#시와그림 #영원한사랑언제까지나 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 #Happy_birthday It is an eternal love, a love that is overflowing and full, with no lack. The beautiful bride and groom gave birth to a beautiful baby. A baby's antics fill the home with laughter and brighten the world with joy and gratitude. Our family's eternal love will always be with us. #영원한사랑 #가득채워진사랑 #넘치는사랑 #신비 #생명 #신비로운생명 #가정 #eternal #love #bride #groom #always #family
#시와그림 #영원한사랑언제까지나 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 #Happy_birthday It is an eternal love, a love that is overflowing and full, with no lack. The beautiful bride and groom gave birth to a beautiful baby. A baby's antics fill the home with laughter and brighten the world with joy and gratitude. Our family's eternal love will always be with us. #영원한사랑 #가득채워진사랑 #넘치는사랑 #신비 #생명 #신비로운생명 #가정 #eternal #love #bride #groom #always #family
#시와그림 #영원한사랑언제까지나 #생일축하시 #love #사랑 #Happy #birthday #생일축하드립니다 #성천 #김성수시인 #성천김성수 #Happy_birthday It is an eternal love, a love that is overflowing and full, with no lack. The beautiful bride and groom gave birth to a beautiful baby. A baby's antics fill the home with laughter and brighten the world with joy and gratitude. Our family's eternal love will always be with us. #영원한사랑 #가득채워진사랑 #넘치는사랑 #신비 #생명 #신비로운생명 #가정 #eternal #love #bride #groom #always #family
첫댓글 계절이 바뀌면 더 많은 기대 속에서서로를 바라보며 새로운 이야기를수북이 쌓여가는 노트 속에 그려진영원한 사랑 언제까지나 함께하네