데이비드 CRAYFORD 논평 --------------풀포드 FULFORD와 윌콕 WILCOCK은 계속 잘못된 정보를 푸시합니다. .........
.........이 두 명의 조커들은 그들이 수집한 정보를 재 편성하는 것을 좋아합니다. 또는 어떤 경우에도 그것이 어떤 신빙성을 지니고 있는지 확인하지 않고 늘 통과시킨 것입니다. ............. .......
......... 그들은 만일 정확한 소식을 전했을 경우에도 그 진실을 알지 못할 것입니다. 하나는 그들의 비디오에서 볼 수 있습니다. 그 두사람은 실제로 그들 사이에 정보를 공유하고, 그것들을 통해 자기들 기사 및 책을 펴냅니다.
I am referring to their latest video / url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsmOg09MZGg&t=300s
풀포드는 1.09 지점에서 중국 국민당이 중공군에 패배해서 대만으로 탈출할때 수많은 금괴를 가져걌다고 말한다
At the 1.09 mark, Fulford states that the Chinese Nationalists took a lot of Gold with them when they left China and went to Taiwan (Formerly Formosa).
데이빗크레이포드 (이하 DC) 논평 :
하나는 중국 조약이 1920/1929 런던 조약에서 중국 금이나 대만에 예치 / 예금되어있지 않다는 사실을 알아야만 합니다. 따라서 풀포드 Fulfords는 이 사실을 완전히 잘못 알고 있습니다. 1890 년대 후반에서 1900 년대 초반에 이르기까지 세계 부채 청산 기구 Global Debt Facility이 조직되었을 때; 중국의 모든 보물과 금은 중국이나 대만으로부터 유출되지 않았다. 다른 나라들과도 마찬가지입니다. 각국의 보물과 금은 고의로 세계 여러 나라에서 유출되었습니다. 그 나라들은 세계 부채 청산 기구를 대신하여 다른 많은 나라에서 들어온 보물과 금의 관리인이 되었습니다. 이는 어느 나라도 언제든지 보물 / 금을 되찾으려는 시도를 막고 부유한 나라들이 다른 사람의 보물과 금을 사용하여 전쟁을 시작하고 자금을 조달하는 것을 방지하기 위한 것이었습니다. 이것은 나중에 다른 나라에 보물/ 금의 격리와 일본의 히로히토 Emporer Hirohito에 의해 구조화된 유출행위와 그 책임의 설계를 전제로 한 1920 년 런던 조약에서 확증되었습니다.
DC Comments: One only has to look at the London Treaty 1920 / 1929 to realise that the Chinese Gold is not held / deposited in China or Taiwan, so Fulfords take on this is totally wrong. When The Global Debt Facility was structured, which was in the late 1890's through to the early 1900's; all the treasures and gold of China was not secreted away in China or Taiwan. It is the same with all other countries. The Treasures and Gold of each country was purposely secreted away in different countries around the world. Those countries became the Custodians, on behalf of The Global Debt Facility; of Treasures and Gold which came from many other countries. This was to prevent any country ever attempting to reclaim their treasures / gold at any time, and also to control the wealthier countries from using someone else's Treasure and Gold to start and finance wars. This was later confirmed within the 1920 London Treaty which was based upon the premise of isolation of treasures / gold to other countries and a design of secretion and responsibility structured by Emporer Hirohito of Japan.
당신은 틀렸어요, Fulford. 타이완과 중국, 또는 중국 왕실에서 유출된 금은 타이완, 중국이나 중국 왕실의 보물 / 금이 아니며 그들 소유가 아닙니다. 그들은 오직 특정 국가에서 유출된 세계 부채 기구를 대신하여 지구상의 다른 나라의 보물과 금에 대한관리인일뿐 입니다. 전 세계 모든 나라의 보물에도 똑같은 규칙이 적용됩니다.
여하튼, 대만의 보물과 금의 일부는 중국 혁명 이전의 대만 (Formosa) 섬에서 유출되었으므로, 당신이 주장하는대로 그들이 그것을 대만으로 가져가지 않았습니다.
Your wrong Fulford. The Gold secreted away in China and Taiwan is not the Treasures / Gold of the Chinese or Chinese Royal Families, and does not belong to them. They are only the Custodians of Treasures and Gold from other countries across the Globe, on behalf of The Global Debt Facility, secreted away in their specific countries. The very same rule applies to the Treasures of all nations right across the world.
Anyhow, some of the Treasures and Gold in Taiwan was secreted away on the Island of Formosa (Now Taiwan) well before the Chinese revolution, so they didn't take it with them as you claim.
1.14분에서 말한것, Fulford는 대만에 매우 유명한 박물관이 있으며 박물관 뒤에 몇 개의 언덕이 있다 (그는 그 언덕에서 보물과 금이 유출되었음을 암시한다). 그는 매년마다 그 언덕 안의 보관소에서 유물과 고대 유물이있는 박물관 내의 전시물을 변경한다고 말합니다.
At the 1.14 mark, Fulford states that there is a very famous Museum in Taiwan and that there are some hills behind the Museum (He implies that the Treasures and Gold is secreted away in those hills). He further states that every year they change the displays within the Museum with Artifacts and Antiquities etc from the depositories within those hills.
DC 논평 : 이 과정은 적용 가능한 대부분의 박물관, 특히 정부가 소유한 정부소유 박물관을 비롯하여 전세계적으로 매우 일반적이며 널리 알려져 있습니다. 이러한 공예품과 유물은 박물관이나 정부가 구입할 여력이 없을 정도로 거의 값을 매길 수 없기 때문에 정부가 박물관을 통해 그러한 유물과 유품을 일반인이 볼 수있는 장소에 놓고 볼 수있는 합의가 이루어져 있습니다. 유물과 고대 유물의 역사를 보여주려는 것입니다. 조건 중 하나는 각 박물관이 모든 유물과 고대 유물을 전시해야 하며, 100 % 보험으로 박물관과의 모든 운송/ 출하를 포함해야 합니다.
유물과 유물을 구입하려면 그 정부가 절대 파산되야 합니다.
DC Comments: That process is very common and known all over the world with most of the applicable Museums, especially Government owned Museums, of which most are Government owned. These Artifacts and Antiquities are priceless whereby no Museum, or Government, can afford to purchase same, so there is an agreement in place where Governments, via their Museums, can place such Artifacts and Antiquities on display for the public to view same and learn about the history of said Artifacts and Antiquities. One of the conditions is that each Museum must cover all Artifacts and Antiquities displayed, including all transport / shipping to and from the Museum, with 100% insurance cover.
