조상들의 공로에 의해서 입교했다
1983. 4. 3.
한국 설악산
여러분의 조상이 희생 봉사하는 생활을 많이 했거나 선한 일을 많이 하였기 때문에 그 공로의 결실체로서 통일교회에 들어오게 된 것입니다. 그러나 여러분이 선생님을 만나고 나서 그 명령에 따르지 않고 낙제생이 되면 어떻게 되는지 아십니까?
영계에 가 보십시오. 조상들이 모두 화를 냅니다. 여러분은 스스로의 노력에 의하여 통일교회에 들어왔다고 생각해서는 안됩니다. 배후의 조상들의 공로에 의해서 입교했는데 낙제해서야 되겠습니까? 우리들이 만일 영계에 가면 최초의 목적을 이룰 수 있었던 사람으로서 모심과 영광을 받아야 하는데, 뜻 길에서 낙오자가 되면 영계에 가서 설 곳이 없습니다.
선생님이 그와 같은 역사적 사명을 완수하기 위해 왔다고 하면 하나님은 상대권을 자동적으로 준비하도록 되어 있습니다. 환경을 창조하고 상대 자체를 창조하는 것은 창조원리가 아닙니다. 그러므로 선생님이 오기 전에 모두 영계에서 준비하고, 그 상대자로서 만나도록 하여 모두가 모였으니 한 순간의 안락을 탐해서는 안되겠습니다. 그런 태도는 용납되지 않습니다.
여러분은 모두 지금까지의 관념을 깨끗이 정리하고, 오늘 선생님을 통해 내려진 말씀을 중심으로 굳게 뭉쳐서 새롭게 출발할 것을 굳게 결의해야 되겠습니다.
You could Join This Movement Because of Your Ancestors
God’s Will and the World
Total Indemnity
April 3, 1973
The reason you joined the Unification movement is not that you have such great personal merit or strong faith. You could join because of your ancestors, the thousands of generations of your ancestors' sacrifice, service, and goodness for the sake of God. Therefore, what will become of you if you do not follow me and work for the nation and world? Your ancestors will be angry and accuse you of being irresponsible when you go to the spirit world; you'll have no place to go. But if you accomplish your mission and then go to spirit world, you'll be welcomed and served by your ancestors.
Remember that you came here not based on your own greatness; you've been mobilized by the spirit realm. I came here in order to accomplish a historic task, and God prepared the corresponding environment for me. It is in accordance with the principle of creation that the environment is prepared; everything in the world must go through a period of growth. Accordingly, spirit world mobilized you when I came.
Therefore, you should not lead an easy life. You should discard your habitual ways of thinking and you should set your mind on goodness; work with all your heart, remembering the standard of spirit which you received from me today.
Now let us pray.
Beloved, precious Father in heaven,
Throughout eons of history, You have established many religions in order to liberate Your grieving heart. By sacrificing many faithful central figures, You have been proceeding toward the ultimate victory of Your love. When I contemplate this history and how much indemnity was paid and how many people suffered, I feel very sorry for heaven.
You have prepared things so that we can welcome the new era. Let this Unification movement flourish on the earth. You made it possible, Heavenly Father, for Reverend Moon to come on the earth and disclose to us today these crucial words. Let us understand this message. We are grateful for You, and for this great world, and we show it by raising both our hands. We have pledged and we pledge again to march forward at the risk of our lives on any battlefield for the sake of Your will. We sincerely ask You, Father, to receive this, our resolution, with joy.
Here, representatives of many nations have gathered, beyond their own nationalities. Please guide and govern those here. You made us unite centering upon heavenly love, and You have melted together natural enemies and have been developing the sphere of love. Now we understand all these things. So we have pledged to You not to take any action which opposes the tradition of Your will, no matter what circumstances we are put in. We are grateful for the fact that we could pledge this. And please continue to encourage us so that we can become people who press on despite any persecution. We pledge to go forward effectively using our time remaining until we usher in the ideal world of Your will.
I sincerely ask You to guide us in the direction of Your will so that we can follow it unerringly. I sincerely ask this, and offer this prayer in the name of True Parents. Amen.
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