7천명을 규합하는 역사
절대신앙과 절대사랑
한국 중앙수련원
모세도 불쌍한 사람입니다. 천신만고 끝에 이제는 가나안 땅을 바라보며 요단강을 건너가야 할 텐데, 하늘이 '너는 가나안 땅에 못 들어가고 여기서 열조가 있는 곳으로 돌아가라.'고 할 때 기가 막혔다는 것입니다. 자기가 가나안에 들어가게 해 달라고 얼마나 하나님 앞에 간절히 기도했어요? 그 비장한 사연의 사정을 통고했지만, 하나님은 냉정한 분입니다. 사정과 통할 수 있을 것 같으면 이 놀음을 안 하고 옛날 아담 가정에서 복귀할 수 있는 길이 있었다는 것입니다. 그게 안 통합니다. 비정한 입장에서 모세는 1세와 더불어 광야에서 사라져 버린 것입니다.
단 두 사람, 여호수아와 갈렙 두 사람만이 가나안 복지에 들어갔습니다. 12지파 대표를 정탐을 보냈는데 10지파가 반대했어요. '못 들어갑니다.' 하고. 쓰러져 통곡하는 사정권 내에서 여호수아와 갈렙만이 살아 계신 하나님은 통곡도 하지 않는다고 해 가지고 환경을 거슬렀기 때문에, 이것이 이스라엘 12지파가 분립되는 먼 조건이 되었습니다. 야곱 가정에서 레아와 라헬의 10형제와 두 형제가 분열된 것도 한 조건이 된 것입니다. 이렇게 안팎으로 생긴 일들이 천국과 지옥을 갈라놓을 수 있는 역사적인 2대 조건이 됐다는 것을 잊어서는 안 된다는 것입니다. 북조 10지파와 남조 2지파로 갈라졌다구요.
이렇게 해서 남은 두 지파를 중심삼고 이스라엘 건국사상을 찾아 나선 하늘이 얼마나 괴로웠겠어요? 이것을 예수시대 전에 통일해야 했는데 통일이 안 됐기 때문에 남북조 분립시대에 엘리야를 보내 가지고 통합하는 운동을 한 것입니다. 북조의 바알과 아세라 목상 8백여 제사장을 일시에 시험장에 모아 놓고 제물에 물을 끼얹어 가지고 불사르는 실전 테스트를 한 것입니다. '남조 북조가 하나님이 원하는 것이 아니다. 하나되어야 하는 것은 너희들도 원하고 우리도 원하니 제사장들이 시합해서 진짜 하나님이 살아 있는 곳으로 규합하자.' 하고 약속을 철석같이 한 거예요.
그런데 북조 10지파 제사장 8백여 명이 하늘에 정성을 아무리 들여도 안 된다는 것입니다. 하늘에서 불이 내려 제단을 사를 게 뭐예요? 그러나 엘리야는 단 한 사람으로 나타나서 하나님께 빌 때 거기에 하늘에서 불이 내려서 제사장과 제단까지 다 태워 버렸어요. 그러고 나니 국민들은 '우리의 제사장, 우리의 사제들을 전부 죽인 엘리야를 잡아죽이자!' 할 때 도망가서 기도한 것입니다. '하나님이여, 하나님이여! 나만 남았나이다. 내 영혼을 받아 주소서.' 하고 기도한 것입니다. 이때 하나님은 아직까지 바알에게 굴하지 않은 7천여 무리가 남았다는 것을 통고한 것입니다. 기가 막힌 사정입니다. 10지파를 다 잃어버리고 7천여 명만 남았습니다. 그들을 중심삼고 남조 북조의 통일성업, 하나님의 건국 이념을 성사하겠다고 통고한 것입니다. 이 역사가 죽지 않고 살아 있습니다.
그렇기 때문에 선생님은 댄버리 교도소에 들어가서 7천 명의 미국 목사를 규합하는 놀음을 했습니다. 감옥에서부터 시작했습니다. 7천 명을 한국에 데려가서 한국과 하나되는 놀음을 하라고 한 것입니다.