To purchase any Artifacts and Antiquities would absolutely bankrupt any Government.
2.25 지점에서 : Fulford는 2 차대전의 목적 중에 일부가 이 보물과 금을 탈취한 것이라고 말했습니다.
DC 논평 : 간단히 Fulford를 위해 간단히 말해서 나는 간단히 말하면서 진실을 말하고있다. 네, 2 차대전은 보물과 금에 관한 것이었습니다 (큰 부분이었다). 히틀러는 미국, 영국, 일본 및 많은 다른 나라들이 탈취한 것처럼 그도 그렇게 하고있었습니다. 대부분의 경우 점령당한 국가의 해방자는 점령자일 뿐만 아니라 최고위급의 절도행각 요원이기도했다. 따라서 전쟁 후 왜 B.I.S.가 이끄는 배상위원회가 설립되었던가? 누가 보물을 소유할 것인지를 확인하고 보물과 금이 특정 소유국가로 이전되도록 합니다. 소유권 설정이 결정될 수없는 경우 보물과 금은 해당 국가의 합의에 따라 자동으로 세계 부채 기구로 이전되는데, 이는 관련 국가의 합의에 의한 것입니다.
당시 합의되어 수행된 것에 대해 박수갈채가 있었지만, 결과는 B.I.S. 국제결제은행 측에 지구상의 더 크고 강하고 더 부유한 국가의 사람들이 무겁게 비중을 두고 왔던 것입니다.
At the 2.25 mark: Fulford states that part of WWII was a grab for these Treasures and Gold.
DC Comment: For once Fulford briefly, and I say briefly, is telling the truth. Yes, WWII was about the Treasures and Gold in part (a large Part). Hitler was doing it, as was America, U.K., Japan, and many other countries. In most cases the Liberators of occupied countries turned out to be not only occupiers, but theives of the highest order, hence why after the war a Reparations Commission was established, headed by the B.I.S. to establish who owned what and ensure that Treasures and Gold was returned to the specific owning countries. Where establishment of ownership could not be determined such Treasures and Gold was automatically transferred to The Global Debt Facility, with the agreement of the countries concerned.
What was established at the time was applaudible, but the results of same where not beneficial to the smaller or weaker countries of the world because the B.I.S. was heavily weighted with persons from the larger, stronger, and more wealthier Nations of the Planet.
풀 포드 (Fulford)는 3.02 마크에서 서방 강대국 (Western Powers (서방 도당 Western Oligarchs)) 계획은 1930 년대부터 개인의 손에서 이 세계의 모든 금을 가져가야 한다고 말합니다. 유대인들은 그들의 금을 포기하고 싶지 않았습니다. 그것은 그들이 모여 강제수용소에 수용된 실제의 이유이며, 아시아 인들은 그들의 모든 금을 포기하고 싶지 않았습니다. 그래서 그들은 일본군을 중국으로 보내서 탈취해달라고 했습니다.
At the 3.02 mark, Fulford states that the Western Powers (Western Oligarchs) plans were to take all the Gold of this World, out of private hands, starting in the 1930's. The Jews didn't want to give up their Gold which is one reason they were rounded up and sent to concentration camps, and the Asians didn't want to give up all their gold which is why they sent the Japanese army to go into China and take it.
DC 논평 : Fulford가 그러한 이야기를 꾸민것에 대해서 자신 스스로를 부끄러워해야하는데 개똥 BS 같은 소리에 얼마나 많은 부하가 걸렸으니 말입니다. 보물, 금 및 기타 자산의 유출과 세계 경제체제 안정을 위한 기반으로 활용된 세계 왕실과 세계 국가 간의 1920 년 합의는 이미 런던 조약 1920 전쟁이 끝나고도 잘 진행되고 있습니다. 유감스럽게도 세계에는 매우 탐욕스러운 독재자, 정치인, 전세계에 걸쳐 권력을 추구하는 사람들이 많이 있었으며 합법적인 조약과 상관없이 이 모든 보물과 금이 스스로를 위해 탈취하기 원했고 그렇게 수단방법 가리지않고 누구든지 금을 지배하면서 세상을 지배하길 원했다.............
그리고 친애하는 독자는 합법적으로 자신의 임무 수행에서 현저하게 방해를 받고 있는 국제 채무기구의 국제 재무 관리인이며, 법정 상속인 및 소유자입니다. 한때는 조상을 통해 협약을 맺은 사람은 협정 (미국, 영국 프랑스, 일본, 독일 등)을 고수할 준비가되지 않았고 연합군 권력이 매우 훌륭하고 여전히 좋은 쓰레기통으로 그 협정을 폐기했다. 따라서 WW II가 벌어졌고 또WW III의 가능성이 피어오른다.
DC Comment: What a load of BS for which Fulford should be ashamed of himself for making up such stories. The agreement of 1920 between the Royal Families of the World and Nations of the World, regarding the secretion of Treasures, Gold, and other assets, and utilized as a base to stabilize the world economic system, had already been agreed under the London Treaty 1920, and was well under way, even throughout the war years. Unfortunately for the World, there were quite a number of very greedy dictators, politicians, and persons questing for power over all, around the world, and those, irrespective of legal Treaties wanted all these Treasures and Gold for themselves so that they could control the world (Note the saying that whoever controls the Gold of the World, controls the World .............
and that dear Readers is legally The International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir and Owner of The Global Debt Facility who is heavily impeded at this time from carrying out his mandate; who having executed the agreement, sometimes via their forefathers, were not prepared to adhere to the agreement (America, the U.K. France, Japan, Germany, etc) and discarded it to the garbage bin which the Allied Powers were very good at and still are, hence WW II and the possibility of WW III.
3.44 지점에서 윌콕 (Wilcock)은 루즈벨트 (Roosevelt) (그 중 일부는 아직 알지 못하는 사람들도있을 수 있음)의, 연방준비 은행 (Federal Reserve)이 모든 사람의 금을 압수했다고 주장합니다. 은행의 금고에 넣어두었더라도 금고를 약탈하고 금을 탈취했다는데, 맞습니까?
At the 3.44 mark, Wilcock states that Roosevelt (and some people still may not know this if they are that ignorant), the Federal Reserve confiscated everybody's gold. Even if you had it in a Safe Deposit Box in the Bank, they looted your Safe Deposit Box and took your Gold away, correct?
DC Comments, 그래서 그런 소리는 윌콕 Wilcock이 얼마나 진실을 모르는지 보여줍입니다.
