[미국/AL] Industrial Supplies-Factory Automation System 신입/경력사원 모집(채용시 마감)
👉접수기간 : 22년 3월 22일 ~ 채용시 마감
👉고용형태 : 신입/경력
👉지원자격 : 대학교 기졸업자 및 졸업예정자
👉전형절차 : 서류 > 1차면접 > 결과통보
1. 직책: Engineer Support/Project Manager Support/Safety Manager Support
(전공: 기계/산업/전기/컴퓨터공학 전공자를 선호합니다.
경력은 무관이나, 전문대졸이상은 1년이상의 경력이 필요합니다.)
2. 채용인원: 5명
3. 근무시간: 08:00~17:00 (월~금)
4. 근무위치: Montgornery AL. 36108
5. 근무기간: 1년 (계약직)
6. 급여: $25,000 USD~/Year [주 40시간]
7. 외국어능력: 중
8. 근로조건 : 점심제공, 차량제공(출퇴근 차량 공유가능)/ 기숙사제공 (2인 1실)
1. Engineer Suppot
· Meet with faculty and staff engineers to define the scope of task requirements and schedule constraints, commnunicates with engineers and project managers to provide progress reports and facilitating the identification of resources needed to accomplish the task/project.
2. Project manager Support
· Ensure the continuity and effciency of each project from start to finish through clear communication to all parties involved also, handle multiple projects within a fast paced environment.
2. Safety manager Support
· Creating and implementing organisational safety guidelines, promoting a culture of safety in the workplace and performing regular site inspections to check compliance.