.e., one hand washes the other |
mare clausum |
a closed sea |
materia medica |
medical material |
Me duce tutus eris |
Under my leadership you will be safe |
me iudice |
(I being judge) in my judgement |
Memento mori |
Remember to die (whispered into the ear of a general during a triumphal procession) |
Mens regnum bona possidet |
An honest heart is a kingdom in itself (Seneca) |
mens sana in corpore sano |
a healthy mind in a healthy body |
mihi cura futuri |
my concern is the future |
mirabile dictu |
wonderful to say |
modus operandi |
method of operating |
Montani semper liberi |
Mountaineers [are] always free (West Virginia) |
multum in parvo |
much in little |
Munit haec et altera vincit |
One defends and the other conquers (Nova Scotia) |
ne plus ultra |
no more beyond, i.e., nothing better |
Nil Sine Numine |
Nothing without providence (Colorado) |
non compos mentis |
not in possession of one's senses |
nosce te ipsum |
know thyself |
Nova Scotia |
New Scotland |
novus homo |
a new man [in politics] |
novus ordo seclorum |
a new series of generations |
Nullus est liber tam malus ut non aliqua parte prosit |
There is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part (Pliny Minor) |
non sibi sed suis |
not for one's self but for one's own |
nunc pro tunc |
now as of then |
obiter dictum |
[something] said by the way (ob iter), incidentally |
Omnia iam fient quae posse negabam |
Everything which I used to say could not happen will happen now (Ovid) |
Omnia reliquit servare rem publicam |
He left everything to save the state |
Parva sub ingenti |
The small under the protection of the great (Prince Edward Island) |
Pater Noster |
Our Father, i.e., the Lord's Prayer |
pauci quos aequus amat Iuppiter |
the few whom fair-minded Jupiter loves |
pax in bello |
peace in [the midst of] war |
Pax vobiscum! |
Peace [be] with you! |
per annum |
by the year |
per capita |
by heads or individuals |
per diem |
by the day |
per se |
by itself |
persona non grata |
an unwelcome person |
Poeta nascitur, non fit |
The poet is born, not made |
Possunt quia posse videntur |
They can because they think they can |
Post bellum, auxilium |
Aid after the war |
post mortem |
after death |
prima facie |
on the first face (of it); as prima facie evidence |
primus inter pares |
first among his equals |
pro bono publico |
for the public good |
pro forma |
for (as a matter of) form |
pro patria |
for [one’s] country |
Quaerite prime regnum Dei |
Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Newfoundland) |
Quam se ipse amans-sine rivale! |
Himself loving himself so much-without a rival! (Cicero) |
Que Transtulit Sustinet |
He who transplanted still sustains (Connecticut) |
Qui dedit benificium taceat; narret qui accepit |
Let him who has done a good deed be silent; let him who has received it tell it (Seneca) |
quid pro quo |
something for something ("tit for tat") |
rara avis |
a rare bird |
Ratio et consilium propriae ducis artes |
Reason and deliberation are the proper skills of a general |
Regnat Populus |
The people rule (Arkansas) |
Res ad triarios rediit |
The situation has come down to the triarii (Livy) |
Rex regnant sed non gubernat |
The king reigns but does not govern |
Saepe ne utile quidem est scire quid futurum sit |
Often it is not even advantageous to know what will be (Cicero) |
Salus populi suprema lex esto |
Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law (Missouri) |
Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet |
He who feared he would not succeed sat still (Horace) |
semper idem |
always the same thing |
semper paratus |
always prepared |
Sequens mirabitur aetas |
The following age will be amazed |
Si monumentum requiris circumspice |
If you see a monument, look around (Sir Christopher Wren's epitaph in St. Paul's Cathedral |
Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice |
If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you (Michigan) |
Si vis pacem, para bellum |
If you want peace, prepare for war |
sic semper tyrannis |
