The arguements presented by both sides were built on a house of cards. Meaning that the burden of proof were not sufficient enough to convince a listener. (I do hope you would forgive my candidness). For instance, though the liberals (I assume that they were liberals because their main stance was counter conservatism) was successful in debunking the conservatives point about the Philippines being a primary example of a county with English as a "Second Language" but with poor economic state, they also however failed to point out how English was able to help HK, Singapore etc in establishing a sound economy and corelate this conclusion with data---though to argue that a country's economic woes is solely the fault of language is both --for lack of a better word--- ridiculous and superflous.
A thing that I would want to point out is that although language is one component that helps a country's economy, it is not the main factor by which the economy itself is deemed sound and or progressive. Various factors play a role in economy chief among them is the political and social balance within a country. The paradigm presented as Korea being a stronger nation eventhough it does not use English either as a primary or secondary language is fallacious and misleading. Korea's economy is built on a foundation of sound political management coupled by fine economic strategy by your economic think tanks. Whereas in the Philippines where social upheaval is coupled by religious intolerance, economy has suffered.
The root of HK's proficiency in the English language can not be denied because for the simple reason that they were once (and for a long time) a colony of the British Crown. However, if one looks at the current situation of high school students in HK, we could see that the new generation are learning more and more to appreciate Mandarin as a language.
True that Korea is an amalgam of other nations culture but what is most interesting is that the Koreans were able to fuse these influences and make a culture of their own. It is the same with the US.... English as a whole is an amalgam of different languages which through the years the common American has learned to incorporate into their own daily lives and thus making those languages a part of the American vocabulary. So to say that Korea has nothing to offer the world is both childish and lacks basis. Perhaps you may have concluded thus because you yourself have not yet fully explored the richness and wonders of your culture.
Language is just a part of culture and does not determine solely the faith of the nation. To quote a famous writer "A person who does not love is own language is much more fowl then the dead fish in the sea."
However, some Koreans reclusiveness and hesitation to learn and accept other languages is in itself faulty for by rejecting other nations culture (some would prefer say looking down on other peoples culture), these conservatives will force Korea into a cultural isolation. One must remember that culture, in order for it to flourish, must have direct links and contacts with other culture as well. This is the beauty and magnificence of humans as a specie... his power to create something new and unique from different influences, parts etc. And a stagnant cultural environment leads to multifaceted woes. Korea also owes its present economic progress throught the acceptance not only of other countries culture but their technological and scientific advancements as well.
The question is this... can English truly bridge the gap of cultural gap? Perhaps only time could answer this question.
My point is this, Learn Englis as a Second Language but do not forsake your mother tongue. There are a lot of beautiful ancient languages that died just because people did not how to appreciate them, like old Latin for example.
Anyway, I should commend your professor for introducing lively topics such as this in your discussion snd I also commend you for your intelligent response to the topic. Debate is one of the polemics that has enriched man's being. I suggest that your university try out for the World's Debating Championship (I think that Australia will be hosting this year's Tournament again).
첫댓글Wow! Very nicely put. I can't agree with you more. By the way, as far as I remember, Epyon is a high school student, not a college one. Is he not???
Yes, I'm in high school, freshman year. I'm sorry for not writing a more detailed message, I do have my limits with writing and the enthusiasm to spend time doing so. I was also merely stating my fellow classmates' opinions. It only contained a slight amount of my opinion. I'm bad with structure:)
첫댓글 Wow! Very nicely put. I can't agree with you more. By the way, as far as I remember, Epyon is a high school student, not a college one. Is he not???
yeah he's a high schooler for sure and sounds like he's getting about this country more and more..right?
Yes, I'm in high school, freshman year. I'm sorry for not writing a more detailed message, I do have my limits with writing and the enthusiasm to spend time doing so. I was also merely stating my fellow classmates' opinions. It only contained a slight amount of my opinion. I'm bad with structure:)
Myst thought I was a college student, hehe. He said my response was intelligent, hehe. Hehehehe. I'm smarter than the AVERAGE bear. (Yogi)