강앤뮤직 Blue Note 2012년 3차 안내서 (총 7매)
전화 : (031) 955-2799 / 팩스 : (031) 955-2796
주문마감일 : 2012년 4월 9일 (월요일) / 배포일 : 2012년 4월 10일 (화요일)
█ Blue Note Jazz 신보 타이틀
1. Amos Lee / As The Crow Files (가격 : 11,500원)
이제는 블루노트를 대표하는 남성 싱어송라이터로 자리매김 하고 있는 에이모스 리의 2012년 신작. 빌보드 앨범 챠트 1위에 빛나는 전작 ‘Mission Bell’에서 못다했던 이야기를 EP 형식으로 담고 있는 본 작품은 이전 어느 작품 보다 진솔한 내면의 세계와 포크, 블루스, 재즈, R&B등 온갖 장르를 넘나드는 그의 탁월한 음악적 재능이 빛을 발하는 수작으로 한층 성숙해진 보이스 컬러가 돋보이는 ‘Simple Things’를 비롯한 다양한 작품들이 수록되어 있다.
2. Jose Padilla / Blue Note Beach Classics (2CD Deluxe Edition / 가격 : 19,500원)
지금은 세계적인 명소가 된 이비자 섬은 그 아름다운 풍경으로도 유명하지만 수많은 전세계의 유명 DJ들이 펼치는 환상적인 클럽들로 더욱 알려져 있다. 흔히 ‘이비자 칠아웃 사운드의 대부’로 불리우고 있는 전성적인 DJ 호세 파딜라가 선곡한 본 컴필레이션은 블루노트의 숨겨진 명곡들을 그만의 감각적인 컬렉션으로 선보이고 있으며 리모간, 허비 행콕, 스탄 게츠, 쳇 베이커 등 여름 해변가에 가장 어울릴듯한 22곡의 명곡들을 감상할 수 있다.
█ Green Hill 신보 타이틀 / 가격 : 16,000원
3. Beegie Adair / Cocktail Party Piano
국내에서도 최근 인기를 넓혀가고 있으며 황홀한 재즈 피아노의 선율과 우아하면서도 세련된 연주로 듣는 이를 지상 최고의 편안함으로 이끈다'는 평과 함께 '재즈계의 조지 윈스턴'으로 불리우기도하는 여성 피아니스트 비지 어데어의 2012년 신작으로 칵테일 파티에 어울릴 듯한 다양한 재즈의 명곡들을 스탄 휘트마이어, 톰 멕브라이드, 짐 윌슨 등의 다양한 아티스트들의 연주와 함께 수록하고 있다. 컨템퍼러리 재즈 애호가라면 반드시 필청을 권한다.
4. Olivia Newton-John / Gaia One Woman's Journey
최근 그린힐 레이블을 통해 잇달아 완성도 높은 수작들을 발표하며 제2의 전성기를 누리고 있는 여성 싱어 올리비아 뉴튼 존의 2012년 신작으로 그녀의 종교적인 성찰과 자연의 경이로움을 뉴에이지 스타일의 친숙한 컴템퍼러리 팝 사운드로 들려주고 있다. 여전히 매력적인 보이스가 돋보이는 ‘Trust Yourself’를 비롯하여 릴렉스한 사운드 메이킹과 매끈한 보이스의 조화가 이채로운 ‘No Matter What You Do’ 등 12곡의 작품이 수록되어 있다.
