持經功德分 第十五
Section 15, The Incomparable Value of this Teaching
須菩提야 若有善男子善女人이 初日分에 以恒河沙等身으로 布施하면 中日分에 復以恒河沙等身으로布施하고 後日分에 亦以恒河沙等身으로 布施하여如是無量百千萬億劫에 以身布施라도 若復有人이聞此經典하고 信心不逆하면 其福勝彼어든 何況書寫하여 受持讀誦하며 爲人解說일가보냐
Subhuti, if on the hand, a good man or a good woman performs in the morningas many charitable acts of self-denial as the sand-grains of the Ganges, andperforms as many again in the noonday and as many again in the evening, andcontinues do doing throughout numberless ages, and on the other hand, anyonelistens to this Discourse with heart of faith and withdout contention, the latter would be the moreblessed. But how can any comparison be made with one whowrites it down, receives it, retains it, and explains it to others!
須菩提야 以要言之컨대 是經은 有不可思議 不可稱量 無量無邊功德이니라
Subhuti, we can summarise the matter by saying that the full value of this Discourse can neither be conceived nor estimeted, nor can any limit be set to it.
如來爲發大乘者說이며 爲發最上乘者說이니 若有人이 能受持讀誦하여 廣爲人說이면 如來悉知 是人하고 悉見是人하여 皆得成就不可量, 不可稱, 無有邊, 不可思議功德이니라
The Tathagata has declared this teaching for the benefit of initiates of the Greatway; he has declares it for the benefit of initiates of the Supreme Way.Whosoever can receive and reatain this teaching, study it, receive it and spread it abroad will ve clearly perceived and recognized by the Tathagata and will achievea perfection of merit beyond measurement or calculation, a perfection of meritunlimited and inconceivable.
如是人等은 則爲荷擔如來阿耨多羅三藐三菩提이니
In every case such an one will examplify the Tathagata-Consummation of theIncomparable Enlightenment.
何以故오 須菩提야 若樂所法者는 着我見人見衆生見壽者見하여 卽於此經에 不能聽受讀誦하여 爲人解說이니라
Wherefore? Because, Subhuti, those who find consolation in limited doctrinesinvolving the conception of an ego-entity, a personality, a being, or a separatedindividuality, are unable to accept, study, receive, study, recite and openly explainthis Discourse.
須菩提야 在在處處에 若有此經하면 一切世間天人阿修羅의 所應供養이리라 當知하라 此處는 則爲是塔이니 皆應恭敬作禮圍繞하여 以諸華香으로 而山其處하리라