. Online Bible Study on Mondays 12/9
Pakistan Time: 7:00 PM
Korea Time: 11:00 PM
New Life Church in Seoul, Korea
When you hear the sermons of false pastors, some of them will remain in your mind, and the false words must be quickly removed from your mind.
In order to correctly understand the entire word of the Bible, you must first know that Jesus is the Creator God and the only Savior.
Those who have learned the doctrine of the Trinity cannot understand the Bible, because they think that there are three Gods the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The existence of God is not three, but one God who plays various roles.
Artificial intelligence (AI) cannot act like God; it is a scientific product created by gathering people's knowledge and wisdom.
Human beings were not created by science, we were created directly by the hands of God the Creator.
God created man out of clay and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
God's breath means the Holy Spirit (Genesis 2:7).
The Holy Spirit is Jehovah God, and that God came to the world in the flesh as Jesus.
The name of Jesus is the name of Jehovah. His spirit and word are invisible to human eyes.
But when we act according to the Lord's words, our faith becomes visible to people.
Therefore, faith without action is dead (James 2:17).
The invisible word of God is heard in the ears of the congregation through the sermon, and the believers who obey the word at that time have faith.
When they only say Amen with their mouths and do not practice it with their actions, they cannot go to heaven.
Those who hear the word of God and respond with Amen and agree must strive to live according to the word.
God's people must commit their lives to the words of the Bible. However, there are many who act contrary to the words of God.
If the servant of the Lord does not receive the Holy Spirit, he cannot fulfill his role as the servant of the Lord.
Jesus said to his disciples, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
The current state of the world is full of pastors and evangelists who are witnesses of human doctrines, and there are few witnesses of Jesus.
Many pastors today proclaim that we have already been saved.
Pastors who preach human doctrines also often quote the Bible.
However, their sermons preach that our souls have already been saved.
At that moment, their sermons go against the Bible and become useless.
Most of our country's missionaries who go abroad to do missionary work teach Calvinist doctrine.
They put up a church sign that says "Jesus Church" but what they teach is Calvinist doctrine.
There is no way to salvation in human doctrines. Rather, they deceive God's people and prevent them from being saved.
Anyone who preaches human doctrines that do not lead to salvation is a false prophet.
These people claim to have received the Holy Spirit, but in reality, they have received an evil spirit.
Those who have received an evil spirit cannot correctly interpret the Bible and claim that when a person dies, he or she becomes a demon.
Those who claim that the soul of a dead person becomes a demon hold funerals and offer flowers for the dead, such acts contradict the first and last parts.
What is the dead? The flesh is dead. The flesh is cursed and dead. When it returns to the dust, it is the end.
When the body dies and the soul comes out of the body, only those who receive the resurrection of life will enter heaven.
However, all those who do not repent will receive the resurrection of judgment and be thrown into hell.
All people, without exception, will die and either receive a resurrection of life or a resurrection of judgment (John 5:29).
There are many believers who receive the resurrection of judgment and are thrown into hell.
The resurrection of life belongs to the Holy Spirit, and the resurrection of judgment belongs to the devil.
All believers who commit sins and do not repent belong to the devil (1 John 3:8).
There is no one in the world who does not commit sin at all. If you commit sin, you automatically become on the side of the devil.
However, when you realize your sin and repent, you return to the side of God.
Since everyone is in this situation, no one is qualified to condemn others.
When others commit sins, we should not just condemn them unconditionally, but use it as an opportunity to reflect on our own lives.
You must forgive others for their sins, pray for them, and gently awaken them to turn from their sins to the Lord.
Even if you repent of your sins, your sinful nature does not completely disappear. Therefore, we must repent every day and have a humble heart.
Because everyone has a sinful nature, God gave us the Ten Commandments and the Law.
However, there is no one who is completely righteous and can be saved by keeping all the laws.
The purpose of God giving us the Law is for everyone to repent of their sins through the standards of the Law.
When we realize our sins through the Law and the Commandments and repent, we receive forgiveness from the Lord and go to heaven.
