I asked teacher how i could memorize gerund and infinitive.
The teacher said "You have to exercise as much as you can with your frinds and should watch many movies."
Oh.. The secreat ingridient is nothing.. That day was very sad moring to me..
It is important to study English that is a learning by heart.
He advises investing in houses.(Gerund)
He advises me to invest in houses.(Infinitive) :Pronoun + infinitive
She prefers eating to sleeping..(Gerund) : 2 choice
She prefers to eat (rather) than to sleep (Infinitive) : 1 choice
It is beginning to rain. (infinitive)
It bagan to rain/ raining. (Infinitive / Gerund) : same meaning
I stopped smoking. (stop doing an activity totally forever)
I stopped to smoke. (stop/ activity to do another activity)
I remember locking the door before I left.(recalling, not sure) -Gerund
I remember to take the door before I left. (responsilbility, sure)-Infinitive
I remember taking my medicine. (recalling. not sure)
I remember to take my medicine. (responsibility, sure)
I will continue next time..Bye~~