大方廣佛華嚴經 卷第二
The Flower Ornament Scripture
1. The Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the Worlds
七, 大衆의 得法과 讚佛 함께한 대중들이 부처님의 덕을 찬탄하다.
1, 十地位衆 십지위(十地位)를 표한 대중들이 찬탄하다
(6) 第五地의 自在天王
제 5지를 표한 자재천의 자재천왕을 찬탄하다
가, 天王衆의 得法자재천 천왕들이 얻은 법
復次自在天王은 得現前成熟無量衆生自在藏解脫門하고 善目主天王은 得觀察一切衆生樂하야 令入聖境界樂解脫門하고
Furthermore, the celestial king Sovereign Freedom had found the door of liberation of the treasury of freedom manifestly developing and maturing innumerable sentient beings. Celestial king Sublime Eye Lord found the door of liberation examining the pleasures of all sentient beings and causing them to enter the pleasure of the realm of sages. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
또 다음 자재천왕은 눈앞에서 한량없는 중생들을 성숙시켜서 자재하게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 선목주(善目主) 천왕은 모든 중생의 즐거움을 관찰해서 성인경계의 즐거움에 들어가게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Furthermore ad.또
the celestial king Sovereign Freedom : 자재천왕
the door of liberation : 해탈문
treasury n.보고 manifestly ad.명백히 develop v.개발하다. mature v.발달시키다. innumerable a.한량없는 sentient beings n.중생
Celestial king Sublime Eye Lord : 선목주(善目主) 천왕
examine v.고찰하다. all sentient beings : 모든 중생 pleasure n.즐거움
the realm of sages : 성인의 경계
Moreover, Celestial King Self-Mastery gained a passage into liberation of making use of a treasure trove of freedom and ease in appearing before countless sentient beings and bringing them to maturation. Celestial King Lord Good Eyes gained a passage into liberation of contemplating the joys of all sentient beings and then helping them to experience the joy found in the realm of sages. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
妙寶幢冠天王은 得隨諸衆生의 種種欲解하야 令起行解脫門하고 勇猛慧天王은 得普攝爲一切衆生所說義解脫門하고
Celestial king Beautiful Jewel Banner Crown found the door of liberation causing all sentient beings to initiate practices according to their various inclinations and understandings. Celestial king Courageous Intelligence found the door of liberation holding together all the doctrines preached for the benefit of sentient beings. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
묘보당관(妙寶幢冠) 천왕은 모든 중생의 갖가지 욕망과 이해를 따라서 행을 일으키게 하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 용맹혜(勇猛慧) 천왕은 일체중생을 위해서 말한 뜻을 널리 거두어 들이는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Celestial king Beautiful Jewel Banner Crown : 묘보당관(妙寶幢冠) 천왕
initiate v.시작하다. practice n.행함, 실행 according to ~에 따라
various a.다양한 inclination n.좋아함, 경향, 성향 understanding n.이해
Celestial king Courageous Intelligence : 용맹혜(勇猛慧) 천왕
hold together v.결합시키다. doctrine n.교리, 학설 preach v.설하다.
benefit n.이익
Celestial King Crown like a Banner of Wonderful Jewels gained a passage into liberation of rousing sentient beings to action by complying with their various desires and understandings. Celestial King Courageous Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of universally gathering in all sentient beings and explaining principles to them. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
妙音句天王은 得憶念如來廣大慈하야 增進自所行解脫門하고 妙光幢天王은 得示現大悲門하야 摧滅一切憍慢幢解脫門하고
Celestial king Wonderful Sound Phrases found the door of liberation remembering the compassion of the Buddha and increasing progress in his own practice. Celestial king Subtle Light Banner found the door of liberation of manifesting the door of great compassion and smashing down the banner of all pride and conceit. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
묘음구(妙音句) 천왕은 여래의 넓고 큰 자비를 기억해서 자신의 행할 바를 증장시키는 해탈문을 얻었고, 묘광당(妙光幢) 천왕은 큰 자비의 문을 보여서 모든 교만의 깃대를 꺾어 없애는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Celestial king Wonderful Sound Phrases : 묘음구(妙音句) 천왕
remember v.기억하다. compassion n.자비, 동정 increase v.증가시키다.
