First-borns, especially first-born sons, like to be described as successful, conscientious and tough-minded. They are natural leaders who tend to gravitate toward jobs where these qualities are useful: bishop, general, dean, chief executive officer, supervisor, king. First-borns like any kind of job where the word first, head, senior or chief is part of the title. An inordinate number of prime ministers, presidents and dictators are first-born sons.
Is it any surprise in a world owned and operated by eldest boys that we don"t hear much about the flip side of the first-born: little adjectives like controlling, conventional, vengeful? Some people would say that first-borns are not much given to ever admitting mistakes or trying new things.
Neither do we hear a lot about the many attributes of middle or youngest children. Middle children, given short shrift by elder siblings as lacking ambition, are adept at mediation and innovation. They often hold families together socially or emotionally. They possess a gift for empathy. This is no wonder since they get lots of practice at being boss and being bossed.
Later children score higher on measures of creativity, and are more popular with other kids. And youngest siblings, while maligned for being indulged, have an aptitude for carving out a comfy niche for themselves in the family.
In that niche, little sisters form a cozily subversive subset. Little sisters must be as persistent as mosquitoes. Little sisters don"t usually get to steer the boat, sit up front, get the top bunk or be a sixer in Brownies. Being a little sister of a big sister is a special kind of torment. My own sister was almost a teenager when I was born and, therefore, was serene and secure in her superiority. As to my brother, who"s two years older, I have come to understand that he was only trying to teach me courage when he pushed me down the hill on the bike with no brakes.
1. What is your birth order in your family and are you satisfied in your birth order?
do you think it affects your personality ?
2. Do you think the first-born son should take care of his parents ?
(Let"s discuss about the obligations about the first-born sons.)
3. Are you going to consider about the birth order when you choose your spouse?
(There are some youngsters who are reluctant to marry a first-born son or a first-born daughter, especially first-born son.)
4. Do your parents advise you not to marry a first-born son, or a girl?
(Tell us about you and your parent"s prejudice about the birth order. Parents sometimes may show their favoritism to a certain child)
5. Do you know, or did you hear any cases around you that the first-born son or a daughter became famous or rich since they are the eldest ?
Please read not only Questions but also all the paragraphs before attending the group-study^^
see you on Sunday.
첫댓글 저는 아마도 참석 못 할 것 같아요. 이제 셤 기간이라...지송...에운담에 느긋하게 앉아 여러분들과 얘기 나눠 본적이 가물가물 프린트 물 준비 다른 분이 해주세요Please
ㅎㅎ~~ 뭔가 있어~~~ 냄새가 나~~ ㅋㅋ
써주........................... 돌아와라^^ ㅋㅋㅋ
matt홍 님부터 돌아오셔요-.-;;
ㅋㅋ 지도 장남(the first-born son)입니다.. ㅎㅎ 좋은 토픽 감사합니다...
프린트물 내가 준비할께.... 석수 수고하셨어요....내가했는데 역시 난 사람보는 눈이 있어 석수 좋은 타픽 넘 감사...쪽지 보냈는데 씹고 혹시 내가 했다고 삐졌 그러면 안되지 화이팅...이번주에 뵈요...
푸하하하~~ 자화자찬이삼?? 벨라도 귀여븐 면이 있삼!!
후후... 누님 감사~~
네~~ 스터디에서 뵈요~~
고민중..................아마도 동구쪽 결혼식 빨리 끝내면 참석가능할것 같은데.... 주차가 문제얌^^ 이날도 결혼식 3탕 ㅜ.ㅜ... 에효 내가 미쵸!!
우와~~ 늦게라도 오세요~~ 문화상품권 받아 가세요~~ 금주의 온라인 최우수 활동 회원...
좋은주제 감사합니다. 참석은 못하지만 한번 읽어봐야겠네요...^^
허걱!마크님이 없는 에운담!!??
흑.. 우야노... 몸 조리잘하이소~~ 빨리 쾌차하길~~
저는 어떨지 모르겠는데요? 기왕이면 참석하는 걸로 해 주세요.^^ 다 같이 열공합시다.
네~~ 열공~~ 스터디에서.. 뵈요~
If I were the oldest son, I would not have done lots of errands for my bro and sister. :) Why don't we talk about the youngest son or daughter? I go for the youngest side :D
우와~~ 멀리서도.. 항상.. 맘 써주는고마운.. 석우~~
저도 참석요...빨리 공부해야쥐..;;
네~~ 화이팅~~ 에운담에서.. 뵈요~~
잘할수있을지모르겠지만 참석해볼께요. 첨나가는데..잘부탁드려요 (초보라서 민망)
개안 습니다... 편한마음으로.. 즐거운 스터디 되었으면.. 하네요~~
네~~ 그럼... 내일 뵈어요~~
아주 멋진 토픽이네요..참석 예정입니다...^^*
일이 생겨 못가게 되었네요,.. 담에 뵐께요... 아쉽당....영어를 해야하는데...자꾸 미뤄지네요....즐거운 시간되세요...
장남만 참석하면 안되겠죠.. 막내인 저도 오랜 만에 참석 하겠습니다.
이번주 내려오냐
이거 재밌었게따..^^*