전 멋지고 근본있는 존재들을 좋아합니다.
I like cool, fundamental beings.
If I were to make the first episode,
I'm being chased from the land of the discriminated forest
It's been a thousand years since we split up
Between the elves who lived in the midst of other tribes,
The returnees who are trying to return to the Elf Forest appear
A thousand years has passed through the green Elf forest
Golden copper desert. It was enough to turn it into a desert of the Reserved Man
Desert Reserved Man is one of the most hated objects of E.L.Fs
The E.L.F.s who were longing for their hometown didn't care about the little things
I've been socializing with the upper class for hundreds of years
E.L.F., who became the secret power of many countries,
who lived there under the auspices of the New World Union
I'm going to make Desert Ledger Man grilled on skewers
I'm leaving
If this is the next episode,
It is said that he likes naan and curry or tropical fruits.
멋진캐릭터 흑인 으로 했다 이미지상
난 다양성을 존중한다 어차피 다른것들 보면 지 꼴리는대로 쓰는게
난 다양한 작품들을 쓰고 싶어하니
컨셉만 잡을뿐이고
만든 캐릭터다 하지만 어차피 등단도 못하니 자세한 이야기는 때려치고 대충그려 올린다.
이곳은 그다지 차별주의는 아니고
사실상 차별된 차별하는 건방지고 오만하고 무례한 엘프들을 싫어한다.
He's a great character. He's a black guy
I respect diversity If you look at other things, you can write whatever you want
I want to write a variety of works
I'm just trying to come up with a concept
It's a character that I made, but I can't even make it to the stage anyway, so I'll stop talking about the details and draw it roughly.
This place isn't very discriminatory But there are many powerful people
In fact, I hate discriminating arrogant arrogant rude elves.
건방진 도마뱀 이라고한다
사막 도마뱀 컨샙
자신이 졋과 꿀이 흐르는 황금 사 에서 태어났다고 전해지지만
그건 어디에도 없다 하자 우리가 찾을것이다 라면서
망상들로 가득한 바보들이다.
금을 좋아하며 금칠을 막하니 꼭 틀딱같아 보인다.
뜨거운것에 강하며 추위에 취약하고
추울때 땅굴속에 들어간다.
겨울 설산에 이렇게 노란놈들은 전혀 안어울리는데
마치 맥주에 얼음넣는것 같이 말이다
그렇게 되면 맥주의 맛을 버리기 때문에
그러면 화낸다.
짐승이라 꽤나 멍청하며
열량도 높아 비만 도마뱀들이 많다.
그런데 비만 도마뱀들은 죄다 부자들이다.
도둑질을 좋아하며 대부분 도둑들이다.
그런 주제에 오만하다
주제 모르며 불을쓰며 불이야 라고 소리치는 엘프처럼말이다.
대부분 엘프 변태들이다
It's called a cheeky lizard
Desert Lizard Concept
It's said that he was born in a golden temple where girt and honey flow
Let's say it's nowhere. We'll find it
They are idiots full of delusions.
I like gold and I can't paint it, so it looks like it's a piece of course.
They're resistant to heat, vulnerable to cold
When it's cold, I go into the tunnel.
Yellow guys don't go well with winter snow
It's like ice in a beer
If you do that, you'll get rid of the taste of beer
Then I'll get mad.
He's a pretty stupid animal
There are many obese lizards because of their high calories.
But the obese lizards are all rich.
They like to steal and are mostly thieves.
be arrogant about such a subject
Like an elf who doesn't know the subject and uses fire and shouts, "Fire!"
Most of them are elf perverts
너무 대충그렸다
아무튼 이외의 존재들은 인기가 없다고 생각하지만
사실 인기가 많아서 결혼 대상으로도 손꼽혔다
I drew it too roughly
Anyway, I don't think other people are popular,
In fact, he was so popular that he was considered one of the wedding targets
If the writer can tell you in particular,
You can guess, but you can't guess
You know, that black guy
The Dark Elves are actually from the desert
The black-discriminatory elves are the ones who burn the black ones
They don't like and discriminate against colored elves
E.L.F.s are full of guys who don't even deserve to burn
I do it to the Dark Elf, just like black discrimination.
