5. The Harmony of Love
Man symbolizes heaven and woman symbolizes earth.
When the two become one, they represent the natural harmony
of heaven and earth.
Men and women are different. Men’s muscles are
rugged and women’s are smooth. Men have beards while women do not. Women’s voices are high and men’s are
low. Yet we see their contrasting features fitting together
well as harmony unfolds between them.
We may liken them to the human body: the right side
and the left side complement each other to form a whole
structure. The two halves are bound tightly together.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you like only things that
are high or only things that are low? Or do you prefer a
pleasing balance of high and low that creates harmony?
Estimating from the line formed by the horizon, fish live
below the line while mammals and birds live above it.
Women menstruate once a month, like the ebb and flow
of the tides pulled by the moon. In breathing we inhale
and exhale. Likewise, a man and a woman need to establish
a line of balance and create harmony.
People like to go to amusement parks with their rides
that go up and down, because their motion duplicates the
motion of the universe.
Which do you think is more pleasing, men socializing
only with other men, or men and women socializing
together? Men and women together is better, because it
better reflects the harmony of the universe. We should
live in step with the beat of the universe, the universe that
promotes harmony through the harmony of yin and yang.
(Blessed Families and the Ideal Kingdom, vol. I, 344, 1984.5.31)
When a man and a woman create loving harmony, they
initiate circular movement. When a man and a woman love each other and become one flesh, and then bear the fruits
of love, God descends to them, they ascend towards Him,
and they meet in the middle. They form a sphere with God
at the center and begin spherical movement. Out of that
divine center, family members can make relationships in
all directions.
At the center of the sphere, love’s harmony is realized,
and life emerges and grows. The center of the sphere is the
basis for equality between the sexes and for the philosophy
that family members should hold all things in common.
This is so because the power of love is there. Love is the
force that embraces all the interactions in the universe.
(Blessed Families and the Ideal Kingdom, vol. I, 345, 1982.4.26)
For human beings, love is eternal. It is one, and can
never be divided. Once a man and a woman are joined
in love, they are to live together for a lifetime and then
eternally even after death. They are two persons, but by
revolving in oneness with each other they become as one
When the two people become one, they revolve with
God to form a four-position foundation of love. This is the
ideal realm of love. Only true love dwells there; false love
cannot invade. When a man and woman are blessed by
God and achieve this perfect unity, God comes to them
In the four-position foundation of love, the husband
and wife will grow to love each other with their hearts by loving each other with their bodies, and when they love
each other with their hearts, their bodies will follow. (Blessed
Families and the Ideal Kingdom, vol. I, 346, 1984.1.1)
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