일본어를 공부하다가 동시통역사가 되고 싶은 꿈이 생기게되었습니다.
동시통역원에 들어가려면 가장 기본적인 조건이 영어라고 해서 짧은 시간에
더 많은 효과를 얻기위해 어학연수를 선택하게 되었고, 영어의 본 고장에서
배우고 싶은 마음과 많은 문화를 체험해보고자 영국을 선택하게되었습니다.
영국에서 많은것을 배우고 그 배움을 바탕으로 꿈을 이루는데 한 발더 다가
갈 것입니다.
One of my dream in life has been to be a simultaneous translator
since I studied Japanese. It is said that basic communication skill
and wide world view are nessary to apply for entering the
simultaneous translator centre in any language.
In this reason, I made up my mind to have a chance to study in English
for a year in a specific country which uses English as a mother tongue.
I am sure that England is one of the best place for me to improve what
I have needed to prepare being a simultaneous translator. The fact that
there are lots of chance to experience many Eurpoe cultures at the same time
if I study in England is one of merits which stimulated me to have an urgent zeal
to go England among many nations.
I hope it will be fruitful to invest one year in my life to study in England for my future.