█ Blue Note 재즈명반 Best & More 타이틀 / 가격 : 19,000원
5. Abbey Lincoln / Abbey Lincoln's Affair (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
6. Al Cohn & Zoot Sims / Jazz Alive! A Night At The Half Note (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
7. Art Blakey / Cu-Bop (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
8. Art Blakey / Golden Boy (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
9. Art Blakey / Ritual (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
10. Art Blakey & Elmo Hope / Art Blakey & The Elmo Hope Quintet (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
11. Art Blakey / Backgammon (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
12. Art Blakey / Gypsy Folk Tales (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
13. Art Pepper / The Return Of Art Pepper (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
14. Benny Goodman / The Benny Goodman In Hi-Fi (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
15. Bill Perkins & Richie Kamuca / Tenors Head On (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
16. Bill Potts / The Jazz Soul Of Porgy & Bess (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
17. Bill Potts & Phil Woods & Gene Quill / Bye Bye Birdie (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
18. Bob Brookmeyer & Bill Evans / The Ivory Hunters (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
19. Bobby Bryant & Joe Sample / Earth Dance (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
20. Booker Little & Young Men From Memphis / Down Home Reunion (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
21. Bud Powell / The Return Of Bud Powell (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
22. Bud Shank / Barefoot Adventure (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
23. Bud Shank / Bud Shank-Shorty Rodgers-Bill Perkins (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
24. Bud Shank / Magical Mystery (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
25. Bud Shank / Michelle (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
26. Bud Shank & Michel Legrand / Windmills Of Your Mind (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
27. Caldera / Sky Island (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
28. Cannonball Adderley / 74 Miles Away (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
29. Cannonball Adderley / Accent On Africa (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
30. Cannonball Adderley / Cannonball Adderley-Live! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
31. Cannonball Adderley / Cannonball In Europe! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
32. Cannonball Adderley / Country Preacher (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
33. Cannonball Adderley / Great Love Themes (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
34. Cannonball Adderley / In Person (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
35. Cannonball Adderley / Why Am I Treated So Bad! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
36. Cecil Taylor / Love For Sale (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
37. Charlie Mariano / Beauties Of 1918 (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
38. Chet Baker / Chet Baker Big Band (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
39. Chet Baker / The Most Important Jazz Album Of 1964 / 65 (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
40. Chris Connor / A Weekend In Paris (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
41. Clare Fischer / First Time Out (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
42. Clare Fischer / So Danco Samba (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
43. Clare Fischer / Surging Ahead (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
44. Clark Terry & Coleman Hawkins / Eddie Costa Memorial Concert (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
45. Curtis Amy & Dupree Bolton / Katanga! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
46. Curtis Amy & Frank Butler / Groovin` Blue (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
47. Curtis Fuller / Sliding Easy (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
48. Dinah Shore / Dinah.Yes Indeed! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
49. Donald Byrd / Bird`s Eye View (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
50. Donald Byrd / Byrd Blows On Beacon Hill (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
51. Duke Ellington / Ellington `55 (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
52. Earl Anderza / Outa Sight (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
53. Earl Klugh / Wishful Thinking (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
54. Earl Klugh & Bob James / Two Of A Kind (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
55. Eddie Costa & Vinnie Burke / The Eddie Costa-Vinnie Burke Trio (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
56. Eddie Henderson / Comin` Through (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
57. Eddie Henderson & Herbie Hancock / Mahal (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
58. Eloise Laws / All In Time (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
59. Four Freshmen / Four Freshmen And 5 Trombones (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
60. Fourth Way / The Fourth Way (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
61. Fourth Way / Werwolf (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
62. Frank Rosolino / Frank Rosolino (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
63. Gary Bartz / Love Affair (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
64. Gary Bartz / Music Is My Sanctuary (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
65. George Duke / Save The Country (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
66. George Shearing / Shearing On Stage! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
67. Gerald Wilson / Live And Swinging (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
68. Gerry Mulligan / Gerry Mulligan Quartet At Storyville (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
69. Gigi Gryce & Donald Byrd / Jazz Lab (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
70. Gil Evans & Cannonball Adderley / New Bottle Old Wine (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
71. Hank Jones / Porgy And Bess (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
72. Hank Jones / The Talented Touch (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