미국에서 골드 몰수법 Gold Confiscation Act의 진정한 이유는 수십 년에 걸친 "재정적 무책임"을 거치면서 미국이 파산했기 때문이고, 또 20년 대 후반과 30 년대까지의 대공황으로 인해 상황이 악화되었던 것때문에 벌어진 일입니다.
DC Comments, And that is just how ignorant of the truth that Wilcock is.
The real reason for the Gold Confiscation Act in America was that America, through its "Fiscal Irresponsibility" over many years / decades, was Bankrupt, and the great depression of the late 20's and early the early 30's just made things worse.
그들은 "동냥 그릇 Begging Bowl"을 갖고 갔습니다. 그로 인해 Global Debt Facility는 금괴 Gold를 미국에 융자 / 양도하기로 합의했기 때문에 그들은 재정 혼란에서 벗어날 수 있었습니다. 융자 조건 중 하나는 미국이 모든 보유 금을 압수하여 세계 채무 기구 (The Global Debt Facility)에서 대출금을 상환하고 대차대조표를 균형잡는데 도움을 주기 위해 (매각) 처분한다는 것입니다.
미국은 그들에게 할당된 금을 확보하기 위해 은행과 국채를 발행해야 했습니다. 그 은행 및 국채는 1933 년 1934 년, 그리고 FRN 's, Wells Fargo, American Dreams, TOV 's 등의 마지막 채권 발행이 있었다. 그 채권은 유출되어 필리핀과 중국에 들어갔습니다.
They went with the "Begging Bowl" whereby The Global Debt Facility agreed to loan / assign Gold to America so it could get itself out of a fiscal mess. One of the conditions was that America should confiscate all Gold in America and dispose of it (Sell it) to assist in paying back the loan from The Global Debt Facility and balancing its books.
America had to issue Bank and Government Bonds to secure the Gold assigned to them. Those Bank and Government Bonds are the 1933 1934, and later issues of FRN's, Wells Fargo, American Dreams, the TOV's, and so on. Those Bonds are secreted away in the Philippines and in China.
그들은 채권 보관소에서 지속적으로 채권을 훔쳐냈고, 즉각적이지는 않지만 효과적으로 파기했는데, 미국이 세계 부채 기구에 빚을 지고있는 부채를 줄혔습니다. 그러므로 빚이 없어졌다 .................... 그러나 그들이 훔쳐낸 채권을 활용했는데, 기막히게도 연준 트레이딩 프로그램을 이용하면서 오로지 " 흑색 작전" 을 위한 자금을 생성했다. 또 그들 자신의 주머니를 채웠고, 세계의 정치인과 정부를 부패시키기 위한 자금으로 썼다.
By consistently stealing these Bonds from the depositories they are effectively, but not immediately, destroying them, which reduces the debt that America has with the Global Debt Facility on the basis of .......... No evidence or security, therefore no debt ...................... but only after they have utilised these stolen Bonds within the Federal Reserve Trading Programs to generate funds not only for "Black Ops" but also for their own pockets and for corrupting Politicians and Governments around the World.
윌콕 (Wilcock)의 이러한 상황에 대한 평가는 너무나도 어긋나고 허구이며, 믿을 수없는 것입니다. 그는 많은 것을 알고 있다고주장해도 그가 거의 알지 못하는 사람에게서 온 것을 전한 것입니다. 금, 보물에 관한 연설을 하잡시고, 그는 전세계로 여행하며, 그는 사기 행각 이야기를 하면서 많은 돈을 받는다. 나는 그를 환상가 또는 마술사로 언급하지 않을 것이다. 그는 거의 알려지지 않았지만 오해의 소지가 있는 정보로 깔끔하게 포장한 조커입니다. 그는 전적으로, 스스로 진실을 완전히 모른다는 것을 의미한다. 불행히도, 사람들은 그를 신뢰하는데, 특히 미국인들이 자신들의 나라인 미국이 가지고있는 진정한 진실을 알지 못하게 하는 소리이며, 또 혼란에 빠트려서 깨닫지 못하게하려는 목적이라고 믿습니다.
Wilcock's assessment of this situation is so way out and ficticious it is unbelieveable and that is from a man, who knows very little of the subject even though he claims he knows a lot; that travels the world giving speeches about the Wealth, Gold, Treasures, of the world, for which he fraudulently receives large payments. I would not refer to him as an illusionist or magician. He is just a Joker who knows very little but neatly packages it up with misleading information. He is totally, and I mean totally ignorant of the truth. Unfortunately, people believe him, especially Americans, preventing them from understanding and realising the real truth and the mess that their country, America, is in.
윌콕 (Wilcock)이나 풀 포드 (Fulford)는 어떠한 보안 허가도 갖고 있지 않습니다. 그래서 그들은 가능한한 최대한의 이야기를 알지못할 것입니다. 그들이 주장하는 바에 따르면, 그것들은 거의 진실이 아니며 많은 추측, 예상, 거짓 이야기가 전달되었습니다.
누구나 비디오에서 볼 수 있듯이, 이 두 사람은 정보를 교환하면서 잘못된 정보에 빠진 사람들이며, Wilcock은 전체 이슈에 현저한 순짐함을 보여줍니다. 대부분의 정보는 정확하지 않음에도 불구하고, 그는 진위 여부에 상관하지 않습니다. 그들은 정원 울타리 너머에다가 빨래를 걸고 있는 여느 여자와 같아요. 내가 줄을 끊은 세차장을 골라내는 동안 잠시 멈춰요. 다행히도 그것은 더러워지지 않았기를 바랍니다. 이보시오, 속옷을 깨끗하게 유지하고 있는지 확인하십시오. 그것은 당신의 두뇌를 보호하는 것이기 때문입니다.
Neither Wilcock or Fulford hold or carry any security clearance whatsoever so they will never know the fullest possible story, even though they profess that they do, and what they claim to know is very little truth and a hell of a lot of supposition, speculation, and false stories passed to them.
As anyone can see from the video, these two are just ill-informed people exchanging information, with Wilcock showing remarkable naivety on the whole issue. Most of the information is incorrect and they don't care whether it is true or false. They are like a couple of women over the garden fence after hanging the washing out, whoops, hang on a minute while I pick the washing up which has blown off the line. Hopefully it hasn't been dirtied. Guys, make sure you are keeping your underwear clean as that is what is protecting your brains.
친애하는, Wicock은 비디오 그림에서 너무 거칠어 보입니다. Fulford는 그가 거의 알지 못하는 것에 대해 "헛소리"를 하고 있습니다. 다른 사람들이 그에게 먹인 이야기를 엮어서 말하는데, 놀랍지는 않을 것입니다. 키트 스콧Keith Scott의 거짓말은 키난 Keenan의 과거 거짓말과 함께 거기에 있습니다.
