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▶ENGLISH ROOM 고등학교의 추억(김은현의 497번 글 번역)
운영자 추천 0 조회 285 08.04.06 08:23 댓글 13
게시글 본문내용
  • 04.05.05 07:41

    첫댓글 I am afraid I gave you so much headache again. Sorry about that and writing it so long. Appreciate that you translated it for others. As you noticed, I made a few corrections: /summary day/summer day/, /private parts/private area/, /slow down/slowed down/, /God bleass/God bless/.

  • 04.05.05 06:44

    Minor corrections: I intended to mean "a brief period" by "for a short period", "became mad" by "got offended", Kim Young-Sang not Kim Sang-Young. You are right. Mr. Lee Hun-gyun taught us ethics.

  • 04.05.05 06:47

    One more comment. I should buy another computer soon and install Korean to relieve you of the translation chore. Hmm... then I gotta learn typing Korean.

  • 04.05.05 17:42

    4일 읽고 답 준비를 하려한다. 내일 올릴게.

  • 작성자 04.05.05 18:57

    Hi, Eun-hyun. It's my pleasure to translate your English letter. I have to prepare the english exam for graduation thesis this autumn. But I have no time to study english especially. So when you post english message to our cafe, I would like to translate it for the friend who can't understand Eng.

  • 작성자 04.05.05 19:00

    모처럼 영작을 할려니 쑥스럽네 그려. 너무 안하면 잊어버릴까 해서 잘 하지도 못하는 영작을 한번 해 봤다. 학위논문 준비하려면 영어가 필수라서 연습삼아 해 봤다.

  • 04.05.06 08:48

    I am glad that at least you are enjoying the tedious translation work. Hehe... If you really want to improve your reading and composition skill, you better grab English books written by native speakers or read online articles and keep practicing.

  • 04.05.06 08:49

    In fact I am going to write next time about a book I read recently but unfortunately hard to find spare time these days.

  • 04.05.08 20:41

    번역하느라 수고 많으셨소. 은현이의 글 매우 인상적이네. 문학적인 재능이 없는 것이 아니라 매우 풍부하며 good memory를 가지고 있음을 도리어 부모님에게 감사하여야 하겠구만. 요즈음 바쁜 일과로 cafe 방문을 못하였는데 많은 좋은 글 올라 있구만. 드디어 운영자의 노력이 성과를 내고 있는 것으로 생각하네.

  • 04.05.09 13:54

    영상이 속초살고 개인택시하다 지금은 식당한다 결혼했고 자식도낳고 가끔안동에온다

  • 04.05.10 11:22

    창호야!! 영상이 소식 감사. It's painful to pick one letter at a time here and there to compose a sentence. It's fun and I'm getting better :-)

  • 08.04.06 14:30

    When I arrive the playground, I see the old School building looked same before. I am so young in my high schooldays. I have a blue gym suit and white cap, attend a school field day. I walk around the playground with a girl who will be my wife in the future. I check how many apple trees there near my school. I meet many schoolmates who give me with a smile sweetly. I play soccer game with schoolmates and have a goal finally. I also meet my teacher and sake hands each other,feel so good! I WOKE UP ON THE BED, OH !!!! I REALIZED IT WAS ONLY DREAM

  • 08.04.06 14:32

    위의 글은 4년전 우리 기수가 주관한 체육대회 참석후 다음날 꿈을 꾼 내용을 올린글인데 누구나 사과서리하던 기억들 등 추억이 참 많구나 싶어 리플로 옮겨 보았다