progress n.진보, 발달
Celestial king Subtle Light Banner : 묘광당(妙光幢) 천왕
manifest v.명백히 하다. smash down v.세게내려치다. pride and conceit n.교만
Celestial King Phrases of Sublime Sounds gained a passage into liberation of advancing in his own practice by recollecting the Thus Come Ones' vast kindness. Celestial King Banner of Splendid Light gained a passage into liberation of revealing the gate of great compassion that can subjugate the arrogance of some beings, who wear it like a banner. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
寂靜境天王은 得調伏一切世間瞋害心解脫門하고 妙輪莊嚴幢天王은 得十方無邊佛이 隨憶念悉來赴解脫門하고
Celestial king Realm of Peace found the door of liberation conquering the malicious attitudes of all people. Celestial king Array of Splendid Discs Banner found the door of liberation of all the infinite Buddhas of the ten directions coming whenever they are remembered.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
적정경(寂靜境) 천왕은 모든 세간의 성내고 해치는 마음을 조복하는 해탈문을 얻었고, 묘륜장엄당(妙輪莊嚴幢) 천왕은 시방의 한량없는 부처님이 기억을 따라서 다 오시는 해탈문을 얻었고,
Celestial king Realm of Peace : 적정경(寂靜境) 천왕
conquer v.정복하다. malicious a.악의 있는 attitude n.태도
Celestial king Array of Splendid Discs Banner : 묘륜장엄당(妙輪莊嚴幢 천왕,Celestial King Banner Embellished with Wonderful Wheels)
infinite a.한량없는 ten directions :시방
Celestial King Realm of Quiescence gained a passage into liberation of subduing all hatred and malice among beings in the world. Celestial King Banner Embellished with Wonderful Wheels gained a passage into liberation of being able, by remembering countless Buddhas of the ten directions, tohave them come to where he is.
華光慧天王은 得隨衆生心念하야 普現成正覺解脫門하고 因陀羅妙光天王은 得普入一切世間하는 大威力自在法解脫門하시니라
Celestial king Flower Light Wisdom found the door of liberation of everywhere manifesting perfect enlightenment according to the minds and thoughts of sentient beings. Celestial king Sublime Light of Indra found the door of liberation of independence of great awesome power to enter all worlds.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
화광혜(華光慧) 천왕은 중생의 마음을 따라서 정각(正覺) 이루는 것을 널리 나타내는 해탈문을 얻었고, 인다라묘광(因陀羅妙光) 천왕은 모든 세간에 널리 들어가는 큰 위력이 자재한 해탈문을 얻었다.
Celestial king Flower Light Wisdom : 화광혜(華光慧) 천왕
found the door of liberation of everywhere manifesting
perfect enlightenment : 정각(正覺)
Celestial king Sublime Light of Indra : 인다라묘광(因陀羅妙光) 천왕
independence n.독립 great awesome power : 큰 위력 all worlds : 모든 세간
Celestial King Flower Light Wisdom gained a passage into liberation of universally manifesting the realization of Proper Enlightenment according to the thoughts of sentient beings. Celestial King Indra's Wonderful Brightness gained a passage into liberation of entering all worlds by means of great awesome strength and masterful methods. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
나, 偈頌讚歎자재천천왕의 찬탄
爾時에 自在天王이 承佛威力하사 普觀一切自在天衆하고 而說頌言하사대
At that time the Celestial king Sovereign Freedom, imbued with the majestic power of the Buddha, surveyed all the celestial hosts of the heavens of freedom and said in verse:<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
그때 자재천왕이 부처님의 위신력을 받들어 모든 자재천 대중들을 두루 살피고 게송으로 말하였다.
the Celestial king Sovereign Freedom : 자재천왕
imbue with : 스며들게 하다. 받들다. the majestic power : 위신력 survey v.살피다. the heavens of freedom : 자재천
At that time, Celestial King Self-Mastery received the Buddha's awesome spiritual power, universally contemplated the multitudes of the Heavens of Self-Mastery, and spoke the following verse: <B.T.T.S.번역본>
佛身周徧等法界하사 普應衆生悉現前이라
種種敎門常化誘하사 於法自在能開悟로다
The Buddha Body is all-pervasive, equal to the cosmos.