그 후자의 코멘트에서, 나는 비디오가 최근 키넌이 살아 있고 훌륭하다는 것을 보여준 것으로 나타났습니다. 그 비디오는 3 일 후, Keenan이 아직 살아 있다는 사실을 대중에게 잘못된 인상을 주기위한 구조화된 비디오 (전문가 기준) 비디오인데, 그가 사실상 사망하고 그의 시신이 실제로 방사능에 오염된 암으로 사망했기에 화장되었던 것입니다.
Oh Dear, Wicock looks so bewildered in the video picture, and Fulford is "Rabbiting" on about things he knows very little about, concocting stories from what he has been fed to him by others, and it wouldn't surprise me that some of Keith Scott's lies, along with Keenan's past lies, are in there as well.
On that latter comment, I notice a video has appeared recently purporting and showing that Keenan is alive and well. That video is now being analysed by our people whose initial comments, after 3 days, are that it is a structured (By specialists) video to give a false impression to the public that Keenan is still alive, when he is infact DECEASED and his body was cremated because of the radiation poisoning that actually killed him with painful CANCER.
04.15 지점에서 Fulford는 그가 말한 역사에 대해 이야기하기 시작한다. "서구에 의해 통제되지 않은 금은 시장에서 나오지 않았다. 블랙리스트에 올라 동굴에 숨겨졌거나 가라 앉은 배에 묻혔다. 대양의 바닥 "이라고 말했다.
DC 논평 : Fulford의 헛소리 BS는 그가 역사에 대해 아무 것도 모른다는 것을 보여줍니다.
이것은 Fulford가 그의 최신 기사에서 URL 아래에 RMN에 게시한 내용입니다 :
At the 04.15 mark, Fulford starts to talk abouit the history where he states that, quote "The Gold that wasn't controlled by the West was taken out of the market. It was Blacklisted and hidden in caves, or buried in sunked ships at the bottom of the ocean".
DC Comments: What utter BS from Fulford, which shows he knows nothing of the history.
This is what Fulford states in his latest article posted to RMN under the url: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=120194
인용구 : 시온주의자들은 컴퓨터 그래픽을 사용하여 계속 잘못된 정보와 선전을 전파하려고 노력하고 있습니다. 아래는 최근의 또 다른 예로써 키난 Neil Keenan의 가짜 비디오입니다.
이 비디오의 키난은 유대인의 해골 모자를 쓰고있지만 그는 로마 카톨릭 신자였습니다. 그 언어를 사용하면서 20 년 동안 인도네시아에 머물렀던 CIA 연락관은 인도네시아 당국이 Neil Keenan이 자국으로 들어오는 기록이 없다는 것을 확인했습니다. 그는 이 최신 비디오 및 폭로가 91,173 톤의 인도네시아 금을 요구하는 실제 채권 유통과 일치하도록 나왔다. "이것은 로스 차일드가 [골드] 벙커에 접근하려고하는 또 다른 책략이었지만, 그렇게 되지는 않을 것입니다, "라고 그는 말합니다.
Quote: The Zionists are also going to keep trying to use computer graphics to spread disinformation and propaganda. The latest example is another fake Neil Keenan video.
Notice that the Keenan in this video is wearing a Jewish skullcap, while the real Keenan was a Roman Catholic. My CIA contact in Indonesia, who speaks the language and has been there for 20 years, has confirmed that the Indonesian authorities have no record of a Neil Keenan entering their country. He notes that this latest video and posting came out to coincide with the circulation of real bonds laying claim to 91,173 tons of Indonesian gold. "This is another way the [bankrupt] Rothschilds are trying to access the [gold] bunkers, but it won't happen," he says.
글쎄, 적어도 그는 키난이 실제로 사망한 것에 대해 우리와 동의하는 것으로 보인다. 이것이 저널리즘 리포터로서의 구원의 시작입니다.
비디오로 돌아가기. 이 문제의 첫 번째 요점은 등록되지 않은 금이 결코 상업 시장에 기록되지 않았기 때문에 시장에서 나온 적이 없다는 것입니다. 이것은 실제로 등록되지 않은 골드라고 불리는 개인 소유의 골드입니다. 사실 그것은 개인적으로 기록되며 등록된 금과는 별도로 세계의 소수의 사람들만이 등록되지 않은 금이 얼마나 많은지를 정확히 알고 있습니다 .................. 그것은 많이 있습니다.
Well, at least he appears to be agreeing with us on the Keenan situation, that Keenan is actually deceased. That is a start to his redemption as a Journalistic Reporter.
Back to the Video. The first point on this matter is that the unregistered Gold was never taken out of the market as it was never recorded in the commercial market. This was privately owned Gold which in fact is referred to as unregistered Gold. In fact it is recorded privately and is separate from registered Gold whereby only a few people in the world know exactly how much unregistered Gold there is in the world .................. and it is a lot.
이 문제에 대한 두 번째 요점은 등록되지 않은 금으로 그들의 통화를 지원하기에 충분한 금을 얻지 못했던 대다수의 국가를 지원했고, 그 수치가 7,043,276 MT에 달하는 것으로 나타났습니다. 세계 부채 기구는 미국, 심지어 전세계의 모든 국가에 다양한 양으로 공급되었습니다. 그 금이 없으면 전 세계의 금화 지원 통화 또는 국가간 국제 무역의 확대를 유지하는 것이 불가능했을 것입니다.
The second point on this matter is that it is this unregistered Gold that supported the majority of countries who hadn't got enough Gold to support their currencies, and as the figures show there was 7,043,276 MT of it, yes 7+ million tonnes, that The Global Debt Facility supplied in various quantities to all countries of the world, even America. Without that Gold it would have been impossible to sustain any of the Gold backed currencies around the world, or the expansion of international trade between countries.
사실 귀금속 분석가이자 자문위원인 유럽의 동료와 함께 우리는 얼마 전에 이 모든 것에 대해 수치를 나타내었으며 동료의 기사 일부를 아래의 특정 수치로 복사하여 붙여넣는 것에 즐거움을 느낍니다. 사람들이 이 이슈에 대한 진실을 알 수 있도록 말입니다:
In fact, and in conjunction with a colleague in Europe, who is a Precious Metals analyst and adviser, we did some figures on all of this some time ago and have pleasure in copying and pasting part of my colleague's article with the specific figures below, so that people know the truth on this issue:-
Copy over:
Prior to August 1971, all currencies around the world were fully backed by Gold and Silver. That factor alone determines that there was more Gold and Silver available in the world than stated by The World Gold Council (WGC) who estimates that all the gold ever mined totaled 187,200 metric tons in 2017, with an estimated 52,000 MT yet to be mined.
