Nehemiah: Sword and Trowel
Nehemiah 1—6, 8 and 13
said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to
those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not
grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
must have been a special day after all you’d been through. Or was
feasting more common for those of you in charge of the great restoration
projects in Judah?
It was a very special day for all
of us, and an unusual occurrence for us as well. Feasting was not
common; on the contrary, I foreswore my governor’s allotment of food
from the public treasury, and other privileges as well, and devoted
myself to the work.
So, it couldn’t be said that you took advantage of this opportunity for your own benefit?
I wish that couldn’t have been said of me, but unfortunately it was.
Not true, of course, but my enemies spread all kinds of stories about
me. If I had stopped working to refute every libelous accusation thrown
up in the wind, we never would have finished the job—which was obviously
my opponents’ intention. When the pagans tried to get me to engage in
“dialogue” with them about the accusations, I simply sent the message
that I was too busy to stop and debate.
How did you get the community of Judeans to trust you, then, if you didn’t refute the libelous accusations point by point?
rolled up my sleeves and worked alongside them. I didn’t sit on a
platform in the shade and direct the activities from afar. For the 52
days that we raised the wall, I didn’t even so much as change my
clothes. None of us did. We worked with a sword in one hand and a trowel
in the other, ready to defend ourselves at any moment if it came to
How did you and your company finish the project so quickly?
first week after I arrived I set out to do a complete survey of the
site. The whole wall lay in piles of charred ruins and dusty rubble. The
people didn’t know where to start. But when I told them how God had
moved the king to be generous and favorable to me, and of our plan to
restore the city, they perked up. Each man and his family worked
diligently on the section of the wall that was closest to their own
residence. They really put their hearts into it. It wasn’t necessary for
me to micromanage the construction process.
So you functioned as both architect and building supervisor, governor and military leader?
we experienced so many obstacles along the way that to bring this
project to completion I had to literally keep my hands in it, just as
God’s hand was upon me.
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Find out more by reading Nehemiah 1—6, 8 and 13.