v. dis·si·pat·ed, dis·si·pat·ing, dis·si·pates
v. tr.
- To drive away; disperse.
- To attenuate to or almost to the point of disappearing: The wind finally dissipated the smoke. See Synonyms at scatter.
- To spend or expend intemperately or wastefully; squander.
- To use up, especially recklessly; exhaust: dissipated their energy. See Synonyms at waste.
- To cause to lose (energy, such as heat) irreversibly.
v. intr.
- To vanish by dispersion: The dark clouds finally dissipated.
- To indulge in the intemperate pursuit of pleasure.
v 1: to cause to separate and go in different directions; "She waved her hand and scattered the crowds" [syn: disperse, dispel, break up, scatter]
2: move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached"; [syn: disperse, scatter, spread out]
3: spend frivolously and unwisely; "Fritter away one's inheritance" [syn: fritter, frivol away, shoot, fritter away, fool, fool away]
4: live a life or pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption
Synonyms: waste, blow, 1consume, dissipate, fritter, 1squander
These verbs mean to spend or expend without restraint and often to no avail: wasted my inheritance; blew a fortune at the casino; time and money that was consumed in litigation; dissipated their energies in pointless argument; frittering away her entire allowance; squandered his talent on writing jingles.
Antonyms: save1
첫댓글 dissipate vt.흩뜨리다. (주장. 의견을)퍼뜨리다.
흩어지게 하다, (슬픔, 공포 등)을 가시게 하다