When I say something else,
But why do you do it to us?
And they're saying that we're just discriminating like you
No, I say no.
So if you go into your forest, you're going to ask the Dark Elf
Why didn't you go into the forest without going into the desert?
I can hear the sound of
If we kill humans together,
We have to kill the Elves as well
So, chocolate? The Dark Elves are actually from the desert
It can be used as the most pathetic elf
I don't feel sorry for the other Elves
I'll kick that burnt face out, saying it's not good luck
I can't tell you the details
So they drive him out of the woods and other deserts
Most dark E.L.Fs don't have their own civilization
There's a lot of slavery in the desert
Most of them were passive and later turned into evil
Or acting as a suspicious merchant
Assassination and various other roles
I'm going to write it as a story.
If you say "Uh-huh, it's not like that," yes, the topic of setting error is also wrong.
I didn't mean to say it in the first place, but it's frustrating
Told me something really great.
이거 플렛폼 다운받은거 이러려고 만든것이 아닌 것같은데 너무 예쁘다.
난 건축물 좋아해
지금 쓰는것도 벅차지만
하도 도용해서
어차피 이제는 줄거리 만쓴다.
또다른 작품 줄거리를 쓰자면
지상이 만들어 지고 나서 부터
그곳에서 곳곳마다 크게 세 종족으로 나누어졌다.
이미 차별된 세상이라 휴먼이라 하지않고 노먼이라한다.
이전에는 요정들이 살았다고한다.
(요정들의 나이와 상관없이 자신이 성숙한 이미지에 따라서
그 외모가 어른 이거나 늙은이거나 천살먹어도 어린이거나 하는데 )
노먼 엘프 그리고 드워프
모두 함깨 그 지역에 서부터
하지만 엘프들은 어떠한 선택에 위해서
돌연적으로 죽기 마련이였다.
그래서 인지
오래 살지만 일반적 엘프 우든 엘프 들이
지상에 많이 종종보인다.
바람처럼나부끼는 또한 리프를 받았고
이미 지상에 가장 장수하는 존재로서 아름다운 젊음 이어받은데도
불구하고 그걸로는 부족하다 여겼다.
이미 그것으로 엄청난 걸 준거 아닌가?
드워프들은 뛰어난
기술력과 단단한 체력을 가진 존재였다.
돌과 불과 같은
하지만 노먼은
노먼은 100세 넘게 살기 밖에 못했다
그 셋중 가장 오래 못살았고
그저 쥐어지는대로 살아가는 존재들이였다.
다양하게 무난하지만 특출난것이 없었다
하지만 ... 전투 민족 으로 간 노먼은
전투 민족 한정
그 셋중에서 가장 강했다고한다.
어떠한 것도 뒤쳐질것이 없고
온몸에 갑옷입고도 잘만 뛰어다니고
거대한 그레이트 소드를 한손한손 양손에 껴서 한손검 마냥 휘두를수 있을정도
그게 기본 사항이다.
실제로 그런 그레이트 소드를 한손으로 휘두르는것은
괭장히 비효율적이다. 크기도 크고 하기때문에 휘두른다해도 자세가 무너지고 휘어진다.
그를 본 엘프들은 그들을
(잠제적 성범죄 마냥 보는것처럼) 생각했다.
알아두어야 시피 노먼과 드워프든 자신들을 마냥
착하다고 말은 안했다. 알고보면 양심적이다.
지상에 그렇게 셋이 동맹을 맺었다고
하지만 그것도 오래가진 않았다
또한 엘프들보다
드워프들은 노먼과 친했고
오히려 죽이 더 잘맞았어서
사실상 엘프들과 친한경우가 많은데
엘프도 사실 드워프들이 난폭해보인다고 하고
비록 난폭해보이지만 마음은 따듯한 사나이다.
거의 무시하는 사이긴해도
(무시한다는것은 관심을 두지 않는다는뜻)
무시한다 해도 그걸로 별로 상관하지 않는다.