It manifests in response to all sentient beings;
With various teachings he is always guiding:
Master of Teaching, he is able to enlighten.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
부처님의 몸이 두루한 것이 법계와 같아서
중생들에게 널리 응하여 다 앞에 나타남이라
갖가지 가르침으로 항상 교화하사
모든 법에 자재하게 깨닫게 하네
pervasive a.널리 미치는 equal a.동등한 the cosmos : 법계
in response~응답으로 enlighten v.깨닭게하다.
The Buddha's body is pervasive and equal to the Dharma Realm.
Universally responding to beings, he appears before them all,
Offering various ways to enter the teachings as he transforms and guides them,
So that they will attain ease in the Dharma and reach enlightenment.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
世間所有種種樂에 聖寂滅樂爲最勝일새
住於廣大法性中케하시니 妙眼天王觀見此로다
Of the various pleasures of the world,
The pleasure of holy tranquility is supreme;
Abiding in the vast essence of reality:
Sublime Eye sees this.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
세간에 있는 갖가지 즐거움 중에
성스러운 적멸락(寂滅樂)이 가장 훌륭하여
넓고 큰 법성(法性) 중에 머물게 하니
묘안천왕이 이것을 보았네
The pleasure of holy tranquility : 성스러운 적멸락
supreme a.최고의 Abide in v.머무르다. vast a.넓은 essence of reality : 법성 Sublime Eye : 묘안천왕
Among the different joys in the world,
The quiescent bliss of the sages is the most supreme.
Abiding in the profuse vastness of the Dharma nature,
Celestial King Wondrous Eyes perceives thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
如來出現徧十方이여 普應群心而說法하사
一切疑念皆除斷하시니 此妙幢冠解脫門이로다
The Buddha appears throughout the ten directions.
Universally responding to all hearts, teaching the truth―
All doubting thoughts are cut off:
This is the door of liberation of Beautiful Banner Crown.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래께서 온 시방에 출현하시어
널리 중생들의 마음을 따라 설법하사
모든 의심을 다 끊어 없애시니
이것은 묘당관천왕의 해탈문이로다
throughout~ 도처에 Universally ad.널리 Beautiful Banner Crown : 묘당관천왕
The Thus Come One appears throughout the ten directions.
He speaks Dharma by universally responding to the hearts of the masses.
All doubts are vanquished and severed:
This is the passage into liberation of Wonderful Banner-like Crown.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
諸佛徧世演妙音이여 無量劫中所說法을
能以一言咸說盡하시니 勇猛慧天之解脫이로다
The Buddhas speak of the wondrous sound throughout the world;
The teachings spoken over countless ages
Can all be expounded in a single word:
This is the liberation of Courageous Intelligence. <Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 부처님이 온 세상에 미묘한 소리를 편 것은
한량없는 겁 동안 법을 설하심이라
능히 한 말로써 다 설하시니
용맹혜천왕의 해탈이로다
wondrous sound : 미묘한 소리 countless ages : 한량없는 겁(countless eons)
Courageous Intelligence : 용맹혜천왕
Buddhas throughout all worlds communicate with wondrous sounds.
The Dharma spoken throughout countless eons
Can be wholly expressed in a single sentence.
Courageous Wisdom god is liberated thus. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
世間所有廣大慈가 不及如來一毫分이라
佛慈如空不可盡이시니 此妙音天之所得이로다
All the great kindness in the world
Cannot equal a hair tip of the Buddha's.
The Buddha's kindness is inexhaustible as space:
This is the realization of Wonderful Sound.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
세간에 있는 광대한 자비가
여래의 털 하나에도 못 미침이라
부처님의 자비는 허공과 같아서 다할 수 없으니
이것은 묘음천왕의 얻은 바로다
All the great kindness : 광대한 자비 inexhaustible a.무진장한
realization n.깨달음 Wonderful Sound : 묘음천왕
The immense kindness of all those in the world
Does not measure up to the tiniest fraction of the Thus Come One's kindness.
Like space, the Buddha's kindness is inexhaustible.