73. Hank Mobley & Billy Root & Curtis Fuller / Monday Night At Birdland (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
74. Herbie Mann / Brazil, Bossa Nova & Blues (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
75. Herbie Mann / Herbie Mann`s African Suite (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
76. Herbie Mann / Jazz Committee For Latin American Affairs (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
77. Howard Roberts / Jaunty-Jolly! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
78. Howard Roberts / Something`s Cookin` (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
79. Howard Rumsey & Lee Morgan / Double Or Nothin` (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
80. Ian Carr & Nucleus / Out Of The Long Dark (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
81. Jack Teagarden / Swing Low Sweet Spiritual (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
82. Jackie Gleason & Bobby Hackett / Music.Martinis.And Memories (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
83. Jackie Mclean / Fat Jazz (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
84. Jackie Mclean / The New Tradition Presenting...Jackie Mclean (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
85. Jazz Corps & Roland Kirk / The Jazz Corps (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
86. Jazz Crusaders / Stretchin` Out (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
87. Jazz Crusaders / Uh Huh (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
88. Jean-Luc Ponty / Experience (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
89. Jean-Luc Ponty / King Kong (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
90. Jean-Luc Ponty / More Than Meets The Ear (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
91. Jeremy Steig / This Is Jeremy Steig (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
92. Jerome Richardson / Going To The Movies (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
93. Jim Hall & Modest Jazz Trio / Good Friday Blues (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
94. Jimmy Mcgriff / The Worm (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
95. Jimmy Rowles / Rare-But Well Done (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
96. Joe Morello & Art Pepper / Collections (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
97. Joe Pass / A Sigh Of The Times (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
98. Joe Pass / Simplicity (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
99. Joe Puma & Bill Evans / Jazz Quartet And Trio (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
100. Joe Williams & Lambert, Hendricks & Ross / Sing Along With Basie (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
101. John Handy / No Coast Jazz (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
102. Johnny Smith / Moods (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
103. Johnny Smith / Moonlight In Vermont (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
104. June Christy / This Time Of Year (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
105. Ken Hanna / Jazz For Dancers (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
106. Kenny Dorham / Matador (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
107. Kenny Dorham & Jackie Mclean / Inta Somethin` (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
108. Lalo Schifrin / Lalo=Brilliance (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
109. Latin Jazz Quintet / The Latin Jazz Quintet (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
110. Laurindo Almeida / A Man And A Woman (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
111. Laurindo Almeida / It`s A Bossa Nova World (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
112. Laurindo Almeida / The Look Of Love (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
113. Lawrence Marable / Tenorman (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
114. Les Mccann / Pretty Lady (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
115. Les Mccann & Jazz Crusaders / Jazz Waltz (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
116. Machito & Afro-Cuban Ensemble / Machito With Flute To Boot (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
117. Manhattan Transfer / Jukin' (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
118. Mariachi Brass & Chet Baker / Hats Off (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
119. Mary Ann Mccall & Mal Waldron & Jimmy Raney / Detour To The Moon (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
120. Mastersounds / The Mastersounds Plays Horace Silver (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
121. Matt Dennis / Welcome Matt Dennis (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
122. Maynard Ferguson / A Message From Birdland (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
123. Mike Cuozzo / Mike Cuozzo With The Costa-Burke Trio (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
124. Mike Mainieri / Insight (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
125. Milt Jackson / Bags` Opus (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
126. Modern Jazz Quartet / Odds Against Tomorrow (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
127. Nancy Wilson & George Shearing / The Swingin`s Mutual! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
128. Nat Adderley & Cannonball Adderley / Soul Zodiac (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
129. Norman Connors / Passion (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
130. Orchestra USA & John Lewis / Debut (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
131. Paul Quinichette / Like Basie (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
132. Paul Smith / Softly, Baby (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
133. Pepper Adams / Critics` Choice (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
134. Randy Brecker / Score (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
135. Randy Weston / Destry Rides Again (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
136. Randy Weston / Highlife (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
137. Raul De Souza / Don`t Ask My Neighbors (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
138. Raul De Souza / Sweet Lucy (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
139. Ray Bryant / Cold Turkey (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
