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자유 게시판 스크랩 [슈피겔] 독일인들은 과거의 죄과로부터 여전히 풀려나오지 못하고 있다.
허행민 추천 1 조회 220 12.06.24 15:01 댓글 2
게시글 본문내용

독일 시사주간지 슈피겔에 실린 Daniel Barenboim이라는 유대계 아르헨티나 음악지휘자와의 인터뷰 내용이

다. 이 양반, 주장하는 내용이-이스라엘 정부 입장에서는-매우 과격하다. 그는 이스라엘이 1967년부터 "또

라이"가 되었다고 주장한다. 이스라엘은 자신이 점령한 지역을 "실지 회복"의 개념으로 이해하고 있으며, 오

늘날 이스라엘은 우익과 정통파 유대교인들에 의해 통치되고 있다고 비판하고 있다. 이스라엘의 위정자들은

유럽에서의 반시오니즘을 팔레스타인 문제와 결부시키려 한다고 날카롭게 비판하고 있다. 

이스라엘이 진정으로 안전을 보장받기 위해서는 팔레스타인을 받아들이지 않으면 안됨을 설파하며, 또한 독

일인들은 단지 자신들이 유대인들의 탄압과 대량학살 때문에, 그리고 반시오니즘이라는 어두운 과거때문에 

이스라엘의 외교정책에 대해서 이렇다 할 목소리를 내지 못함을 적시하며, 세계 여론이 이스라엘이 대해서 

비판적인데, 그럼 반시오니즘이 세계적 으로 널리 퍼져 있는 것이니냐며 오히려 매서운 질문을 던지고 있는 


일독하면 매우 재미있는 인터뷰 기사이다.  

SPIEGEL Interview with Daniel Barenboim'The Germans Are Prisoners of Their Past'

Photo Gallery: SPIEGEL Interview with Daniel Barenboim

World-famous Argentine-Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim is noted for his strong views on the 

Middle East peace process and for performing Wagner's music in Israel. In a SPIEGEL interview, he 

explains why the Israeli antipathy toward Wagner is grotesque and argues that Israel shouldn't 

depend too much on Germany and the US for support.


SPIEGEL: Mr. Barenboim, why are you fighting to perform the music of Richard Wagner in Israel? No other 

composer is as hated there as this anti-Semitic German composer.

Barenboim: It saddens me that official Israel so doggedly refuses to allow Wagner to be performed -- as 
was the case, once again, at the University of Tel Aviv two weeks ago -- because I see it as a symptom of 
a disease. The words I'm about to use are harsh, but I choose them deliberately: There is a politicization 
of the remembrance of the Holocaust in Israel, and that's terrible.

SPIEGEL: Please explain what you mean.

Barenboim: When I came to Israel from Argentina in 1952, as a 10-year-old, no one talked about the 

Holocaust. The catastrophe was still much too close for the survivors, and young Israelis wanted to create 

a new Judaism. They wanted to show that Jews were not only able to be artists and bankers, but could also

 pursue farming and sports. They looked forward and didn't want to talk about the suffering of their parents.

SPIEGEL: When did that change?

Barenboim: With the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961. Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion thought 

at the time, and rightly so, that it was necessary for the Israelis to experience, based on the example of a

 perpetrator, what had happened there. Seeing all the savagery, coldness and inhumanity of the Shoah in 

this individual, Eichmann, was unbelievable. It was the first time that I, like all my school friends, thought 

about World War II in detail. Suddenly they were saying: We have to do something so that this sort of thing 

will never happen again.

SPIEGEL: What was wrong with that?

Barenboim: Nothing, of course, but a misunderstanding also arose at the time, namely that the Holocaust, 

from which the Jews' ultimate claim to Israel was derived, and the Palestinian problem had something to do 

with each other. Six years after the Eichmann trial, the Six-Day War erupted, and after that war Israel was 

different than before. Whereas there had been no political opposition to the government's development policy 

until then, a fierce debate suddenly began after the 1967 victory: Should Israel return the occupied territories 

or not? The Orthodox Jews even said that they weren't occupied territories, but Biblical regions that had been liberated! An enormous alliance started growing after that, the same alliance of the right and the Orthodox 

Jews that rules Israel today.