Below are some valid points, both historically and presently that never appear to be mentioned anywhere, so the real and highly applicable factors of Gold are never available to, or seen by the public.
In accordance with official records, approximately 100 years ago a total of 7,043,276 MT Gold was assigned to the countries of the world for backing of their currencies. This Gold was legally owned by a Trust which is, and has been since the early 1900's, part of what is now referred to THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY, being Foundation Divine and The Heritage International Trust plus the thousands of Trusts and Foundations legally owned by these two Primary units that make up The Global Debt Facility.
Surprisingly, the WGC states that currently there are approximately 165,000 MT of Gold in the hands of Central Banks, private investors, and the public, the latter as Jewelry, Collectors items, and Commercial operations for such items as printed circuit boards, electronics, etc.
However, Gold has been mined for over 6,000 years whereby accurate records of production have only been kept for approximately 150 years, so there is bound to be a discrepancy, quite a large one, in the figures stated by the WGC whereby 187,200 MT ever mined would be a very, very low figure in comparison to actual figures. The difference is not held by Central Banks, Commercial Banks, Jewelers, Collectors, or Commercial operators. It is owned and held by THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY which is owned by the Appointed Legal Heir, Owner, THE INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROLLER.
Prior to August 1971, all countries were required by law to back their currencies with Gold. There are over 200 countries in the world, so if we divide 165,000 MT of Gold (World Gold Council figures) by 200 it equates to an average of 825 MT of Gold per country. Of course many countries will have less than that figure and some countries will have more than that figure.
Now let's take an average Gold price per Troy Ounce over 31 years (1940 - 1971) which = 36.314 US Dollars per troy ounce
Let's now multiply that by 26524370 troy ounces (825 MT) which = $ 963,365,118 - 40 UDS, or simply stated as $963.37 million USD.
That is not a lot of money to back a nations currency, even the currencies of some of the smaller Nations of the World, nor is it sufficient to facilitate any increase in internatioopnl trade, so the question arises as to where did all the Gold come from to back all currencies and allow the countries to expand their economies.
THE ANSWER IS -------- THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY. A facility that owns the wealth of the world, not America or the Federal Reserve, or anyone else, only THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY, legally owned under international treaty by THE INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROLLER as Legal Heir and Owner.
All that Gold assigned to the countries of the World to back their currencies became unencumbered as of 15th August 1971, when the Gold Standard was officially removed by an act undertaken by President Richard Nixon, and returned to THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY, except the Gold which was assigned to America who used, illegally, to pay off some of its debt.
Assuming, which is highly doubtful; that the World Gold Council figures have some degree of accuracy, of which the word "assuming" is something that I / we very rarely use to avoid inaccuracy; and based upon published figures as above, and again assuming that they are accurate, as of September 2017 (Refer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_holdings),
America only had 8,133.5 MT of Gold, which in Troy Ounce terms equals 261,482,021.84 Troy ounces.
Let's now multiply that figure by today's (21st November 2018) market price of $1222.00 per Troy Ounce = $319,531,030,688 - 480 USD
America --- With a published National Debt (21st November 2018) of $21.4 trillion USD
America --- With a Gross National Product (2017) of $19,61 trillion USD
America --- With a Gross Domestic Product (2017) of $19.39 trillion USD
The USA only has $319.531030 billion USD in Gold Value as part of National Reserves, which is intrinsic value / real value against a real asset, and that figure is based upon all Gold being 999.9% purity and of Good London Standard as per the 1994 regulations.
The USA cannot even pay off its debt even if it wanted to because it hasn't got the reserves it needs to pay that debt and keep its economy going.
Let's now take a look at the US Dollars in circulation, as stated by The US Federal Reserve as of 26th September 2018 = 1.69 trillion USD, which is grossly under-stated, probably deliberately.
Please Note: The Federal Reserve figure I totally dispute because I / we are aware of 8 trillion USD, largely in $100 USD denomination, being printed illegally, outside of America, against Gold Bullion Certificates that neither the Federal Reserve or America own or hold legal title to, so I am going to use the known and accurate figures, although most of it is illegal; on our records, being $9.69 trillion USD in circulation, not the $1.69 trillion as stated by the Federal Reserve.
That actually means that the extra $8 trillion USD in circulation is NOT recorded on the records at the Federal Reserve -------- WHY? Is it to avoid liability at some future date when other creditors call on the debt?????
In addition to the above there are the Federal Reserve "(Secret) Trading Programs" that generate an awful amount of money from thin air, so even the figures I have available to me ($9.69 trillion) may be grossly understated.
Back to the calculations, -------- 1 Troy ounce = 31.104 grams
So, a $1 USD Note would need to be backed by -- 0.02545335515 grams of Gold, or, 0.0008183443707489318 troy ounces
With a $100 USD Note backed by ---- 2.545335515 grams of Gold, or, 0.081834437074893 troy ounces.
Such collateral backing with Gold would ensure that the US Dollar is actually worth $1 US Dollar based upon today's Gold Price of $1222 per Troy Ounce.
With $9.69 trillion USD in Circulation, and that is assuming that there isn't more US Dollars in circulation that we know about, and not accounting for US Dollars created by "Trading" America would need --
254,947,606,050.266 Troy Ounces which equates to $319.078754081 billion USD value of Gold just to back their own currency, at today's figures.
Based upon the above, America does have, but only just; sufficient Gold to back the US Dollar notes in circulation. However, there is nothing left to collateralize the printing of more US Dollars in the future, so no sustainability or stability, and certainly no expansion of the US Economy after 2018. However, that leaves nothing in reserve after 2018, and those very small figures of differential could be taken up by paying off, in part, the US Debt.
The next question if the US back the US Dollar with Gold is, "Will it exchange its Gold Backed US Dollars for the "Fiat Currency" of all other countries"?????
Now that would be suicide for the US as not one of the other countries of the world have sufficient Gold assets within their National Treasury to back their currencies with Gold in comparison to the amount of currency in circulation in their countries.
Taking all the above figures into account, we have to assume, probably wrongly, that all the Gold the US legally owns is of 999,9 purity because Gold is priced in US Dollars per troy ounce of 999.9 pure Gold and in full compliance with the London Gold Standard. Anything other than 999.9 % purity, or the London Gold Standard, has a much lower market value.