하지만 노먼과 드워프들과 사이가 나빠지기 마련인것은
어디까지나 질투였다
그들은 누구보다 특출난 기술을 가졌기에
그들을 질투했다. 그래서
싸움도 일어나고 한적은 없지만 도둑 맞은 적이 많은데
그들도 생각이란것을 해서
싸움을 한다해도 서로 크게 피해볼것은 알기때문에
하지만 드워프들은 그 질투에 관하여
역시 우리 기술이 좋다는것이
바로 드워프들이 가장 싫어하는것은
자신을 욕하는것보다 우리가 만들어낸 것에 허락없이 도용하는
놈이나 자신들의것을 욕하는것을 괭장히 싫어하고
때론 사기꾼들이 있지만 자신들의 이름으로 판
자신들을 욕보이게한 사기꾼은 정말 죽이도록 싫어해서
그런놈이 있다면 같은 드워프들이라도 사형감이다.
욕심많은 드워프들은 이미 다른 분파로 부터 나누어졌다.
다크 엘프 비슷하게
엘프들은 대체적으로 대부분 다른이에 비해서 좀 멍청한데
편견도 심하고 이미 젊음의 아름다움을 가지고
가장 장수하는 것으로 이미 충분하지 않나?
싸움꾼도 아닌지라 대부분 셋중 가장 약하게 나옴
얼마나 공부하느냐 에 따라 똑똑한지 안똑똑한지 에 따라
결정되는것을 모름
여기 엘프들은 뭐 잘못한건 없어보이지만 딱히 하는것도 없음
자신들의 보호의 목적을 두고 있음
노먼들은 세력의 확장을 두고있음
드워프들은 무분별한 기술의 확세를 노리는중
(엘프들은 별로 적극적이지 못하고
드워프들은 그래도 착실하고 적극적이라서 좋음
그렇게 못생긴것도 아닌데 가꾼다면 그래도 괜찮아지는
관련은 없지만 그 스칼렛 용인 그에게도 드워프들이
비록 난폭해 보일지라도 마음은 따듯한 사나이라는것을
좋은 작품들도 많고
예로들면 골든 해머 라고해두자 황금 망치가 나쁜놈이 쓴다.
황금 망치가 꼭 나쁜건 아닌데 그 나쁜놈이 쓰고있는건 다 나쁘다.
거기에서 악당 황금 망치를 존나 악당들이 쓰는 황금 방패 드래곤 방패도
들고있는 머리통을 깨트리지 하도 머리가 깨져서 안쓰게 된다.)
느끼게 해준 존재들이라
알고보면 착실하까 진행에 불만은 없으니 좋아하게됨)
서로 싸우고 그러다보니
하지만 그러다 보니 어느세인가 그 다른 무언가 어두운
침입자들로 인하여
원레 세력 다툼이 심한
거의 노먼과 맞서다 죽은 이들이 많았고
거의 오히려 그들이 많은이들이 사라졌다고 한다.
그건 엘프들의 예상과는 다른 일이였다.
I don't think I downloaded this platform for this purpose, but it's so pretty.
I like architecture
It's too much to write right now,
I stole so much
I only write the plot now anyway.
If I were to write another plot,
Ever since the earth was built,
There, it was largely divided into three races.
It is already a discriminated world, so it is called Norman, not Human.
It is said that fairies used to live.
(Regardless of the fairies' age, depending on their mature image,
Even if you're an adult, old, or a thousand years old, you're still a child.)
After that
Norman E.L.F. and Dwarves
All together, from the area
E.L.F. is
But E.L.F., for some choice,
He was bound to die suddenly.
It's a long-lived elf. Wooden elf
It is often seen on the ground.
I also received riffs that fluttered like the wind
Even though you've inherited your beautiful youth as the person who lives the longest on earth,
Nevertheless, I thought that was not enough.
Didn't you already give it a hell of a lot?
Dwarves are the best
He was a man of skill and solid physical strength.
stony and fiery
But Norman
Norman had no choice but to live over 100 years old
He's the least lived of the least of the three
They were just beings who lived on their own.
There was nothing extraordinary about it, although it was a variety of simple things
But... Norman, who went to the battlefield,
Combat Ethnic Only
It is said to have been the strongest of the three.
There's nothing left to lag behind
He's running around in armor
You can hold a giant sod in one hand and swing it like a sword
That's the basic point.