SPIEGEL: What does that have to do with Richard Wagner?

Barenboim: Well, since the Six-Day War, Israeli politicians have repeatedly established a connection between European anti-Semitism and the fact that the Palestinians don't accept the founding of the State of Israel. But

that's absurd! The Palestinians weren't primarily anti-Semitic. They just didn't accept their expulsion. But European 

anti-Semitism goes much further back than to the partition of Palestine and the establishment of Israel in 1948.

It even goes further back than the Holocaust. Just think of the pogroms in Russia and in Ukraine, the Dreyfus 

affair in France and anti-Semite Richard Wagner. There is no connection between the Palestinian problem and 

European anti-Semitism, except that the Palestinians are now expected to pay for historic sins. There are 

probably many people in Israel who believe that Wagner, who died in 1883, lived in Berlin in 1942 and was 

friends with Hitler.

SPIEGEL: His daughter-in-law Winifred made up for that later on. She was a confidante of Hitler, and the dictator 

was a constant guest at Bayreuth, home of the annual Bayreuth Festival, which celebrates Wagner's operas.

Barenboim: I have the greatest respect for the survivors of the Holocaust. We can't even imagine what these 

people went through. And yet even they have differing positions. Take, for example, that of my friend Imre 

Kert?sz, the Hungarian poet, who is also a Holocaust survivor. We had hardly known each other for two weeks 

when he said to me: Can you get me tickets for Bayreuth? I respect that there are survivors who can't, and 

certainly don't want to, listen to this music. But I don't accept that the fact that an orchestra playing Wagner in 

Tel Aviv or Jerusalem would do any harm to someone sitting in an apartment in Haifa.

SPIEGEL: What fascinates you about Wagner? Why does he impress intellectuals so much?

Barenboim: Wagner exploited all forms of expression‎! at a composer's disposal -- harmony, dynamics, 

orchestration -- to the extreme. His music is highly emotional, and at the same time Wagner has extraordinary 

control over the effect he achieves. That's why there is also something manipulative about Wagner's music, 

which is not to say that it's not honest. In fact, I believe that it's totally honest, but it also happens to be 


SPIEGEL: Does that also explain the Nazis' affinity for his music?

Barenboim: Wagner can't be held directly responsible for that connection. But Wagner was a terrible 

anti-Semite. His 1850 essay, "Judaism in Music," is one of the worst anti-Semitic pamphlets of all time. 

Hitler made Wagner into a prophet. But Hitler, of course, reinterpreted even the worst things Wagner wrote 

about the Jews in a way for which Wagner cannot be held responsible. I understand, of course, the 

associations with the Nazis some people have when they hear something like "Lohengrin."

SPIEGEL: How exactly did it come about that you and your West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, which consists 

of young Arab and Israeli musicians, performed Wagner?

Barenboim: The musicians wanted it. I said: Sure, but we have to talk about it. It's a tricky decision. It was 

important to me that we didn't convince any of the musicians to play the music against their will.

SPIEGEL: Did the initiative come from the Arabs?

Barenboim: On the contrary. It was the Israelis. The Israeli brass players. Wagner is pretty heavy on the 

brass section. But I explained the musical importance of Wagner to the orchestra. As a musician, you can't 

simply ignore him.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Barenboim, are you an Israeli patriot?

Barenboim: What's an Israeli patriot? What is there to be proud of today? How can you be a patriot in a 

country that has occupied foreign territory for the last 45 years? One that isn't capable of accepting that there 

is also another account of the last 60 years. Yes, the Palestinians could have accepted the partition of Palestine 

on Nov. 29, 1947, and that was precisely what they didn't do, because they thought the partition was unjust. 

Why can't we accept that as a historic fact and turn the page? It's just inhuman.

SPIEGEL: You're lenient with the Arabs, but Israel's neighbors behave in hostile ways. Didn't Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad say that he wanted to wipe the "Zionist entity" off the map?