As there has never been a full definitive audit, including purity analysis and DNA testing, once again it has to be questionably assumed that it is all 999,9 purity, and in compliance with the London Gold Standard, which is exactly what America would want us to believe. The question is can we assume that this is correct. NO WE CANNOT, NOR SHOULD WE.
We need to remember several factors here because there are no full analysis / audit figures ever produced by the Federal Reserve or US Treasury, so the information which is put out by these organizations maybe totally false, which I and many others truly believe it is.
What we now need to know is:-
What type, or specification, of Gold does the US have. It is:-
Gold (Fake with Tungsten or Lead)
Gold Nuggets
Gold Dust
Gold Dore
Gold at 75% - 95% purity
Non-London Gold Standard Gold.
Gold at 999.9% purity
Stolen Gold
All of the above have different market / commercial values with the first 6 qualities all requiring specialist refining to obtain 999.9 % purity and the present day market price at $1222 USD per Troy Ounce. Refining, in itself is very expensive and requires a registered Hallmark, stamp of the Refiner, registration number, the Purity, and full documentation, all guaranteed by the Refiner, whose costs, based upon figures provided by the Refiners are a minimum 19% of market costs approximately. It should also be noted that a small amount of Gold is always lost in the process of refining.
What we also need to know, and remember, is what amount of Fake Gold does the US have. On this point we should always remember that America sent a substantial amount of MT of Gold to China, in settlement of Debt, both in the time of William Clinton and Barack Obama. China, not being the fools that people believe them to be, undertook a full analysis of the Gold upon arrival and found it to be Gold Plated Tungsten. It was returned to America as unacceptable, the debt remains outstanding. A similar instance occurred with South Africa back in the 1990's, again in William Clinton's time as President.
We are also aware that America has established small unregistered refineries in several countries in the Far East for refining stolen Gold into 1 Kg Bars, with a claimed purity of 999.9%, and fake documentation. The Gold has been, and still is being, stolen from depositories of The Global Debt Facility, all of which derive from the 1920 London Treaty and 1929 Amendments to the London Treaty, executed by all the Royal Families of the World and the Allied Nations.
Therefore, there is a very big, in fact an enormously large question mark, as to the figures presented by America reference to their Gold Holdings, and those presented by The World Gold Council, which only a full accurate audit can determine.
Personally and corporately, I / we have more realistic figures showing that the amount of 999.9 London Gold Standard Gold held by America, which is unencumbered and free to use as Collateral behind a Gold Backed US Dollar is in fact slightly less of 2,000 MT of Gold. Even then, there are debts payable in Gold by the US that still exist from before August 1971 when the Gold Standard was removed.
On that point we are all aware that prior to August 1971, the US Dollar was redeemable in Gold, whereby many creditors demanded payment of the debt in Gold rather than US Dollars. This actually led to the demise of the US Dollar because in 1971 America did not have sufficient Gold in their Treasury to pay their debt to other countries. Hence why the Gold Standard was craftily and deviously removed, blocking any Creditor from demanding Gold and having to settle in US Dollar "Fiat Money". That was all undertaken without any consultation whatsoever with any other country on this planet.
Let me now attend to the question of HR 5404.
I very much doubt that HR 5404 will ever be approved / adopted by the US Congress or the Senate on the grounds that:-
1. The potential Gold backing of the US Dollar is unsustainable over the medium and long term because there is, based upon the above figures and the claimed 8,133.5 MT Gold held by America; only sufficient Gold to back the current amount of Dollars in Circulation, that is if all currently published figures are correct, which they are not. This means there are no Gold reserves left in America for the future expansion of their currency or further expansion of their economy.
2. There are enormous questions as to exactly what Gold America has, whether any of the specifications listed below, which is very important in determining its value and actual availability:-
Gold Stolen
Gold (Fake with Tungsten or Lead)
Gold Nuggets
Gold Dust
Gold Dore
Non-London Gold Standard Gold.
Gold at 75% - 95% purity
Gold at 999.9% purity
3. Existing Creditors have no trust in America or the US Dollar and would therefore demand payment in Gold, reducing the US claimed Gold Reserves of 8,133.5 MT to a negative figure, or at the least a near zero taking America's high debt factor into account.
4. Countries across the world are removing themselves from the US Dollar International Reserve Currency for many reasons, three of which are:-
1. International Politics is now tied directly to the US Dollar.The US Dollar has been weaponised and politicised to the detriment of the whole world.
2. The current value of the US Dollar is manipulated so much that the published figures of value of the US Dollar are generally considered to be highly over-rated and manipulated at the expense of all other Nations of the World. One could consider the current US Dollar value as being 25 cents maximum.
3. Nations of the World now understand that there are far better alternatives than the US Dollar which gives Nations the control of their own destiny rather than giving America and the US Dollar control over their "Sovereignty", "Economic Development", Currency, and Economic Affairs.
4. Treasury Assets of Foreign Currency cannot be used, or hypothecated / levered as collateral behind a Gold Backed Currency because once again it is all "Fiat Money" with no intrinsic value whatsoever.
In fact the current financial system, based upon "Fiat Money" is rotten to the core and it is monopolized by the Federal Reserve and America. They know it, the world knows it, whereby it is very possible that all this talk of backing the US Dollar with Gold, which is completely hypothetical, is in fact a ploy to calm everything down to a manageable level until such time as it uncontrollably explodes, bringing the whole world to a complete and absolute financial and economic standstill and possibly WW III.
There is only one solution and saviour to the world's financial and economic problems ----------- Get rid of the Federal Reserve Fiat Financial system and allow THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY THROUGH THE INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROLLER to use its vast asset base to create a new financial system, one which is far more balanced and a fully independent financial system. However, the latter has been frustrated, ridiculed, and demonized over the last 25 years or so as if they are a fraudulent operation, which is in fact totally and utterly incorrect as THE INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROLLER is fully legitimate and as real as Trump, Macron, Merkel, Putin, and everyone else on this planet.
All a deliberate act of course by those currently operating and controlling the present system, but THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY / INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROL is the only organization in this world who can reintroduce a very sustainable Gold Backed Monetary System, for which I understand from a recent article, and a confirmation of all facts, that the INTERNATIONAL TREASURY CONTROLLER has already set aside $500 trillion USD in Precious Metal assets to back / support / collateralize, structure and control a new International Currency and complementing financial system for the whole world.
The US Dollar is effectively dead so those many institutions holding US Dollars, in false hopes, should be moving from paper into real assets of intrinsic value, Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium, which in our assessment is the future of the Global Economy and Financial systems.