This is the achievement of the god Sublime Sounds.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
一切衆生慢高山을 十力摧殄悉無餘여
此是如來大悲用이시니 妙光幢王所行道로다
Completely demolishing in all quarters,
The mountains of pride of all beings,
This is the function of the great compassion of the Buddha:
This is the path traveled by Subtle Light Banner.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
모든 중생들의 교만의 높은 산을
십력(十力)으로 남김없이 다 꺾음이라
이것은 여래의 큰 자비의 작용이니
이 도(道)는 보광당천왕이 행했도다
completely ad.완전히, 철저히 demolish v. 부수다. function n.작용 path n.도, 길
travel v.나아가다 Subtle Light Banner : 보광당천왕
The arrogance of sentient beings, towering as a mountain,
Is completely vanquished without residue by the Ten Powers.
This function of the Thus Come One's great compassion
Is the way practiced by the King Banner of Splendid Light. <B.T.T.S.번역본>
慧光淸淨滿世間이여 若有見者除癡闇하야
令其遠離諸惡道케하시니 寂靜天王悟斯法이로다
The light of wisdom, pure, fills the world;
Any who see it are relieved of ignorance
And cause to leave to evil ways:
Realm of Peace realizes this truth.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
지혜의 광명이 청정해서 세간에 충만함이여
만약 그것을 보는 이는 어리석음을 제거하여
모든 악도를 멀리 떠나게 하시니
적정천왕이 이 법을 깨달았네
pure a.청정한 relieve v.구원하다. ignorance n.무지
evil ways n.악도 Realm of Peace : 적정천왕
Pure light of wisdom fills beings in all worlds.
Those who see it cast out ignorance and darkness,
Which enables them to leave all evil paths.
Celestial King Quiescence awakens to this Dharma.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
毛孔光明能演說 等衆生數諸佛名하사
隨其所樂悉得聞케하시니 此妙輪幢之解脫이로다
The Light of a hair pore is able to expound
Buddha names as numerous as sentient beings.
According to their pleasure, they all can hear it:
This is Splendid Disc Banner's liberation.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
털구멍의 광명이
중생 수와 같이 부처님의 명호를 연설하사
그 즐기는 바를 따라서 다 듣게 하시니
이것은 묘륜당천왕의 해탈이로다
hair pore :털구멍 Splendid Disc Banner : 묘륜당천왕
The light streaming from the Buddhas' pores proclaims
Names of Buddhas as many as the number of beings.
Sentient beings may hear whatever they enjoy hearing.
Banner with Wonderful Wheels is liberated thus.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
如來自在不可量이여 法界虛空悉充滿하사
一切衆會皆明覩케하시니 此解脫門華慧入이로다
The Buddha's freedom cannot be measured―
It fills the cosmos and all space.
All the congregations see it clearly:
This liberation door Flower Intellect enters.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
여래의 자재함을 헤아릴 수 없음이여
법계와 허공에 모두 충만하사
모든 법회에서 다 보게 하시니
이 해탈문은 화혜천왕이 들어갔도다
measure v.헤아리다. congregation n.법회
Flower Intellect : 화혜천왕
The Thus Come One's freedom and ease cannot be measured.
It entirely fills space and the Dharma Realm.
The myriad assemblies behold it clearly:
Flower Wisdom enters this passage to liberation.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
無量無邊大劫海에 普現十方而說法하사대
未曾見佛有去來니 此妙光天之所悟로다
Over oceans of eons, infinite, boundless,
Manifesting everywhere and preaching the truth,
Never has a Buddha been seen to have any going or coming:
This is the enlightenment of Wonderful Light.<Thomas Cleary-번역본>
한량없고 끝도 없는 오랜 세월 동안
시방에 두루 나타나서 법을 설하시나
부처님은 가고 옴이 있지 않으니
이것은 묘광천왕의 깨달은 바로다
oceans of eons :겁해(오랜 세월) boundless a.끝도 없는 Wonderful Light : 묘광천왕
Throughout oceans of countless, boundless great eons,
Buddhas manifest everywhere in the ten directions to speak the Dharma,
Yet no one ever sees them come or go.
The god Wonderful Brightness enlightens to this.<B.T.T.S.번역본>
첫댓글 examine .. 고찰하다. 항상 꾸준히 열심히 하시는 석원님 ....._()()()_
수고하셨습니다. 참 고맙습니다!! _()_()_()_
사진 속 저 소나무가 낯익은데 어디일까요? 감사합니다._()()()
perfect enlightenment : 정각(正覺), oceans of eons : 겁해(오랜 세월)..._()()()_