Barenboim: I'm not na?ve. I know perfectly well that there isn't a single Arab or Muslim in the world who would 

say: There has to be a Jewish state in the Middle East. But why should they say that? Israel's strategy cannot 

be to constantly confront the Palestinians with the history of the Holocaust, but instead to show them that Israel 

is a reality. We have made mistakes and you've made mistakes, but we're here and you're here. Let's make 

peace, with justice for all. It's probably too late for that. But who knows?

SPIEGEL: Why does this conflict seem to be so intractable?

Barenboim: Because the whole world doesn't see it for what it really is. In truth, everyone knows how this story 
ends: Israel's withdrawal to the 1967 borders and a viable solution to the questions of (the status of) Jerusalem,
the borders and the returnees. But it isn't a conflict that can be resolved politically or even militarily. It's a human conflict in which two nations are deeply convinced that they are entitled to the same piece of land. We don't need 
a Middle East Quartet consisting of the United Nations, the Russians, the Europeans and the Americans. We need 
a psychiatrist.

SPIEGEL: And that would help?

Barenboim: I'm sure that there are many Israelis who dream of waking up one day to find the Palestinians 

gone. And there are many Palestinians who dream of going to bed at night and waking up the next morning to 

find the Israelis gone. If a man dreams about sleeping with Marilyn Monroe, he's certainly entitled to that. But 

when he wakes up, he has to acknowledge that he is married to someone else.

Part 2: 'It Isn't the Bomb that Makes Israel Secure'

SPIEGEL: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently governs with a two-thirds majority in the Knesset, which 

is unusual for a parliamentary democracy. Does it worry you that Israel no longer has a real opposition?

Barenboim: I believe that the biggest mistake made by the last governments was that they had no real strategy, 

and that they were actually operating in a merely tactical way: You promise me this and I'll promise you that. In 

the long term, Israel's security rests on only one pillar: the Palestinians' acceptance of the country. It isn't the 

atom bomb that makes Israel secure.

SPIEGEL: How do feel about the fact that Germany has provided Israel with submarines that are apparently 

equipped with nuclear missiles?

Barenboim: All I can say is that it's absurd to ban Wagner while buying German submarines at the same time. 

Germany has dealt with its past in exemplary ways. That's the only reason I can live in Germany as a Jew. But 

as impressed and grateful I am about this ability to address the past, I can also see that the Germans are 

prisoners of their past. Germany will never be a real, free thinking and free feeling friend of Israel, because it 

will always fall under this shadow. Look at how the world felt about Israel and the Palestinians 40, 20 and 10 

years ago, and how it feels today. The reaction of many Israelis is that the world has always been against them. 

But I don't believe that the entire world is constantly anti-Semitic. Rarely have morality and strategy gone 

hand-in-hand in quite the same way as in our conflict. There are many Palestinians who would have been 

willing to accept the reality of Israel. The pessimists say today that the time for two-state solutions is over. 

If that's true, do we seriously believe that a single country can function on Palestinian territory, after all the

hate that's been sown? If we continue in this vein, we won't have any solution at all.

SPIEGEL: It's been said that German Chancellor Angela Merkel has a lot of influence on Netanyahu. Do you 

think the chancellor takes full advantage of this?

Barenboim: I have put the following question to three German chancellors, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schr?der 

and Angela Merkel: Given our shared history, which extends well beyond the 12 terrible years between 1933 

and 1945, don't you think that you should help the Jews solve their conflict with the Palestinians? All three 

had the same response: How do you envision that? How can a German chancellor tell the Israelis how to 


their conflicts?

SPIEGEL: Do you feel reassured by Merkel's statement that Israel's security is part of Germany's national 


Barenboim: It's a moral statement that I believe is 100 percent honest. But history shows that the marriage 

between morality and politics is a shaky one. If I were the Israeli prime minister, I wouldn't rely on such a 

statement in the long term. There's a historic reason for that: It was France that made it possible for Israel to 

develop a nuclear program in the 1950s. But in the 1960s, (then President Charles) de Gaulle realized that 

this was contrary to France's strategic interests, because the French needed oil from the Arabs. So he said: 

That's enough.