End of Copy over:
So Fulford and Wilcock, learn from those who know, not from those who know nothing.
I also remember Fulford, some years ago, asking us to join him in his quest, whereby he was informed at the time ........... Why, so you can control us. No way.
His knowledge, article, comments, etc since then clearly informs us that he knows very little, which in fact is another reason why we would never be joining forces with Fulford or any other similar person.
We should also remember that Fulford has had strong associationbs in the past with Keenan, a convicted felon in America given the chance of freedom by the CIA provided he worked for them but he could never go back to america at any time. Then there was Keith Scott, a real conman and CIA field agent listed under the Australian Field Office. Then there was Yamaguchi and Watanabe, both are convicted criminals in Italy, who avoided a 3½ year prison term by jumping bail. That is not a very good association list and makes Fulford look extremely bad.
At the 06.05 mark, Fulford carries on to say that in 1955 the 77 non-aligned Nations ................. and these Nations had the historical rights to most of the Asian Treasure.
DC Comments; Oh, come on Fulford, get your head out of your lower orifice, and stop "snorting" whatever it is you are snorting.
The 77 non-aligned Nations never held any rights to the Asian Treasure. That was entirely held by THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY, and only THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY which at that time was solely under the Master Holder, Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines, from 1932 - 1988
Now you can probably see and understand why Ferdinand Marcos had to be taken out in 1986. He was the most powerful man in the World and the Western countries running everything in the world just didn't like it and would not accept it. They wanted control of The Global Debt Facility for all times not just for 50 years, and to date they have never achieved it despite the take down of Ferdinand Marcos, Pres. Soekarno, Ray Dam, threats to QE II, and even the latest International Treasury Controller.
FACT, real FACT, so get that into your head Fulford and Wilcock because you can never change the truth. You can only delay it being fully revealed, but eventually it will come out right around the world, so be careful you are not listed among those who will hang from the lamp-posts.
At the 07.05 mark, Fulford continues by saying that they (meaning the Western Allied Powers) wanted to finance a "Marshall Plan" for Asia and Africa to modernise these regions, and they pooled their treasure to finance this. This was accommodated by the Hilton Green Memorial Treaty. He carries on to say that the signatory to all this money was president Soekarno of Indonesia.
DC Comments: For the second time, Oh, come on Fulford, get your head out of your lower orifice, and stop "snorting" whatever it is you are snorting.
Starting from the latter statement above, it was not the Hilton Green Memorial Treaty, it was THE GREEN HILTON TREATY AND AGREEMENT, which was between President Soekarno and President Kennedy to bring the Gold deposited in Indonesia in to the system to finance the printing of further US Dollars for the expansion of International Trade between Nations by printing more Gold Backed US Dollars to accommodate this.
The actual Treaty and Agreement derived from President Kennedy's Executive Order 11110, dated July 1963 was executed in November 1963. Unfortunately, 10 days after executing this agreement, President Kennedy was assasinated and President Lyndon Johnson, then Vice President, was sworn in as President just minutes after the declared death of President Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson's first act, whilst still in the Hotel room in Dallas, Texas, was to rescind / revoke the EO 11110 of President Kennedy, which, as a derivative of the E.O. The Green Hilton Treaty and Agreement was rendered totally void and legally ineffective.
Any Gold Backed currency of the US, printed and placed into circulation at the time, which were the $1 and $2 US Dollar Notes were quickly withdrawn from circulation. The $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100 US Dollar notes were printed but never placed into circulation. All these $ Notes were eventually destroyed.
That event above was the precursor to the "Fiat" currency which came into effect in August 1971 when Richard Nixon removed the Gold Standard which was less than 8 years after the assasination of President Kennedy.
America and its Allies did not want the "Gold Backed Currencies" because such currencies kept the Banking system, and Governments, under control. They wanted "Fiat" currencies which they could control without restrictions, and that is exactly what they got to the detriment of the whole world.
In respect of the Marshall Plan, such a plan was declared illegal from day 1, and it is still illegal because no authority was ever granted to utilise The Global Debt Facility for such a Plan, which was actually a guise for corrupting foreign Nations around the World. However, that didn't matter to America and its Allies, they would, and did, just as they wanted to and their "Marshall Plan" became operational. The German Marshall Plan is still operational, from America, and still unlawfully utilising assets of The Global Debt Facility. Several other countries around the world are now linked in and aligned to the German Marshall Plan, all receiving illicit funds from America via Germany. The problem is that the majority of funds are not used for that of which it was intended. Instead such funds are used for corrupting countries and politicians around the world.
Fulford claims that President Soekarno happened to be related to most of the Royal Families in Asia. That statement by Fulford is highly questionable as history proves otherwise. President Soekarno was a descendant of the Royal Family elements that fled the communist revolution in China, and went to Formosa, now renamed Taiwan. President Marcos was a descendant of the Qing Royal Dynasty in China. Two completely different Royal Families.
Contrary to what Fulford states that President Soekarno was signatory and custodian only to the assets of The Global Debt Facility deposited in Indonesia. There is however a little twist in the tail with all of this which is that Custodians, Account Holders and Signatories never held any powers or rights over the assets held in their respective countries. That rule still legally applies today. That is because all assets are held under the legal ownership of special Trusts and Foundations called PIFS or PITS (Private Investment Foundation / Trust) in which the actual beneficiaries made the decisions and held all the powers, not the Trustees or Foundation Managers, or the Custodians, Account Holders, or Signatories.
The power and legal right of decision and signature over all assets and accounts of The Global Debt Facility belonged only and solely to President Marcos, the Master Holder, Legal Heir, Owner, and Controller, and subsequently all successor Legal Heir and known as The International Treasury Controller.
As for Fulford's statement about the US sending a man to the moon. Yes, but all financed illegally by The Global Debt Facility and has been ever since. Now that NASA has been demoted a little, organisations such as SPACE X have taken their place but still unlawfully financed by The Global Debt Facility.
You can see how people like Fulford and Wilcock gain snippets of information and then put their own stories around these snippets to make the whole story sound very plausible when in fact very little of their stories is the truth. It is, in the majority, all false or fake news by these 2 Jokers who gain lots of money from naive people around the world who buy their books and provide subscription money to keep their web sites going and their livlihoods reasonable.
At the 09.14 mark, Fulford states that Kennedy got gold from Indonesia and he put out Kennedy Bonds and US Notes that were controlled by the US Treasury not the privately owned Federal Reserve Board.
