남동은 청렴한 회사다.
KOEN maintains high standards of integrity.
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Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values.[1][2][3] In
ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and
truthfulness or
accuracy of one's actions. Integrity can stand in opposition to
[4] in that judging with the standards of integrity involves regarding internal consistency as a virtue, and suggests that parties holding within themselves apparently conflicting values should account for the discrepancy or alter their beliefs. The word
integrity evolved from the Latin adjective
integer, meaning
whole or
[1] In this context, integrity is the inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from qualities such as
honesty and consistency of
character[5] As such, one may judge that others "have integrity" to the extent that they act according to the values, beliefs and principles they claim to hold....... from wikidipia
clean fingers 청렴
clean-fingered [kli:nf´iŋg∂rd] 청렴한
cleanliving [kli:nliviŋ] (도덕적으로)깨끗한 생활을 하는, 청렴한
godliness [g´adlinis] 경신, 경건, 청렴한 인격, 신앙심 깊은 성격
incorruptibilty [`ink∂r´∧pt∂bil∂ti] 부패하지(매수되지)않음, 청렴, 결백
incorruptible [`ink∂r´∧pt∂b∂l] 부패하지않는, 불후의, 매수되지 않는, 청렴결백한
incorruption [´ink∂r´∧p∫∂n] 부패하지 않음, 청렴, 결백(opp.corruption)
incorrupt [´ink∂r´∧pt] 타락하지 않은, 매수할수 없는, 청렴한, (언어가)순정한, (사본등이)잘못이 없는
probity [pr´oub∂ti] 성실, 청렴
rectitude [r´ekt∂tj`u:d] 정직, 청렴, (판단 등의)정확, 곧음
rectitudinous [r`ekt∂tj´u:dn∂s] 청렴한체하는
righteous [r´ait∫∂s] (도덕적으로)바른, 정의의, 공정한, 정직한, 청렴강직한, 유덕한, 바른(정의의)사람, 유덕한 사람, 정당한, 당연한, 지당한, ~ly
clean-handed image 청렴이미지, 깨끗한 공직자상
rectitude 정직, 청렴, 올바름, 정확
rectitude 정직,청렴
Even the most relentless and searching investigations by or political opponents could uncover no evidence that challenged our reputation for complete probity.
정치적으로 우리와 반대 입장에 잇는 사람들이 아무리 철저하고 엄중하게 조사해도 우리가 전적으로 청렴하다는 평판에 금이 가는 증거는 드러나지 않을 것이다.
Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all.
모든 사람은 그의 청렴을 당연하게 생각했기 때문에 그의 횡령에 모두 충격을 받았다.
incorruption 청렴결백,부패하지않음
uncorrupt 청렴한
제46조 ①국회의원은 청렴의 의무가 있다.
Article 46
(1) Members of the National Assembly shall have the duty to maintain high standards of integrity.
integrity violation: 청렴의무위반
he is as clean as a whistle 호루라기처럼 깨끗하다(매우 청렴함을 의미)