전시품목 |
전용용접설비, 고압용접기, 아르곤, CO2, 저항용접기, 용접핸들부품, 절단기설비, 야외시공용접기, 전력전자부품, 용접공간검사설비, 용접후처리설비, 로딩보호설비, 프리즈마절단기, 가공설비, 레이져 절단기 등
Welding machineries and accessories (welding, cutting, brazing and other metal welding)
Consumables(joining, materials, and fluxes)
Environmental and auxiliary equipments
Welding robots(Resistance, Arc, Tig, Mig)
Metal working robots(cutting, brazing, hardfacing)
FA technology(introduction of CAD, CAM)
Electron beam welding with new and high density energy
Laser beam applied equipments (welding, cutting, and other metal working)
Fine ceramics, compound materials and other applications
Quality assurance and control systems
Nondestructive testing apparatus
Various types of measuring apparatus
Safety equipments and materials |