역시 그렇구나!
응용근 신경학의 본질은 과학!!!
• Kinesiology - study of motion or human movement
• Anatomic kinesiology - study of human musculoskeletal system & musculotendinous system
• Biomechanics - application of mechanicalphysics to human motion
• Structural kinesiology - study of muscles as they are involved in science of movement
• Both skeletal & muscular structures are involved
• Bones are different sizes & shapes − particularly at the joints, which allow or limit movement
kinesiology는 인체 움직임에 대한 탐구
인체는 600여개가 넘는 근육이 있고, 근육은 다양한 크기, 형태, 구조를 가짐.
성인의 뼈는 206개
뼈의 형태
1) long bone - humerus, fibular
2) short bone - carpals, tarsals
3) flat bone - skull, scapular
4) irregular bone - pelvic, ethmoid, ear ossicles
5) sesamoid bone - patellar
관절의 기능적 분류
반관절 amphiarthrosis - tibia 와 fibular의 관절로 syndemosis
관절의 구조적 분류
fibrous joint
cartilagenous joint
synovial joint
• Articulation - connection of bones at a joint usually to allow movement between surfaces of bones
• 3 major classifications according to structure & movement characteristics
Diarthrodial 가동관절
• Articular or hyaline cartilage covers the articular surface ends of the bones inside the joint cavity
– absorbs shock
– protect the bone
• slowly absorbs synovial fluid during joint unloading or distraction
• secretes synovial fluid during subsequent weight bearing & compression
• some diarthrodial joints have specialized fibrocartilage disks
관절 움직임
1. ankle and foot
내반 외반
족배굴곡, 족저굴곡
회내와 회외
1) 회내(pronation)
- 발목 족배굴곡, 거골하 외반, 전족의 외전
2) 회외(supination)
- 발목 족저굴곡, 거골하 내반, 전족의 내전
2. radioulnar joint
손목의 회내(pronation)
손목의 회외(supination)
3. shoulder girdle
견갑골 하강, 상승
견갑골 전인(protraction), 후인(retraction)
견갑골 하방회전, 상방회전
견관절 수평내전, 수평외전
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