영어 듣기와 말하기 발표 ppt.pptx
D-Hi, Did you schedule an appointment
P-No.I didn't make a reservation
D-ok. where did you come from?
P- I want to get a scailing and I'm here to find the right toothbrush
D-Ok. Come in.
D-Open your mouth.
D-If you're sick while scaling, raise your hand
P-I think my teeth are a little sour
D-You may have a short period of chilling due to the missing plaque
P-oh thank you for your kind advice
D-Anything eles you want to know?
P-My gums always hurt after brushing my teeth.
Please tell me the correct toothbrush
D-How do you brush your teeth?
P-I brush my teeth like a toothbrush
D-Oh no! If you brush your teeth like that, your gums will hurt
P-That's why my gums got sore after brushing my teeth.
D-The toothbrush should be swept from the gums in the top to botton direction.