-데살로니가 전서 5장 23절-
평강의 하나님이 친히 너희로 온전히 거룩하게 하시고 또 너희 온 영과 혼과 몸이 우리 주 예수 그리스도 강림하실 때에 흠없게 보전되기를 원하노라
Not quenching the Spirit but Cooperating with God
-1 Thes. 5:19- Do not quench the Spirit; (23) And the God of peace Himself sanctify
you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without
blame, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Christian life is a life inspired and stirred up by the Spirit. Throughout the day we
must have the Spirit inspiring us, stirring us, and moving and acting within us. Thus,
instead of quenching the Spirit, we need to fan the flame that is within us. The word
"quench" implies fire. The Spirit is burning within us. We should not quench this fire,
but instead we should fan it into flame.
If we would live a holy life for the church life, we must cooperate with God\'s operation.
God is now dwelling in us. The indwelling Triune God is operating within us all the time. This is the reason we should not quench the Spirit.
The inward burning of the Spirit is the operation of the Triune God within us, an operation with which we need to cooperate.
We cooperate by taking care of all the matters covered in verses 12 through 22.
On our side, we need to cooperate. On God's side, God is operating within us.
The God of peace Himself will sanctify us wholly.
The Triune God indwells, and we are the ones indwelt by Him.
Hence, there must be two sides: God's side and our side.
He operates, and we cooperate with His operation.