DC Comments: President Kennedy DID NOT get any Gold from Indonesia. I really don't know where you got the piece of rubbish from but it is totally incorrect. The reason why it is incorrect is stated above, which is that on the 22nd November 1963 President Kennedy was assassinated and within minutes of the declared death of President Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson was sworn in as President and he, in his first act, declared the E.O. of Kennedy, rescinded and void of any legality. The E.O. and the Green Hilton Treaty and Agreement were DEAD at that point and held no legal status whatsoever.
No Gold from Indonesia, either under E.O. or The Green Hilton Treaty / Agreement, was ever used by the US or given to the US at any time or for any purpose.
Having stated that we are fully aware of approximately 300,000 MT of Gold is in the process of being stolen from Indonesia.
There are some that say that the Gold in Indonesia automatically, under The Green Hilton Treaty, passed to the US upon the demise of President Soekarno. That is an absolute and total myth. If one looks at The Green Hilton Treaty / Agreement (The real Genuine Treaty and Agreement, not the various fakes that are in circulation) as well as the E.O. of President Kennedy, there is absolutely no clause or article within either of same that states that the Indonesian Gold passes to the US upon the demise of President Soekarno.
Even if there was such a clause, the E.O. and Treaty / Agreement were rescinded by President Lyndon Johnson on the 22ndNovember 1963 whilst still in the Hotel Room in Dallas, Texas: and declared void of all legal status, so legally the US could never claim that the Gold was theirs under either the E.O. or the Treaty / Agreement.
Just another big con by America to get their dirty little hands on Gold and assets that actually belong to The Global Debt Facility.
Oh, and a little bit of truth from Fulford for a change. Yes, the proposed Gold from Indonesia to back the new US Dollar Notes to support increased International Trade was supposed to have been controlled by the US Treasury, as Fulford has stated, not the Federal Reserve. Kennedy, like other Presidents of America, wanted to remove and dismantle the Federal Reserve so that the US Treasury and Government were responsible for printing the American currency, no one else. Unfortunately, and like several others, President Kennedy suffered for it, and America keeps rolling on using criminality as its main operational component.
At the 10.18 mark, Fulford states that they have Soekarno's nephew who has signed over the rights to them now ........
DC Comments: I Love it, I love it, it gives me such a laugh it is unbelieveable. It is the best comedy act I have seen for many years.
Fulford and Wilcock please take note. "You have Soekarno's Nephew who has signed over the rights to us now". Boy, oh Boy, you really are living on a cloud aren't you. That must be some good stuff you are snorting.
Let me inform you of the following. Soekarno designated his successor some time before he died. That successors name is on record as being approved by the Royal Families of the World. At a later date, the successor nominated his successor whose name is also on official record. The first scuccessor eventually died, passing everything to his successor. The second successor died in December 2017 without naming a successor, which should have been his son, but because of the dangers, his son refused to take up that position, so The International Treasury Controller became the successor heir on a temporay basis until a suitable person could be found, which is actually dependent upon the Royal Family descendants in Taiwan, who have yet to nominate for approval, a person of their family. That is currently in progress. Until finalised The International Treasury Controller holds the position that Pres. Soekarno held and he certainly has not signed over anything to you or your cohorts. You don't appear to realise that such positions can only be held by descendants of the World's Royal Families, not some loopy group of people who think they know better than everyone else.
In fact Fulford, by stating what you have stated you have actually acknowledged your illegal and treasonous activities against The International Treasury Controller and The Global Debt Facility, for which that video containg your statement has now been passed to our Judicial Department whereby the charge of Treason will now be added to your summons / indictment.
It is what is referred to in law as "Self Confession" and you have well and truly put both feet in your mouth, saving us a great deal of time and expense.
The truth is out there for most people to see, but you still deny it and carry on on your own little way with your own little stories made up of snippets of information passed to you by persons, unknown to us, but in your words, CIA, MI6, the Rothschilds and some members of Royal Families, all of whom have a very large axe to grind, and you absorb it just like a sponge.
As for Wilcock, well I don't really know the right words to describe him so let's just say an extrovert whose quest for money and recognition is prominent, and with his "Stone Cold" eyes will get what he wants irrespective of what he has to do to get it. See you in Prison, sucker, and by the way, don't bend over in the showers otherwise you might get more than you bargained for and you will not be writing about it.
At the 10.33 mark, Fulford satates that in 1958 they (meaning the Cabal, GHWB, Kissinger, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellows, the people behind the assassination nof Kennedy, etc), a fake signatory ....... They forged the rights to use that money (I believe he actually means assets) for the basis of issuance of currency, creating Dollars. They claimed the historical rights for 85% of the World's Gold that was owned by the Asians, but they faked the rights with forged documents which claimed they have the rights......... some of the assets were laundered by BCCI, Chase Manhatton Bank, Black Eagle Trust, and a few others of these groups, and with the money from this laundering they financed such things as "Black Ops", you know.
DC Comments: Fulford, the cabal that you refer to have been setting up "Stooges" of this nature ever since the 1920 London Treaty and they are still doing this kind of operation today. For example the very, very fake Tubercia Villamor Marcos (TVM). The Fake Bong Bong Marcos, the original one died at a very young age. The Fake Angel F. Marcos who was / is part of the illegal GIDIFA group. The Fake Sultan of Sulu, when the original is still alive and living outside of the Philippines. The Fake/s Anthony Santiago Martin. The list is very long and it gets added to year by year.
As you will also be aware, or you should be. Fake documents are not legal at any time, so it actually amounts to fraud against The International Treasury Controller and The Global Debt Facility, and they will be brought to justice for their illegal activities and probably given the Death Penalty for their crimes against humanity.
You will find that most of these illegal activities originate from America, as we have always stated. One only has to look at Keenan, a convicted felon in America with 10 years in prison in front of him. Given a chance to work for the cabal in return for his freedom but could never return to America. He chose Bulgaria as his base and married a Bulgarian girl so he could get a marital visa.
Fulford, you know Keenan as you colluded with him. Now he is deceased but they are still trying to make it appear that he is still alive. Just another Fake / Fraud orchestrated by America and the cabal to steal assets and accounts of The Global Debt Facility, and you, by your own admittance are part of it, not only by association but by playing an active roll in their game.
That's enough for now. The saga rolls on and on. Players come and go. Lies and Myths are in abundace, but the truth will always last and eventually be known by all, then watch the fireworks, the lynching, the murders, and those who run to abandon the sinking ship just to save their own filfy and soiled skins.
David P. Crayford
© and Copy Holder together with ® to David P. Crayford in conjunction with abundanthop.net.
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