EWG's 2014 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
2014년 농산물 농약 쇼핑가이드
미국 Environmental Working Group (EWG)단체에서 가장 농약등에 의해 독성이 높은 과일과 야채 12종을 발표했네요. 선정 근거는 US Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration로부터 분석된 자료입니다,
작년하고는 약간의 순위변동은 있으나 "사과"는 수년째 계속 1위를 고수하네요^^
Two-thirds of produce samples in recent government tests had pesticide residues. Don't want to eat bug- and weed-killers? EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce helps you shop smart. We highlight the cleanest and dirtiest conventionally-raised fruits and vegetables. If a conventionally grown food you want tests high for pesticides, go for the organic version instead. And remember - the health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh risks of pesticide exposure. Dirty Dozen™ Plus highlights hot peppers and leafy greens - kale and collard greens - often tainted with unusually hazardous pesticides.