.In the Old Testament, when a priest died, his son inherited his father's priesthood.
However, Jehovah God came to the world in the flesh in the name of Jesus, was the high priest of mankind, and shed blood for the sins of mankind.
Since Jesus is the eternal high priest, we do not need any other priests.
If we only believe in Jesus, all our sins are forgiven by the blood of Jesus, and all who repent enter heaven.
Now, the Old Testament law or the sacrificial law is no longer valid (Hebrews 10:18). Everyone can go to heaven only by the law of faith (Galatians 2:16, 3:26).
What is the law of faith? It means believing in Jesus with your heart, obeying His words, and repenting.
Jesus’words are to repent of sin and love one another.
The works of the law are only outwardly pretending to obey to show off to people while not loving Jesus and souls in their hearts.
Such people do not truly repent and simply slaughter a lamb and sprinkle its blood on the altar.
Such religious practices are formal and false beliefs.
We must abandon a formal religious life. First, we must believe in the Lord with our hearts, practice His words with our actions, and repent whenever we are lacking.
However, when we emphasize obedience and repentance, those with formal faith treat us as heretics.
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ(Rom 5:1).
There is no one righteous in the world. However, since we repent of our sins, the Lord washes our sins with the blood of Jesus and considers us righteous.
What is faith? It is believing in the words of Jesus and practicing His words in our lives.
Righteous conduct before the Lord is obeying the words of the Lord.
In the Book of Revelation, the linens of the saints are clearly interpreted as the righteous conduct of the saints (Rev 19:8).
Right conduct is believing in Jesus and obeying His words. In other words, keeping the commandments of Jesus’ love.
Now the way is wide open for all sinners to come boldly to the Lord.
We are considered righteous by believing in Jesus, not by keeping all the laws and commandments.
But because the churches teach that the soul has already been saved, the believers live in sin and do not repent of their sins.
Many Christians have wrong beliefs.
While we are alive in this world, we must be transformed according to the will of the Lord.
Those who are not born again into new life can never go to heaven.
Peter said to Jesus that he would follow Him even to death,
When Jesus was arrested by them, a life-threatening crisis came to the disciples. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.
If the Lord does not hold us, we cannot keep our faith.
To keep our faith, we must always repent and rely on the Lord's power.
No matter how much we try to run away from Jesus, we cannot escape from His authority; instead, we are subject to His fearful discipline.
In the church that the Lord loves, when you obey, you will receive blessings , and when you disobey, you will receive discipline .
Even if the Lord promises to give you blessings, if you disobey and do not repent, the blessings will not come.
When the Lord promises blessings, Satan interferes with us from receiving the blessings.
Satan tries to make us sin in any way and prevent us from repenting.
However, we must voluntarily take this path to heaven.
We must follow the words of Jesus. for there is no other way to salvation.
We gather in church to worship, fellowship, and love each other in order to go to heaven.
The Lord gives us His words and makes us realize many things, but there are many who go against His will.
Those who realize His words must obey His will.
Even if we do not yet fully believe His words, when we begin to obey them, we will eventually come to believe them for sure.
There is a Korean proverb that says, “Your clothes will get wet in the drizzle without you knowing it.”
We cannot feel the drizzle well. However, if we stay outside for a long time, our whole body will be drenched in the rain.
In this way, if we strive to obey the words of the Lord, we can gradually achieve complete obedience.
Children should serve their parents well according to the word of the Lord while they are alive.
It is useless to serve your parents after they are dead. Offering sacrifices to your dead parents is like idolatry.
When you hear the word of God, do not delay, but put it into practice right away.
Faith without works is dead faith (James 2:17).
We cannot save our lives through dead faith.
What the Epistle of James emphasizes is to put the word of the Lord into practice and have living faith.
Those who believe in human doctrines call the Epistle of James a worthless gospel, a straw gospel.
However, the Epistle of James is a book that teaches us what the core of faith is.
Do not add human thoughts to the words of the Bible.
If you add or subtract human thoughts from the words of the Bible, such a sermon cannot save souls.
Writings and sermons that distort the words of God do not have the light of life.
We must only follow the words of God. The Word came to the world in the flesh. That God is Jesus Christ (John 1:14),
Jesus is the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20; John 7:37-39).
Therefore, those who have received the Holy Spirit remember and clearly understand the words that Jesus spoke on this earth.
Human beings cannot understand the Bible on their own, but when the Holy Spirit helps us, we can clearly understand the words of Jesus.
To those who obey, the living water of God overflows within them.
The living water means the Holy Spirit, and Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18-21).
Jesus died for the sins of mankind, was resurrected, and ascended to heaven.
When the disciples gathered in the upper room of Mark and prayed earnestly, the Holy Spirit came.
The disciples who received the Holy Spirit risked their lives for Jesus and spread the gospel.
No one can say that Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3).
No one can go to heaven without the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Those who do not have the Holy Spirit have dead souls.
Those whose souls are dead drink rotten water and go to destruction.
Rotten water is the greed, pride, and idolatry of the world.
Those who believe in the Lord, obey the Lord's words, and repent of their sins, the water of life overflows within them.
Our hearts will enjoy the Lord's peace and joy without end.
Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." (John 7:38).
The Holy Spirit comes into our hearts. Some false prophets say that the Holy Spirit comes into their hands and fire comes out of their hands, which is a lie.
Those who believe lies and leave the truth of the Bible will all go to hell.
After Jesus was resurrected, he breathed and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22).
The breath of God is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God (Genesis 2:7).
The fullness of the Holy Spirit comes to those who desire to receive the Holy Spirit, repent, and obey.
Those who understand the words of the Bible have the spiritual power to discern and cast out evil spirits.
Those who do not understand the Bible do not have the spiritual power to discern spirits.
Many people boast that their spiritual eyes are opened, but most of them are given by Satan.
Because they sin and do not repent, demons enter and work within them.
When they repent, the Holy Spirit works. However, when they do not repent, evil spirits work within them.
When funeral services, memorial services, and flowers are offered for the dead, evil spirits work strongly within them.
Even those who were filled with the Holy Spirit are controlled by Satan when they commit sins, serve the dead, and do not repent.
When they disobey God's will and do not repent, the Holy Spirit that came within them gradually disappears.
Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. (1 Thessalonians 5:19-22).
What is evil? It works through Satan. It boasts of itself by performing Satan’s miracles and signs.
God’s power and purpose is to make sinners repent and give them eternal life.
The wages of sin is death, but repenting and obeying in Christ gives eternal life (Rom. 6:23).
Only in Jesus is there eternal life.
Jesus is God Himself, Jehovah came to the world in the flesh and died for the sins of mankind.
If Jesus had not come, no one could be saved.
There is no other way to be saved than for an individual to believe in Jesus and repent.
Nevertheless, many pastors claim that we were destined to go to heaven before we were born.
They claim that we will go to heaven unconditionally even if we do not live a life of repentance and obedience.