일단 제가 알기로는 맥길 교수가 척추쪽으로는 가장 믿을만한 교수님이시고,
파벨은 파벨라이저를 통하여 잔다싯업을 긍정적으로 보는 쪽이라고 이해했습니다.
The Janda sit-up has recently resurfaced as an effective abdominal exercise sans hip flexor activation. Well, according to Dr. Stuart McGill, a spinal biomechanist and professor at the University of Waterloo, the opposite phenomenon actually occurs! During the Janda (or pressed-heel) sit-up, contraction of the hamstrings causes hip extension, which means that even greater hip flexion (or psoas activation) is required to complete the movement! In addition, bent-knee sit-ups actually activate the psoas more than straight leg sit-ups! This was all confirmed through EMG analysis by Juker et al., 1998. Unfortunately, Janda’s hypothesis has never been substantiated by research.
이 링크의 중간 단락을 보면 잔다싯업이오히려 더 안좋다는 연구결과가 나왔다-라고 저는 이해하고 있습니다.
저는 싯업이든 크런치든 안하기때문에 뭐 별 상관없지만 재밌는거같아서 올려봅니다.