The title of the story is "Caillou Grows Carrots."
Caillou was growled carrot grew carrots.
And the carrot was full-grown grew fully.
Caillous family Caillou's family harvested the carrots
and cooked carrot soup.
Score: B-
문법 팁:
- "Caillou was growled carrot"는 틀린 표현이에요. Caillou grew carrots로 고쳐야 해요.
- "Carrot was full-grown"은 The carrot grew fully처럼 더 자연스럽게 표현할 수 있어요.
- "Caillous family"는 Caillou's family로 수정해야 맞춤법이 맞아요.
스토리 팁:
- 가족이 당근 수프를 만드는 과정에서 어떤 일이 있었는지 더 추가하면 재미있어요! 예: "가족이 함께 수프를 만들며 즐거운 시간을 보냈어요."
(Adding more about the family’s time together can make the story more engaging!)