하나님의 슬픔이 대단히 크다는 계시를 받았습니다
1973. 10. 21
어떤것이하나님의뜻이겠느냐?물론한개인을구하는것도하나님의뜻이겠지만, 세계를구하는것이하나님의뜻입니다. 또, 어떤개인이구원을받고하나님앞에세움을받되, 하나님에겐세계를위해서하늘을믿고구원받겠다는개인이필요합니다.
가정의대표자를원하되세계를구하기위한가정의대표자로세우고싶은것입니다. 민족의대표자를세우되그단일민족만을위한것이아니라세계의모든민족을지도할수있는대표자를세우고, 국가의대표자를세우되세계의모든국가를구해줄수있는그런사명을감당하겠다고하는국가적대표자를원할것이아니겠습니까?
오늘날 ‘예수믿고천당가겠다’는기독교인들, 예수믿고나만구원받으면된다는것은하나님의섭리관(攝理觀)과일치하지않는다고봐야됩니다.우리는세계를생각할줄몰랐습니다. 우리가정과민족과나라만구원받으면된다는 , 그이상의것을생각하는사람이없었다는것입니다.
오늘날그런하나님의뜻을위하는자리에서보게되면내가개인적으로구원받되세계를구하기위해구원받아야되고, 가정적으로구원받되세계를구하기위해서, 종족적으로, 민족적으로, 혹은국가적으로구원받되세계를구하기위해구원받겠다는그러한가정과개인이있지않으면안되는것입니다.
지금기독교성도들을약 5억으로잡는다면이것은세계인구 35억의 7분의 1밖에안됩니다. 거기서도형식적으로신앙하는사람들을골라낸다면정말하나님을잘믿는사람은몇십만도안된다고봅니다. 그중에서세계를구하기위해믿는사람들이있느냐는겁니다. 하나님이이사람들만구원해주고나머지 30억인류는죽이시겠어요? 그런허황한신앙은하나님앞에용납이안된다고봅니다. 이건레버런문이지어서하는얘기가아닙니다. 예수를만나알아보고하나님앞에알아보니그렇게되어있기때문에이야기하는것입니다.
중세로마교황청을중심삼고볼때, 그때는이미부패해서그들은교권(敎權)과교조(敎條)에얽매여하나님의뜻이세계를구하는것이라는것을망각해버렸습니다. 세계는다집어치우고자기들의권력, 자기들이닦아놓은기반이무너질까봐눈이둥그래서거기에반대되는것은모두잘라버렸습니다. 세계를구하기위해서는몇배의희생을더치르더라도괜찮다고생각해야했는데자기들의위치와영광을취하기위해그자리를옹호하기에바빴던것입니다.
하나님이세계를구하시려는뜻을가지고계시다면이걸그냥두었다가는아무것도안됩니다. 그러니깨뜨려버리든가다시세워일으켜야됩니다. 즉신교운동을일으켜야한다는것입니다. 그래서마르틴루터같은사람이나와서정면으로충돌했던것입니다. 너희들이사랑하는하나님을우리가믿고, 너희들이사랑하는그이상우리는세계적으로평등한자리에서자유롭게지도하겠다고생각하는것입니다. 하나님이그렇게생각하고있기에그런사람이있으면적극적으로협조할것입니다.
그렇기때문에자유신앙즉, 하나님을자유로이모시고세계적인뜻으로서발전시킬수있는자유신앙을추구하는운동이불가피적으로일어나게되었다는것을여러분이알아야됩니다. 중세로마교황청을넘어서하나님을자유롭게믿고보다크게세계로갈수있는교회를꿈꾸었던무리들이신교운동을주도했던사람들이었습니다. 그러던중미국대륙이있다는것을알고구라파적이요, 교조적이요, 전체주의적인교단보다더훌륭한자유의나라, 신앙의자유세계를꿈꾸고나선사람들이이미국대륙에처음으로건너와살게된 ‘필그림파더 (Pilgrim Fathers)’들이아닙니까? 이들은그러한나라가있는것을알고자유스러운대륙에가서하나님이원하는자유의천국을만들고하나님이원하시는세계에서보다자유스러운신앙생활을해보겠다고나선무리들인것입니다.
