폴워셔 목사님의 설교
granite [grǽnit] n.화강암, 쑥돌; 견고함; =𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞.
curling stone 컬링돌《curling 경기에 쓰는 돌; 15-18kg》
as hard as granite 몹시 단단한; 완고한.bite on granite 헛수고하다.
Live for Eternity - Paul Washer 영원을 위해 사십시오!"
eternity[itə́ːrnəti]영원2. (사후 영혼의) 영원성3. 무한한 시간4. (the -ties) 영원한 진리5. 영겁
no one has ever been able to Bear the
preaching of the Gospel they will either
turn against it with a fierceness of an
animal or they will be converted
throw yourself upon Christ send him/trust in him
we are not called to build Empires
우리는 제국을 건설하라고 부름받지 않았습니다.
we are not called to be accepted
우리는 사람들에게 인정받기 위해서 부름받지 않았습니다.
we are called to glorified God
우리는 하나님의 영광을 돌리기 위해서 부름받았습니다.eternity
the day you stand in those Granite Halls before the Lord of Glory대리석 앞에 있는 영광의 주님 앞에 있는 설 날
Kings. the greatest men on Earth are divided and split and culled
가장 위대한 지도자들이 나눠지고 추려질 것입니다.
cull[kʌl] 고르다2. 따다3. 추려내다
some cast into eternal hell and some invited into eternal glory.
어떤 이들은 영원한 지옥으로, 어떤 이들은 영원한 영광으로 초대받게 될 것입니다.live for eternity these
Olympians how How Majestic they are but
올림픽선수들을 보면 대단합니다. 그러나 한순간입니다.
only for a moment
they start training when they're four and five years old
네 살.다섯살때부터 훈련을 시작해서 22살때까지 훈련만 하고
목에 메달을 걸기 위해서 9초간 달리기를 합니다. 그것이 전부입니다.
they never do anything but train until
they're 22 they run a nine second race
for a medal they hang up and
that's it cannot give equal for Eternal things
우리는 영원한 것들을 위해서 그렇게 할 수 없습니까?
there is one there who is infinite in glory
무한한 영광을 가진 분이 계십니다.
and you will spend an eternity of
eternities tracking him down and you
will never get your arms even around the
foothill of his Mountain I can't live
like this anymore I can't live just reading books
부흥서적.신앙서적.하나님과 동행한 사람들의 책만 읽고 살 수 없습니다.
can't live just reading about revivals
and about people who knew somebody who
knew somebody who knew somebody who knew
you so many different things you want to
know and do in all the books
get out a book on God this one하나님이 직접쓰신 책을 읽으십니다.
for it is for this we labor and strive
because we fixed Our Hope on the Living
God this is not some martyr thing
in which we uselessly give our lives to
nothing only to be pulverized without
hope no we serve God and God will honor
us we have fixed Our Hope on that and
that gives us strength strength
oh this life is a vapor right 47 but
yesterday I was 21 where did it all go
it is a vapor while you have strength
preach I praise God that in his
Providence as a young man I spent myself
in the Andes mountains and in the
jungles of Peru doing what I no longer
have the strength to do while you are a
young man while there's strength in you
labor with all your might take those
stupid video games of yours and crush
them under your feet/throw the TV out the window you were
made for greater things than these if
you're a child of the king nothing on
this Earth /oh I want to know him then some
separation has to occur anything it
takes you have to literally be before
the Lord Lord anything it takes anything/it takes
조회수 32,295회 2023. 3. 28.