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[영상 대화 내용]
How To Make Airline Travel Not Suck | Featuring BauBax's 2.0 Travel Jackets
Woman: May I have your attention, please. Airline travel sucks. Its cramp, it’s cold and it’s just plain miserable. Kinda like my uncle Eddie. Uncle Eddie: Urgh I’d rather take the bus. Woman: So what do you do? Throw everything in a bag and you’ll never be able to find your airport documents without holding up the line. Woman: Ma’am your coffee town loyalty card cannot be used as a form of id. Woman: Then there’s the eternal schlep, taking things out, putting them back in. What if you could dress sharp and pack smart at the same time? Man: Like that guy? Man: Even in slow motion he’s faster than me. Woman: BauBax 2.0 travel jackets upgrade a classic design with modern utility inspired details and come equip with - and I’m being completely serious for once – 25 travel friendly features to keep you organized and comfortable. BauBax 2.0 comes in four styles for both men and women, the bomber jacket, the sweatshirt, the vest and the windbreaker. Woman: Oh I’m sorry that was just for them. Woman: Let’s explore what else BauBax 2.0 apart from your boring old travel clothes. Everyone knows how cozy coat sitting is these days. And if you look to your right, you’ll see BauBax's built-in eye mask and inflatable neck pillow in action. Providing enough comfort to tolerate hearing about your seat neighbor’s five pet cats. And if your seatmate is being too loud, the jacket has earplugs in their dedicated pocket. It’s like having your soul fly first class even if your body can’t. Woman: Forgot that iPad in the overhead bin? Woman: Oooh remember objects may shift. Having easy access to your devices is important. BauBax jackets feature dedicated pockets for your phone, iPad and even Apple pencil. Woman: And if inspector gadget here runs out of juice, there’s even a pocket for a power bank. Woman: Once this flying metal marble hits altitude, the temperature can drop faster than my uncle Eddie’s blood sugar. Woman: Oh no. Sorry blanket’s cost extra. Woman: Luckily detachable gloves are built into the sleeves and there’s even a blanket to keep you toasty. Woman: BauBax 2.0 also features a pocket for your glasses, a built-in microfiber cloth and a pocket for your airpods. Think I’m saying pocket too much? That’s because there’s ton of pockets. Woman: Uh-oh looks like rush hour on tray table. No problem because of BauBax's insulated koozie pocket. Didn’t realize you needed a built-in koozie? Well you’re welcome. What about a built-in telescope in pen for filling out those boring custom’s forms? You guys don’t even know how many more features these jackets have. Man: Actually, I was counting and that was only 15 features. Woman: Much like you life, that number is about to change. It’s also gotta travel bottle, airpod strap, wired earphone holder, stylus, bottle opener and whistle, hand warming pockets, footrest yep a footrest and a secret pocket. That’s over 500 dollars worth of features. Wow these jackets really are the best. Don’t believe me? Well, maybe you’ll believe these guys in our in-flight movie. Reporter 1: A game changing jacket. Reporter 2: The Swiss army knife of travel apparel. Man Reporter: This supposed world’s best travel jacket… Reporter 3: A jacket, that’s right a jacket has gone viral. Woman: In conclusion, if you travel anywhere ever, you need BauBax. Pilot: Have you been trying to sell jackets this whole flight? Woman: Yes, so? I thought this was a commercial airline? Pilot: It’s not what that means. You don’t even work here. Woman: Gotta go. Pilot: What? Did they pack a parachute into their already feature-heavy jacket? Woman: Not yet but BauBax is just getting started. Pilot: It’s a good thing I landed this bird 10 minutes ago. Pilot: So, hey click on the link. Did anyone click on the link? Do they not know how incredible these jackets are? Were they even listening? How could they have made it through this whole video and not click the link? Seriously though I am gonna buy one of those jackets. I mean who thinks to pack that many features into one jacket? It’s madness. Oh you guys offer worldwide shipping, huh? Nice. Pilot: I’m the captain now. I mean I was before but now I’m the captain of this video.