140. Ray Bryant / Ray Bryant Plays (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
141. Ray Bryant / Ray Bryant-Live At Basin Street East (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
142. Ray Draper & John Coltrane / A Tuba Jazz (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
143. Richard Groove Holmes / Groove (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
144. Roger Kellaway / Stride! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
145. Roy Ayers / West Coast Vibes (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
146. Roy Haynes / People (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
147. Sal Salvador / Music To Stop Smoking By (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
148. Seldon Powell / Seldon Powell Plays (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
149. Serge Chaloff / Blue Serge (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
150. Serge Chaloff / Boston Blow-Up! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
151. Shelly Manne & Jack Marshall / Sounds! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
152. Slide Hampton / The Fabulous Slide Hampton Quartet (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
153. Sonny Criss / Jazz-U.S.A. (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
154. Sonny Stitt / A Little Bit Of Stitt (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
155. Sonny Stitt / Broadway Soul (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
156. Sonny Stitt / My Mother`s Eyes (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
157. Sonny Stitt / The Matadores Meet The Bull: Stitt! (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
158. Sonny Stitt / The Saxophones Of Sonny Stitt (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
159. Sonny Stitt & Chick Corea / Stitt Goes Latin (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
160. Stan Getz / Stan Getz On Roost Vol.1 (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
161. Stan Getz / Stan Getz On Roost Vol.2 (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
162. Stan Kenton / Portraits On Standards (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
163. Sue Raney / Songs For A Raney Day (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
164. Supersax / Supersax Plays Bird (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
165. Supersax / Supersax Plays Bird With Strings (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
166. Tony Aless / Long Island Suite (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
167. Tony Scott / Gypsy (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
168. Toots Thielemans / The Soul Of Toots Thielemans (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
169. Vi Redd / Bird Call (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
170. Vi Velasco / Cantando Bossa Nova (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
171. Warne Marsh / Jazz Of Two Cities (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
172. Zoot Sims / Zoot Sims In Paris (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
173. Zoot Sims & Al Cohn & Phil Woods / Jazz Mission To Moscow (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
174. Zoot Sims & Bob Brookmeyer / Stretching Out (96Khz / 24Bit Digital Remastered)
█ Green Hill Jazz 타이틀 / 가격 : 16,000원
175. Amy Dorfman & John Mock / Classic Moments (2CD Deluxe Edition)
176. Beegie Adair / Embraceable You
177. Beegie Adair / Into Somethin
178. Beegie Adair / Love Letters : The Beegie Adair Romance Collection (2CD Deluxe Edition)
179. Beegie Adair / Love, Elvis
180. Beegie Adair / My Romance
181. Beegie Adair / Swingin With Sinatra
182. Beegie Adair / Winter Romance
183. Benjamin Utecht / Christmas Hope
184. Chris Mcdonald Orchestra / In The Mood (2CD Deluxe Edition)
185. Craig Duncan / Country Mountain Bluegrass
186. Craig Duncan / Country Mountain Tributes : Eagles
187. Craig Duncan / Country Mountain Tributes : James Taylor
188. Craig Duncan / Country Mountain Tributes : John Denver
189. Craig Duncan & Friends / Irish Country Christmas
190. David Davidson / Beautiful Strings (2CD Special Price)
191. David Huntsinger / Once Upon A Time (2Cd Deluxe Edition)
192. David Huntsinger / Table For Two (2CD Deluxe Edition)
193. Denis Solee / Blues In The Night
194. Denis Solee / Sax And Romance
195. Fisher & Friends / Acoustic Cafe 2
196. Jack Jezzro / Beatles On Guitar
197. Jack Jezzro / Brazilian Nights
198. Jack Jezzro / Country Heart
199. Jack Jezzro / Gershwin On Guitar
200. Jack Jezzro / Light Jazz Guitar
201. Jack Jezzro / Romance In Rio
202. Jack Jezzro / Wine Country Sunset
203. Jack Jezzro & Friends / Rio Nights
204. Jaimee Paul / At Last
205. Jaimee Paul / Melancholy Baby
206. Jeff Steinberg / Romance In Tuscany
207. Jeff Steinberg / Velvet Martini
208. Jim Brickman / Yesterday Once More
209. Jim Hendricks / California Dreamin
210. Jim Wilson / Leader Of The Band : A Piano Tribute To The Music of Dan Fogelberg
211. Jim Wilson / Sanctuary By The Sea
212. Jimmy Fedd / Candle In The Wind
213. John Tesh / Grand Piano Romance
214. John Tesh / Greatest Hits - Live In Concert Vol.1 (CD+DVD Deluxe Edition)
215. John Tesh / Pure Movies 2
216. John Tesh / Pure Orchestra
217. John Tesh / The Power Of Love
218. John Tesh / The Power Of Love 2
219. Kathy Troccoli / Christmas Songs
220. Kathy Troccoli / Heartsongs
221. Larry Hall / Hope
222. Lori Mechem / Christmas Is Coming : Tribute To A Charlie Brown Christmas
223. Mark Masri / La Voce
224. Matt Belsante / Blame It On My Youth
225. Michael Omartian / Inspirational Moods
226. Michael Omartian / Movie Moods : In The Twlight
227. Orla Fallon / Distant Shore
228. Pat Coil / Java Jazz
229. Pat Coil / Sunday Morning Jazz
230. Pat Coil / The Ballads Of Barry Manilow
231. Phil Keaggy & Friends / Acoustic Cafe
232. Sam Levine / Sax For The Soul
233. Sam Levine / Smooth (2CD Deluxe Edition)
234. Sam Levine / Smooth Praise
235. Sam Levine / Smooth Sax Cinema
236. Sam Levine / Smooth Sax Romance
237. Stan Whitmire / Close To You
238. Stan Whitmire / Piano On Broadway (2CD Deluxe Edition)
239. Stan Whitmire / Shelter In The Storm
240. Stan Whitmire / Ultimate Movie Romance (2CD Deluxe Edition)
241. Stan Whitmire / Unfailing Love
첫댓글 1. Booker Little & Young Men From Memphis / Down Home Reunion
2. Jackie Mclean / Fat Jazz
3. Modern Jazz Quartet / Odds Against Tomorrow
그리고 일전에 John Coltrane 두 장 주문한 것과 일본 주문한 것은 언제쯤 들어올까요?
John Coltrane 두장은 다음주 입고예정이며,일본주문도 다음주말경 입고예정입니다.
주문하신 세장과 존 콜트레인 두장 입고되었습니다.