Raising Children In God's Will (005) Chapter 1. True Family Section 1. God's Purpose of Creation and the Four Position Foundation 4) The Law of Love Based on the Four Position Foundation - 1
The theory of the Four Position Foundation applies to all universal principles. So if something, be it internal or external, can't have give and take action centering on the vertical and horizontal then the foundation for existence cannot be established. If there is no pivotal axis then everything will be dissolved. We need an axis. (181-186)
What is the root of Heavenly Love? Somebody has to love before "I" can exist. In other words, the parents' love has to exist first. Next, if "I" am to remain, then I have to have conjugal love. This has to happen for children's love to come out. These are the Three Great Loves.
So parental love, conjugal love and children's love all appear in God's love. These three great loves for humankind have the eternal actual reality and authority which can transcend the absolute.
So when these three great loves join together then man can become happy. When they are all complete, then happiness is complete. If they are lacking, then unhappiness arises.
Do you think a person without a mother is happy? A person is unhappy to the extent that he doesn't have his mother. Do you think you can be happy without a father? A person who has lost his father envies a person who has a father.
In order for happiness to exist, there should not be any kind of envy. You can't be happy without a father and you can't be happy without a mother. No matter how big a person's scale of thinking is or how loud he can shout, he still needs a woman.
He needs a wife. If, after an interesting married life, the husband passes away first, then the wife cries. You can't do without a man and you can't do without a woman.
Next no matter how loving a couple may be, what happens if they don't have any children? Are they happy? [Unhappy] Do you need only sons? No, you need sons and daughters. And if the couple only has one son and daughter, what happens?
The son needs an older sister and brother and the daughter needs an older brother and sister. They also need younger brothers and sisters. If they don't have all of these they are unhappy.
God protects the family where the younger brother and sister and the older brother and sister become completely one. This becomes the foundation for the clan, the tribe, race and nation.