서류접수기간 |
2013년 08월 21일(수)부터 2013년 09월 03일(화)23:59까지 마감일은 기업의 사정으로 예고없이 변경 가능성이 있습니다. |
Code Compliance Officer
(Bayer HealthCare PH/CC/DC/AH) - 14개월 계약직
1. 업무개요
1) Compliance
- Implements all code compliance activities initiated or delegated by the Compliance Officer
(including those originally initiated by the global Compliance Functions) in the area of Bayer HealthCare
- Handles all code compliance matters in the local Bayer HealthCare business subject to Code requirements
under supervision of the Bayer HealthCare Compliance Manager
- Develops country specific standards and procedures in regard to code compliance matters in alignment with
globally set standards
- Develops and Implements country specific communication initiatives in the area of code compliance
- Coordinates and Performs a country specific training and tracks training in regard to code compliance matters
- Takes appropriate action steps to mitigate identified risks in regard to code compliance matters
- Manage and administer the compliance related data as given by Compliance Officer/Compliance Function
- Review all agreements which may directly or indirectly result in payments to Healthcare Professionals
- Support global compliance program in the area of Bayer HealthCare together with Compliance Function
2) nternal co-work
- Advises and guides Bayer HealthCare management in all code compliance related areas
- Keep close communication with field forces in order to detect need for new/further compliance requirements
and feedback to Legal and Compliance function
- Participates on a regular basis in local leadership team meetings as well as teleconferences and workshops
by Global Compliance functions concerning code compliance matters in alignment with the Compliance
- Participates on a regular basis in teleconferences, workshops, team meetings or Compliance Community
meetings as arranged and/or headed by Compliance Officer
3) External co-work
- Engages in local trade associations (code compliance work streams) and manages all mandatory reporting
- Supports the correspondence to the government authority (KFTC, KFDA, MOHW)
2. 응시자격
- Full university degree
- Law, audit or investigation related degree or certification is preferred
- Professional experience in the pharmaceutical industry, preferably over 1 year of experience
- Experience of taking charge of code compliance function of a company
- Good didactics/teaching and presentation skills
- Adequate proficiency in English (reading and speaking)
- Strong interpersonal and analytical skills
- Trustworthy and reliable
3. 근무지
- 서울 신대방동
4. 계약기간
- 2013년 10월 1일~2014년 11월 30일(14개월)
5. 접수기간 및 접수방법
1) 접수기간
- 2013년 08월 21일 (수) ~ 2013년 09월 03일 (화) 까지
2) 접수방법
- 당사 홈페이지 접수 이용
제목 | 구분 | 마감일 | 조회수 |
Code Compliance Officer (Bayer HealthCare PH/CC/DC/AH) - 14개월 계약직 | ![]() |
2013-09-03 (화) | 9 |
Medical Project Manager (CRA) | ![]() |
2013-08-30 (금) | 29 |
Medical Scientific Liaison (MSL) for Xarelto | ![]() |
2013-08-25 (일) | 34 |
홈페이지 지원 | ![]() [홈페이지 지원하기] 버튼을 누르시면 회사 홈페이지로 이동합니다. |
대표전화 | 02-829-6600 | 대표팩스 | 02-836-7985 |
매출액 | 3,427억 8,600만원 | 회사설립일 | 1989.10.01 |
회사주소 | (156-712) 서울 동작구 신대방2동 395-62 삼성보라매옴니타워 6층 | ||
홈페이지 | www.bayer.co.kr/ |
인턴비 | 초대졸초임 | 기준년도 | 대졸초임 | 상여금 | 월급날 |
120 | -- | 2012 | 2,300 | -- | -- |
학교 | 학부 | 학과 | 학점 | 토익 | 오픽 | 토스 | 자격증 | 연수 | 인턴 | 봉사 |
명지대학교(서울) | 사회과학 | 행정학과 | 3.4/4.5 | 935 | IH | 없음 | X | O | O |
구분 | 면접질문 | 합격연도 |
일반면접 | 일을 하는 도중 스카웃제의가 들어온다면 어떻게 할 것인가? | 2010년 하반기 |
일반면접 | 만약 고객이 나를 무시하거나 자존심을 상하게 한다면 어떻게 대처 할 것인가? | 2010년 하반기 |