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◆ [음반] 음반리뷰 짧은감상 Klemperer/New Philharmonia Orchestra/Hunt Mahler Symphony No. 9 (live, 1968)
Poincare 추천 0 조회 162 12.09.05 14:44 댓글 5
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 12.09.07 00:38

    첫댓글 Alas, the Adagio is plagued with too many mistakes in the ensemble.... I have no idea what went wrong in their minds. But the first three movements are tremendous - weighty, monumental, and extraordinarily well shaped.

  • 작성자 12.09.07 14:41

    육중한 템포와 거대한 싸운드로 밀어 붙이는 크렘퍼러의 일악장은 단연 최고입니다!

  • 아~페이스북에서 소개하셨던 그 음반이군요~^^
    3악장이 최고로 좋다고 하지 않으셨나요?ㅎㅎ

  • 작성자 12.09.09 01:11

    The first three movements are GREAT, especially the Andante Comodo (the first movt). But in the Adagio the orchestra has too many shaky moments and the ensemble goes nearly out of control at several key spots. Too unfornate, but I will gladly give take the recording for I-III. Thanks for your interest!

  • 작성자 12.09.09 01:15

    I would say, overall (save for the finale), this live concert is much better than the EMI recording that was made around the same time. If you want to know what Klemperer really had to say about this great work, it's definitely worth seeking for.
