#시와그림 #존경과사랑의마음 #사랑의힘 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 He made it possible for different people to sing one song with one heart. #possible #one_song #one_heart He touched the hearts of people and made God's heart happy. #hearts A heart of respect and love. #respect
#시와그림 #존경과사랑의마음 #사랑의힘 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 He made it possible for different people to sing one song with one heart. #possible #one_song #one_heart He touched the hearts of people and made God's heart happy. #hearts A heart of respect and love. #respect
#시와그림 #존경과사랑의마음 #사랑의힘 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 He made it possible for different people to sing one song with one heart. #possible #one_song #one_heart He touched the hearts of people and made God's heart happy. #hearts A heart of respect and love. #respect
첫댓글 한평생 살아온 놀라운 삶의 여정기쁜 만남과 아쉬운 헤어짐 속에소중하게 간직하며 추억할 수 있어오늘 영광을 함께 보고 누립니다