Beyond the Great Sword is the Giant Sword.
In fact, wielding such a Great Sword with one hand can wield iteven if it is
It's very inefficient. It bends because it is big.
The E.L.Fs who saw him,
I thought (as if I were watching a potential sex crime).
You should know that Norman and Dwarves are just like themselves
I didn't say I was nice. It's conscientious to know.
The three of them are on the ground
But it didn't last long either
And more than E.L.F.,
The Dwarves were close to Norman
It was a perfect match
I'm actually close to E.L.F.s
E.L.F. said that Dwarves look violent
Although he looks violent, he is warm-hearted.
We're pretty much ignoring each other,
(ignoring means not paying attention)
I don't really care if you ignore it.
But it's only natural that Norman and the Dwarves fall out
I was just jealous
They have the most outstanding technology
I was jealous of them. so
There's been a fight, and I've never done it, but I've been robbed
They do what they think
Even if we fight, we know we'll avoid each other
But the Dwarves have a lot to do with that jealousy
Our technology is so good
What Dwarves hate the most is
Rather than cursing yourself, we steal what we've created without permission
They hate to curse him or their own
Sometimes there are crooks, but they sell it in their own names
The con man who insulted them, he didn't want to kill them
If there is such a man, even the same dwarves are condemned to death.
Greedy Dwarves have already been divided from other branches.
Like a dark elf
Most E.L.Fs are stupid compared to others
He's very prejudiced and already has the beauty of youth
Isn't the longest life already enough?
He's not even a fighter, so he's the weakest of the three
Depending on how much you study, whether you're smart or not,
I don't know what to decide
E.L.F.s don't seem to have done anything wrong, but they don't do anything
Purpose of their own protection
The Normans are expanding their power
The Dwarves are looking to expand their reckless technology
E.L.F. is not very active
I like that Dwarves are diligent and active
It's not that ugly, but if you take it, it's okay
It's irrelevant, but Scarlett's brother, the Dwarves,
Even though he looks violent, he's warm-hearted
There are a lot of good works
For example, a golden hammer is used by a bad guy.
The golden hammer isn't necessarily bad, but everything the bad guy is using is bad.
And the golden shield dragon shield that the villains use the golden hammer
I break the head that I'm holding, but it breaks so much that I don't use it.)
They made me feel that
I like it because I don't have any complaints about the progress
Because we fought each other,
But because of that, there's something else that's dark
It's because of the invaders
bitterly contested
Almost all of them died fighting Norman
It's almost as if they've lost a lot of people.
That was not what the Elves expected.
한번 나쁜 엘프 그려봤다 꼴에 나쁜 엘프라고 대충 그리진 않음
우후후후후후후 ....
affected picture It wasn't bad at all, but... The problem is the image worse than the final boss
Dwarves say that elves have this side
I drew a bad E.L.F. on my face. I don't draw a bad E
Whoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo ....
알겠어 이제 엘프
그런데 그런것에 대해서 보면서 왜 반응해서 결국 문제거리 병크 이르킬거면서
결국 그럴거라면 결국 이렇궁 저렇궁 어쨋다궁 병크 터트리며 뭐라뭐라 오히려 병신 크티리컬 씨부릴거면
애궂은 남에게 민폐끼치고
왜 굳이 와가지고 저러는지 모르겠다. 애당초 지들이 잘한건 없으니
그런 웹툰 그런거 보니까 너희들 이유마저도 중요하지도 않던데
an ordinary farm game
Realistic farm image
I used to like games like this. I played a lot of those games
I tried to make it, but the problem broke and I couldn't.
It's small, but there are already other things
I don't want to talk about it because I don't want to pretend to know what the game is
I won't say the game for the sake of image.
Already plagiarized by this country for their money greed
So, I think I was mocked by the webtoon and told to quit
In fact, I avoided it the most among webtoons.
So I don't want to upload my work again and do webtoons.
There are a lot of simulations that are starting to come out, but...
Anyway, I wanted to make it, but I couldn't.
Anyway, I'm thankful to those who like my character
I hope that things will go well for those overseas who sympathize with me
I hope you can make good contents.