Actual Test 02 The Development of Northern European Agriculture |
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NO | English | | Korean | English Explanation |
1 | approximately | ad | 대략 | about; almost exactly |
2 | migrate | v | 이주하다, 이동하다 | to move from one region into another |
3 | subsistence farming | n | 자급 농업 | farming that provides enough food for the farmer and their family to live on, but not enough for them to sell |
4 | norm | n | 표준, 일반적인 것 | an accepted standard or a way of behaving or doing things that most people agree with |
5 | estate | n | 토지, 사유지 | a piece of land with a large house on it; all the property of a person or family |
6 | dissolution | n | 소멸 | the dismissal or dispersal of an organization; extinction |
7 | feudalism | n | 봉건 제도 | the feudal system, the social and land-owning system of western Europe in the Middle Ages or of any society that is organized according to rank |
8 | serf | n | 농노 | a member of a low social class in medieval times who worked on the land and had to obey the person who owned that land |
9 | allegiance | n | 충성 | loyalty or dedication to a person, country, or belief |
10 | manor | n | 영지 | a large estate and its main house or mansion |
11 | hedge | n | 생울타리 | a solid row of bushes, used as a kind of fence |
12 | furrow | n | 고랑 | a long narrow ditch made in the ground for planting seeds |
13 | fallow | a | 휴한하는 | plowed but not planted with seeds |
14 | ridge | n | 이랑 | any narrow raised strip, as on cloth or in a plowed field |
15 | forage | v | (먹이를) 찾다 | to search for food or supplies |
16 | communal | a | 공동의 | shared by, or for the use of, a number of people, especially people who live together |
17 | famine | n | 기근 | a lack of food during a long period of time in a region |
18 | horse collar | n | 말의 목걸이 | a band of leather or rope placed around a horse's neck to restrain or harness it |
19 | advent | n | 출현, 도래 | the arrival or coming to exist, especially of something important |
20 | plow | n | 쟁기 | a heavy farm tool that has a wide blade and is pulled by a tractor or strong animal |
21 | rotation | n | 순환, 로테이션 | one cycle of circular movement around an axis |
22 | harvest | v | 수확하다 | to gather crops that are ripe |
23 | recover | v | 회복하다 | to return to a normal or healthy condition |
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Actual Test 02 Animal Hunting Methods |
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NO | English | | Korean | English Explanation |
1 | predator | n | 포식자, 포식 동물 | ≠prey |
2 | prey | n | 먹이, 사냥감 | an animal that is hunted or killed by another animal for food; ≠predator |
3 | carnivorous | a | 육식성의 | feeding on other animals |
4 | stealth | n | 살며시 함, 잠행 | cautious and surreptitious action or movement |
5 | ambush | v | 매복하여 습격하다 | to make a surprise attack on (someone) from a concealed position |
6 | acute | a | 날카로운, 민감한 | sharp; keen |
7 | hawk | n | 매 | a large bird with a short, hooked beak, sharp claws, and very good eyesight |
8 | exceptional | a | 이례적일 정도로 우수한, 특출난 | excellent; outstanding; marvelous |
9 | eyesight | n | 시력 | the ability to see |
10 | binocular | a | 두 눈으로 보는 | involving, relating to, seeing with or intended for both eyes |
11 | binocular vision | n | 양안시(좌우 양쪽의 눈으로 상을 보는 경우) | vision in which creatures having two eyes use them together |
12 | swoop | v | (특히 공격을 하기 위해) 급강하하다, 위에서 덮치다 | to fly down through the air suddenly |
13 | unsuspecting | a | 의심하지 않는, 이상한 낌새를 못 채는 | not aware of the presence of danger |
14 | overcome | v | 이기다, 정복하다 | to defeat |
15 | run down | phr | ~을 치다, 쓰러뜨리다 | to hit a person or an animal and knock them/it to the ground |
16 | game animal | n | 먹이 동물 | an animal that is often hunted by others |
17 | squirrel | n | 다람쥐 | a small animal with a long furry tail |
18 | frenzy | n | 광분, 광포, 열광 | great excitement or wild behavior that often results from losing control of your feelings |
19 | lair | n | 굴, 잠자리 | a place where a wild animal lives, usually a place which is underground or well-hidden |
20 | enhance | v | 향상시키다 | to intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of |
21 | sneak up on | phr | ~에게 몰래 다가가다 | to approach somebody very quietly, so that they do not see or hear you until you reach them |
22 | water buffalo | n | 물소 | an animal like a large cow with long horns that curve upwards |
23 | herd | n | 떼 | flock; group |
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Actual Test 02 The Aztecs | |
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NO | English | | Korean | English Explanation |
1 | warfare | n | 전투, 전쟁 | war; battle; fighting |
2 | invader | n | 침략군(국) | soldiers who are invading a country |
3 | promptly | ad | 지체 없이 | immediately; swiftly |
4 | coalition | n | 연합체, 연립 정부 | a group consisting of people from different political or social groups |
5 | immigrate | v | 이주해 오다 | cf. emigrate, migrate |
6 | hierarchy | n | 계급 제도 | a chain of command; an order of people according to their rank or importance |
7 | pass down | phr | ~을 물려주다, 전해주다 | to give something or teach something to your children or people who are younger than you |
8 | pictogram | n | 그림 문자, 상형 문자 | a picture or symbol standing for a word or group of words |
9 | enforce | v | 강요하다 | to make someone follow orders or the law |
10 | vicinity | n | 가까움, 부근 | proximity in space or relationship |
11 | ensure | v | 보장하다 | to guarantee |
12 | garrison | v | 수비하다, (부대를) 주둔하다 | to send soldiers to (a place) in order to defend it |
13 | appease | v | 달래다 | to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired |
14 | wage | v | (전투 등을) 벌이다, 계속하다 | to carry on (a war or campaign) |
15 | warrior | n | (특이 과거의) 전사 | a fighter or soldier, especially one in former times |
16 | combat | n | 전투, 싸움 | fight; war |
17 | bravery | n | 용기, 용감 | brave behavior or the quality of being brave |
18 | conquistador | n | 정복자(16세기에 멕시코와 페루를 정복한 스페인 사람) | the sixteenth century Spanish conquerors of Central and South America |
19 | headway | n | 전진, 진행 | forward movement or progress, especially when this is slow or difficult |
20 | despise | v | 경멸하다 | to dislike |
21 | overlord | n | 지배자, 권력자 | someone who had power over many people |
22 | plead | v | 애원하다 | to ask someone in an intense, emotional way |
23 | gunpowder | n | 화약 | an explosive substance which is used to make fireworks or cause explosions |
24 | outbreak | n | 발생, 발발 | burst; eruption |
25 | smallpox | n | 천연두 | a serious infectious disease that causes spots which leave deep marks on the skin |
26 | typhus | n | 발진티푸스 | a serious infectious disease that produces spots on the skin, a high fever, and a severe headache |