pastor Gu
matthew 16:21~28
making disciple - you have
to be teacher
making disciple have to be teacher
if Jesus is our teacher, we will be fisher of man.
Jesus` disciples fought each others. they were thinking that He
will be King of the Roman empire. So disciples fought for their position. If we
went to be a disciple of God we must deny ourselves.
If we want to make disciple we should be a teacher. Of
course. To make disciple we need to be teacher. But if we will be disciple we
need to have teacher. But that teacher should be Jesus. There were 12disciples
of Jesus Christ. But they fought each other. why?? Because they wanted to get
high position
Even their teacher was Jesus Christ they fought and they
wanted to be exalted. If I see this situation. I can realize that all people
have something that want to be. But God gave free will to us. So we can choose.
If the teacher is Jesus Christ then should they be perfect as Jesus Christ? No
of course not. God gave us free will. That us is to all people. God gave free
will to all people. I think even Jesus Christ had hardship and test. Even
temptation he had. I think even He had free will. But He gave His will to God.
So He lived with God. And even He was God. We need
to make disciples, Because we need to teach others. We need to teach our
child. Even we need to deliver Gospel. So we need to preach. That should be our
life to making disciple and living with God’s will.
I will not disturb to make others Christian.
I will not give any affect to others.
I will make my teacher(roll model)
God please pour your knowledge and wisdom upon me. In Jesus
name Amen.
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