① For eighteen days, each person had to live on two spoonfuls of tuna, a mouthful of milk, bits of crackers, and a bite of canned fruit every other day. Another factor which bothered the miners severely was the high heat and humidity of the shelter. Each miner had lost an average of 8 kilograms by the time they were rescued. ② In addition, they were able to drink water from storage tanks nearby. Until the tunnel to deliver food and medicine was operational, food was the most critical issue in the shelter. They only had enough food for two days. ③ The miners were lucky to have an air tunnel that allowed enough fresh air to reach them. They also had broken trucks from which they could charge the batteries of their head lamps. |
① 3-2-1
② 1-2-3
③ 2-1-3
④ 3-1-2
⑤ 2-3-1