🌟 The Ultimate Guide to Cooking Oils 🍳
💡 Everything You Need to Know About Which Oils to Use for Cooking
⛔️ Margarine: Not a healthy choice. It’s heavily processed and contains trans fats, which can increase the risk of heart disease.
❌ Seed Oils (Canola, etc.): These oils are unstable when heated and can oxidize easily, leading to the production of harmful compounds.
🔍 Surprise Tip:
Avocado & Olive Oil: While these oils are often praised for their health benefits (rich in monounsaturated fats), they still contain polyunsaturated fats. When heated, they become unstable and rancid, which damages the oils and makes them unhealthy.
💪 What You Should Cook With:
Use stable, saturated oils that are solid at room temperature. These oils hold up better to heat.
🌿 Top Cooking Oils:
1️⃣ Coconut Oil: Stable and good for cooking. 🥥
2️⃣ Tallow: Rendered beef fat—ideal for cooking at higher temperatures. 🥩
3️⃣ Raw Butter: Great for moderate heat cooking. 🧈
4️⃣ Ghee: Clarified butter with a higher smoke point, perfect for high-heat cooking. 🔥
⬇️ 동영상링크
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팔로우: 대체 의학 ✅️