My family is farther, mother, two elder sisters and one younger sister and one younger brother.
My farter is 65 year-old. He worked for a auto engineer for all his life.
My mother is 61 year-old. This year she's 60th birthday anniversary.
My three sisters are married.
My first elder sister has a two children. She lives in Gongreung-dong.
My second elder sister has a one child. She lives in Suwon.
My younger sister has no child. Because she's newly-married. She has worked for a shipping company. She lives in near my home.
My younger brother graduated from college this year and he would like to study a computer program. So, he goes to a computer academy.
Before I think that we have a big family, but now, I don't think that.
Thesesdays, I much think that my family is more precious.
I would like to well treat my family. |
There is my father, mother, two elder sisters, a younger sister and a younger brother in my family. My family is farther, mother, two elder sisters and one younger sister and one younger brother.
My farter father is 65 years-old. He worked for as an auto engineer for all his life.
My mother is 61 years-old. This year she will celebrate her 61st birthday she's 60th birthday anniversary.
All of Mmy three sisters are married.
My first elder eldest sister has a two children. She lives in Gongreung-dong.
My second elderest sister has a one child. She lives in Suwon.
My younger sister has no children. Bbecause she's newly-married. She has worksed for a shipping company. She lives in near my houseme.
My younger brother graduated from college this year and he would like to study a computer programming. So, he goes to a computer academy.
Before I used to think that we hadve a big family, but now, I don't think like that anymore.
Thesesdays, I much think that my family is more precious than anything else in my life.
I would like to well treat my family well. |