SPIEGEL: And Israel turned to the United States.

Barenboim: And that's exactly where Israel is today. It's something like the US's 51st state. The Israeli 

government should be concerned about that. Yes, Israel has a strong lobby in Washington. At the same 

time, however, I see how America's hegemony is shrinking and how much the world's economic growth is 

shifting to completely different countries, like China, India and Brazil. I ask myself: Where exactly is the Jewish 

lobby in Beijing, New Delhi and Brasilia?

SPIEGEL: In July, you and your West-Eastern Divan Orchestra will give guest performances in London, where you 

will perform all Beethoven's symphonies, including the Ninth on the opening day of the Olympics. Isn't this an act of 

bold confidence?

Barenboim: Of course. Israelis and Arabs each make up 40 percent of the orchestra, and none of them represents 

his government. We are a thinking alternative.

SPIEGEL: Or a real utopia.

Barenboim: I prefer to look at it like alternative medicine. It doesn't work that quickly, but it works differently. An 

Israeli who thinks that his government is doing everything right wouldn't join the Divan Orchestra in the first place. That's why those Arabs who don't allow our country to perform in their countries are making a mistake. They don't 

want to differentiate among different groups of Israelis. They also attack me constantly.

SPIEGEL: Most recently in April, when Qatar excluded you from a festival.

Barenboim: That was because of the situation in Syria. The concerts were delayed. But many Arabs haven't 

learned anything from the great Edward Said, with whom I founded the orchestra, namely that the Palestinians 

cannot deny the Holocaust. I understand it completely when Palestinians boycott Israeli institutions. But I don't understand why they would boycott individual Israelis who expressly distance themselves from the Israeli 


SPIEGEL: You had to give a concert in Gaza City last year without the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra. Instead, you 

took along musicians from the Berlin Staatskapelle and the Berlin and Vienna Philharmonic. But at least you got in.

Barenboim: And I received what was probably the nicest compliment of my musical career. A man there thanked 

me so effusively and so many times for our performance that, at some point, I had to ask him why he was so 

happy. He said: "We feel like the world has forgotten us. We receive aid supplies, and we're grateful for that. But 

the fact that you have come here with your orchestra gives us the feeling that we are human beings."

SPIEGEL: Mr. Barenboim, thank you for this interview.

Interview conducted by Joachim Kronsbein and Bernhard Zand. Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan.

  • 12.06.25 01:48

    첫댓글 이런 전향적 사고를 하는 유대인들도 상당 수 있습니다. 그러나 이스라엘리한 국가의 정체성을 나타내고, 대외정치,군사적 입장을 결정하는 것은 강경 유대인들입니다. 휴머니즘에 근거한 팔레스타인과의 공존은 구호에 그치고 말 것 입니다. 세계가 유대인을 왜 혐오하느냐? 홀로코스트라는 사건의 진위여부, 규모의 침소봉대 여부를 떠나 홀로코스트가 그들의 팔레스타인 주민들에 대한 잔학행위에 정당성을 부여한다는 주장을 하고, 세계 경제 와 정치에 부정적인 영향을 기치고 있기 때문입니다. 누구도 이스라엘민족에게 팔레스타인을 떠나라고 강요한 민족,적이 없었고, 자발적으로 돈 과 안락한 생활을 위해 떠나, 가는 곳마다 그나라

  • 12.06.25 01:53

    정체성에 혼란을 주고, 국가개념 없이 금권을 이용해 탐욕을 채우고, 인명을 해쳐온 죄악 때문에 유대인에 대한 혐오가 점차 확산되는 것 입니다. 모르죠 이런 전향적 사고를 가진 유대인들이 주류를 형성해, 팔레스타인 인들과 공생의 길을 갈 날이 있을지, 하지만 그 길은 요원하며, 그렇기 때문에 너무도 당연한 주장을 하는 유대인 예술가의 휴머니즘에 기초한 인터뷰가 기사화되는 것 입니다.