thus always to tyrants (Virginia) |
sine die |
without a day [being set] |
sine qua non |
without which not (a necessity) |
Splendor sine occasu |
Splendour without end (British Columbia) |
status quo |
the situation in which [it was before] |
Struit insidias lacrimis cum femina plorat |
When a woman weeps, she is setting traps with her tears (Dionysus Cato) |
sub rosa |
under the rose, i.e., in concealment |
Sub sole nihil novi est |
There's nothing new under the sun |
subpoena |
under penalty (a summons to court) |
sui generis |
of one's own kind |
summa cum laude |
with highest honor |
summum bonum |
the highest good |
sursum corda |
[lift] up [your] hearts |
Tarditas et procrstinatio odiosa est |
Delay-putting things off until tomorrow-is hateful (Cicero) |
Te Deum |
Thee, God [we praise] ; the name of a hymn |
Tempus fugit |
Time flies |
terra firma |
solid earth (as opposed to water and air) |
terra incognita |
an unknown land |
Timendi causa est nescire |
Ignorance is the cause of fear (Seneca) |
Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes |
I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts (Virgil) |
Trahimur omnes laudis studio |
We are all led on by our eagerness for praise |
Ultima Thule |
Farthest North |
una voce |
with one voice, unanimously |
Urbem latericium invenit, marmoream reliquit |
He found the city a city of bricks; he left it a city of marble (The boast of Augustus) |
urbs et orbis |
city and world |
Ut incepit fidelis sic permanet |
As loyal as she began, so she remains (Ontario) |
Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas |
Vanity of vanities, and all [is] vanity |
Velle est posse |
To be willing is to be able |
Veni, vidi, vici |
I came, I saw, I conquered (said by Caesar after Zela) |
Verbum sapienti sat est |
A word to the wise is sufficient |
Vestis virum facit |
Clothes make the man |
via media |
a middle way or course |
vice versa |
in reverse |
victoria, non praeda |
victory, not loot |
virginibus puerisque |
for girls and boys |
Virtute et armis |
By courage and by arms (Mississippi) |
Vitanda est improba siren desidia |
One must steer clear of the wicked temptress, Laziness (Horace) |
Volo, non valeo |
I am willing but unable |
vox humana |
the human voice |
Vox populi vox Dei |
The voice of the people [is] the voice of God |
A.B. (Artium Baccalaureus) |
Bachelor of Arts |
A.D. (anno domini) |
in the year of the Lord |
ad fin. (ad finem) |
near the end [of the page] |
ad lib. (ad libitum) |
at pleasure |
Ag (argentum) |
silver |
A.M. (ante meridiem |
before midday |
Au (aurum) |
gold |
A.U.C. (ab urbe condita) |
from the city's founding |
cf. (confer) |
compare |
d. (denarius) |
penny |
D.V. (Deo volente) |
God willing |
e.g. (exempli gratia) |
for [the sake of an] example |
et al. (et alii) |
and others |
etc. (et cetera) |
and the rest, and so forth |
fec. (fecit) |
he made [it] |
ibid. (ibidem) |
in the same place |
id. (idem) |
the same, i.e., as mentioned above |
i.e. (id est) |
that is |
in loc. (in loco) |
in the place |
inv. (invenit) |
he invented [it] |
lb. (libra) |
pound |
LL. D. (Legum Doctor) |
Doctor of Laws |
loc. cit. (loco citato) |
in the place cited |
M.(meridies) |
midday |
M.D. (Medicinae Doctor) |
Doctor of Medicine |
N.B. (Nota bene) |
Note well |
no. (numero) |
by number |
op. cit. (opere citato) |
in the work cited |
per cent. (per centum) |
per cent, per hundred |
Ph. D. (Philosophiae Doctor) |
Doctor of Philosophy |
P.M. (post meridiem) |
after midday |
pro tem. (pro tempore) |
for the time, temporarily |
prox. (proximo mense) |
next month |
P.S. (post scriptum) |
written after |
Q.E.D. (quod erat demonstrandum) |
Which was to be demonstrated |
q.v. (quod vide) |
which see |
S.P.Q.R. (Senatus Populusque Romanus) |
The Senate and the Roman People |
s.v. (sub vero) |
under the word |
ult. (ultimo mense) |
last month |
vs. (versus) |
against |
카페 게시글
시장정보의 장
bona fide , vice versa
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17.06.27 14:08
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