대서양을건넌다는것은그때에는생명을걸고나선모험입니다.신앙의자유를찾기위해서자기의사랑하는부모와도이별을하고, 사랑하는고향을버리고, 가정을버리고, 더나아가서는나라까지버리겠다는각오를가지고하나님만을사랑하고믿고의지하며나섰던모험의길이었습니다.
神はそれぞれに救いを与えるでしょう。もしあなたが世界の救済のため神の闘士となるなら、あなたの救いは保証されるのです。今、クリスチャンの人口は世界の人口の多分七分の一くらいだと思います。しかしこの中でも献身的なクリスチャンは非常にわずかです。その献身的なクリスチャンの中で、いったい何人が人間の救済のために本当に励むでしょうか? 私たちはすべて世界救済のため我々自身を捧げなくてはならないのです。
A Revelation through which I Learned that God's Grief is Great
God’s Hope for America
October 21, 1973
We must examine then, what is the will of God? Why does He give His people such a hard time? Individual salvation is certainly important in the sight of God. God does not neglect that. However, that is not the ultimate purpose of God's work. God's will is the salvation of the world! God needs an individual to be His champion for the ultimate goal of world salvation. God summoned one family to be an instrument for the salvation of the world. God summoned His people to achieve the salvation of the world. God wants to have a nation as His champion, for the ultimate fulfillment of world salvation.
If Christians today think only of their own salvation, their own heaven and their own well-being, then they are not living in accordance with the purpose of God. If we are only concerned with the salvation of our own families, we are not worthy of God's blessing. If people focus on benefiting their own people alone, or their nation alone, then they are absolutely going against the will of God.
God will give you your own salvation. When you become God's champion for world salvation, your own salvation is guaranteed. Now, the Christian population is probably one seventh of the total world population. But among these, very few are devout Christians. And among devout Christians, how many of us really strive for the salvation of mankind? We must all devote ourselves to the salvation of the world!
God cannot be pleased with man if we live in a self-centered way. I met Jesus personally, and I received a revelation through which I learned that God's grief is great. His heart is broken. Today God is working ceaselessly for the ultimate salvation of all mankind. He needs His champion to succeed in this work. The purpose of God's church is to save the entire world. The church is the instrument of God, and it was this very fact that the chosen people of Israel forgot at the time of Jesus.
In the Middle Ages, great corruption appeared in the Church, and Christianity disintegrated in spirit. Medieval church hierarchies were interested in their own power, their own authority, and their own welfare. The Church enjoyed formidable power both politically and economically. The hierarchy preserved this power, abused this power, and forgot about God's purpose. They clung tenaciously to their positions and ruthlessly persecuted any opponent. The Church leaders claimed lineage from Jesus' disciples, yet they could not rise above their own sins. The Christian spirit in these men was absolutely dead.
But God had to continue forward. He is never satisfied with less than a total response. The Church needed reform, so religious revolution came. Martin Luther launched the new Protestant Reformation. And the crackling flames of dissatisfaction quickly swept over all Europe, in a storm of revolt against the power of the Church. These protesters disclaimed the old church of their fathers. Throughout the land, righteous people determined to win liberation from the old doctrines and practices. They wanted to worship God, not the Church. Equality in the sight of God was their claim. Direct communication with God was their desire. They helped God bring the world step by step closer to the ultimate goal.
Later in England, the people again protested against the intolerable corruption of the autocratic Church. There was an outcry for the purification of the Church of England. The Puritan movement began, and it quickly spread even amid great persecution. These new seekers threatened the established Church leaders, who used almost any means to suppress the new movement. Those who truly wanted the freedom of worship soon had either to flee or to be imprisoned. Their spirit was strong, but they had not enough power to resist and yet nowhere to turn. They fled to Holland. And still they longed for some new world, some new heaven and new earth where they could find freedom to worship God.
America must have seemed attractive to those who were dreaming of a new world. Even though America was unknown territory, it promised them the freedom of worship they craved. The Puritans felt a strong desire to create a community of their own. America seemed an ideal place, so they made the courageous decision to venture there. They committed themselves to the treacherous journey across the Atlantic. They risked their very lives, finding strength in their faith, which was stronger than life itself.
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