However, those who believe in human doctrines do not need the Law. Why? Because they think that their past, present, and future sins have disappeared forever.
That is why many pastors are corrupt and addicted to money, fornication, and alcohol. This is corruption.
Pastors themselves are so corrupt that they cannot rebuke the sins of their congregation.
When we point out their sins through the Bible, they unite to slander and oppose us.
The Lord has been waiting for a long time for these people to repent and return to His word.
When the limit of the Lord’s patience comes, they will all be judged and thrown into hell.
Jesus is the God of wisdom. That is why the wisdom of God comes to those who receive the Holy Spirit.
When the wisdom of the Holy Spirit comes, we interpret the Bible correctly, repent of our sins, and obey the words of wisdom.
When those who have received the Holy Spirit do not give up their greed, they follow human knowledge and become even more corrupted.
They become false prophets, false charismatics, and work with the spirit of Satan and go to hell.
Satan also shows his servants false heaven and hell and uses them as his tools.
Those who belong to Satan boast about themselves, saying, "I have seen heaven and hell! I have cast out demons, healed diseases, and raised the dead!"
But the true servants of God give all glory only to God, exalt God, and humble themselves.
All grace and thanksgiving should be given only to the Lord, because all people are instruments used by the Lord.
When someone catches a fly with a fly swatter for you, you should not be thankful to the fly swatter, but to the one who used the fly swatter.
When the Lord heals our illnesses, we should give glory to God and not to humans who were used as instruments of God.
The pastor did not shed his blood for the saints, but Jesus shed His blood of atonement for all mankind.
The Pope of the Catholic Church, Augustine, Luther, and Calvin did not shed blood of atonement, so why do many people believe in and rely on such people instead of believing in Jesus?
The "666" written in the Book of Revelation does not refer to the VeriChip, but to the spirit of Satan.
Those who are deceived by Satan claim that if they receive the VeriChip, they will go to hell. That is not true. The VeriChip is an electronic product created by advanced science.
They say that if someone repents of their sins and is washed by the blood of Jesus, they will go to hell if they receive the VeriChip.
These people create false doctrines and consider such false doctrines more important than the words of the Bible.
These pastors are not servants of God, but servants of Satan, and they are the ones who send God's people to hell.
Communists and leftists also harm Christianity. Many churches mix human doctrines with the words of the Bible.
The true gospel is only the words of the Bible. There are many churches that are like mixed wine.
Many people turn away from the words of the Lord and follow various lies, and in the end, they all perish.
When people first believe in Jesus, they repent, receive the Holy Spirit, and diligently obey the words of the Lord, but as time passes, they disobey and do not repent.
Many church members start out bearing good grapes, but later on they end up bearing wild grapes.
The Bible says that those who bear wild grapes will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
The doctrine of the Trinity is not in the Bible because it was invented by humans.
Emperor Constantine was a sun god worshipper and a pluralist.
But his mother was a Christian. He followed his mother's example and believed in God, but he had no faith in his heart.
Churches in Central and South America today worship both God and the sun god. That is why many churches are captured by Satan.
The praise of such people is not accepted by the Lord, but is the praise of the devil.
The doctrine of the Trinity sees God as three, sometimes one and sometimes three.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are called according to the type of God's work.
God is always one (1 Tim. 2:5). In the Old Testament, the only God was called Jehovah. This only God came to the world in the flesh.
God the Father came into the world in the name of the Son (Matthew 1:21; John 3:36) and also came as the only high priest for all mankind (Hebrews 6:20).
God Himself took on flesh, died on the cross, and shed His blood for atonement. Jesus' body became a sin offering and a peace offering (Rom 3:25).
Jesus was resurrected from the dead and entered heaven, and He became our eternal priest, so now the way to salvation has been opened up for everyone.
The way to salvation by the law of faith has been opened wide for those who died under the law (Galatians 2:16, 3:26).
The Jews still seek salvation in the name of Jehovah. However, they cannot be saved by the law.