그것이 실체로 나타나야 할 것이 예수시대였습니다. 세례 요한을 중심삼고 7천 명이 예수와 하나됐더라면 예수는 십자가에 죽지 않아요. 이런 한의 역사를 어떻게 풀어 나갈지 모르는 녀석들은 절대 순종 순응이라도 해야 될 텐데 자기 멋대로 살아서 망국지종이 될 줄 모르고 있다가 그냥 그대로 망국지종이 돼 버렸습니다. 무슨 말인지 알겠어요? (264-38)
絶対信仰と絶対愛 1994年10月9日
韓国・中央修練院にて (抜粋のみ言)
モーセもかわいそうな人です。千辛万苦(せんしんばんく)して、今からカナンの地を望み、ヨルダン川を渡るべきはずが、天がおまえはカナンの地に入れないと言われたとき、胸がつまったというのです。モーセもカナンに入らせてほしいと、どれほど神様の前に切に祈祷したことでしょうか? その悲壮な事情を通告しましたが、神様は冷静なおかたです。事情によって摂理が変わるなら、このような長い摂理は必要なく、アダム家庭で復帰し得る道がありました。それが通じません。非情な立場で、モーセは一世とともに荒野で消え去ってしまったのです。
このようにして残った2支派を中心として、イスラエル建国思想を求めていった天はどれほど苦しかったことでしょうか? これをイエス時代前に統一すべきはずだったのに、できなかったため、南北朝分立時代にエリヤを送り、統合する運動をしたのです。北朝のバアルとアシラ像と800余りの祭司長を一か所におき、エリヤが祭物をおいて水をかけ、火をつける実践テストをしたのです。
エリヤは祈祷したのです。「神様、神様! 私だけが残りました。私の霊魂を受け取ってください」とエリヤは祈祷したのです。このとき、天が語るには、まだバアルに属していない7000余名の群れが残っているということを通告するのです。10支派のほとんどを失い、7000名だけ残りました。彼らを中心として南朝と北朝の統一聖業、すなわち、神様の国建国を成就しようと通告したのです。この歴史が死なずに生きています。
それが実体として現れるべきなのがイエス時代でした。洗礼ヨハネを中心として、7000名がイエス様と一つとなっていたなら、イエス様は十字架で死にませんでした。このような恨みの歴史をどのように解いていくかが分からない人々は、絶対従順になりながら、順応すべきはずなのに、自分勝手に生きて、亡国の種になるとも知らずにいたのが、そのままそっくり亡国の種になってしまったのです。何の話か分かりますか? それゆえ、先生はダンベリーに入って7000名の米国牧師を糾合する役事をしました。それを監獄から始めたのです。700名を韓国に連れていって、韓国と一つになる役事をしたのです。
The Dispensation to Gather and Unite 7,000 Ministers
Excerpt from Speech, “Absolute Faith and Absolute Love”
October 9, 1994
(Unofficial Translation)
Moses also was a pitiable person. After having endured countless sufferings and pains, he gazed with longing anticipation across the river Jordan, intending to cross over into the Promised Land, Canaan. Then, when Heaven told him that he would not cross over into the Land, Moses lost the word as his heart was filled with indiscernible sorrow. How desperately did Moses pray and beg of God to be allowed into Canaan? Moses appealed to Him as to his tragic and sorrowful situation; however, God was stoic and never responded to his request. If a desperate appeal of the personal situation would change requirements for His providence, the long history of the providence of restoration was not necessary. If so, there was a way to complete the providence of restoration in Adam’s family. However, human appeals will not affect the required providence. God had to be ruthless toward him, and Moses perished in the wilderness together with the first generation of Israelites.
Only two first generation Israelites, Joshua and Caleb, were able to enter the Blessed Land of Canaan. Twelve men representing the twelve tribes were sent with a spying mission into Canaan. However, ten representatives gave faithless reports opposing entering into Canaan. As the people of Israel heard this report, they wept aloud and grumbled that it was impossible to capture any of Canaan’s cities. However, Joshua and Caleb were never influenced by these surroundings, but rather proclaimed that it would be no problem to capture Canaan for the Lord was with the Israelites. Thus, only they were allowed to enter Canaan. This dispute and division became the remote cause of dividing the United Kingdom of Israelites and the 12 tribes. Also, as you recall, in Jacob’s family, ten and two brothers were divided and separated among Leah’s and Rachel’s sons. This division also was a condition to divide the Israel kingdom later. You should not forget that these internal and external divisions became two major historical conditions for the United Kingdom to be divided into the Heaven (Southern Kingdom of two tribes) and the Hell (North Kingdom of ten tribes).
How hard was it for God to conduct His providence to establish the idea of the restored Israel Kingdom using only the remaining two tribes? The United Kingdom should have been established before Jesus would appear. However, it was not established; thus, God sent Elijah during the period of the Divided Kingdom of North and South. He conducted a movement to bring about the unified nation. Placing Baal, Ahab and 800 prophets of The Northern Kingdom at one location, Elijah pour his offering water and then brought down the fire and burnt them all.
800 prophets representing the 10 tribes of the Northern Kingdom prayed to their god and offered their sincerity to the god of Baal, saying, “Separating North and South Kingdoms is not God’s desire. We must become as one. This is our desire. Let all the prophets be united around the living god.” However, nothing happened. Then, as soon as Elijah appeared alone and prayed to God, the fire came down from heaven. It burnt all the prophets and alters. After this, they said to Elijah, “We will kill you for you killed our chief prophet and prophets.” Elijah hearing this ran away.
Elijah prayed to God saying, “My Lord, my Lord, I am the only one left. Please take my soul.” However, Heaven replied and informed him that there are seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal. Almost all of the ten tribes were lost—only 7,000 people remained. God told Elijah that he should undertake the holy mission to unify the North and South Kingdom centering on these people. In another word, God informed him to establish God’s Kingdom. This mission has not died in the course of history.
This mission should have been manifested and realized in Jesus’ time. Had the seven thousand Israelites united with Jesus centering on the leadership of John the Baptist, Jesus would not have been died on the cross. In his days, people who did not know how to resolve and untangle the history of resentment and bitter sorrow should have followed him with absolute obedience. However, they lived selfishly without knowing the fact that they were the cause of national ruin. Then, they were destroyed and lost their nation.
Do you understand what I am talking about? This is why I conducted a special dispensation to bring and unify 7,000 pastors and ministers of America while I was in Danbury. I initiated and carried out this from the prison. I conducted this work of bring 7,000 ministers and pastors to Korea, united with Korea.
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