GMO에서 추출하는 거라고 합니다.
완전 독극물 중에서도 독극물이네요.
Non-GMO 과일 추출물이라고 해서 안전한 것도 아닙니다.
무엇이든 홀푸드로 먹어야 영양분이 되고, 정제하고 추출한 것은 독이 됩니다.
구연산은 특히 뇌를 망가뜨리는 첨가물입니다.
A Sour Deception: Citric Acid Comes From GMO Black Mold, Not Fruit
Just what is your food made of, anyway? Try industrial synthesis, genetically modified mold secretions, hydrochloric acid, mercury-contaminated caustic soda, ferrocyanide… and, of course, lots of GMO corn.
If common ingredients like “citric acid” and “ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)” sound normal and familiar enough that you practically conjure up an image of the flourishing orchard they were grown in – then think again.
Picture instead an industrial factory, carrying out protocols developed in a lab, produced with enough winding nozzles, tanks, valves, pipes and other thinga-ma-jiggers to create a meandering and disorienting Dr. Seuss story. Because, after all, these common –nearly ubiquitous – ingredients don’t come from where you might assume (i.e. simply, citrus fruits).
Instead, mass produced citric acid and ascorbic acid are hidden GMO ingredients that reportedly set off allergenic responses for some sensitive consumers. Further, both are known accomplices to the creation of benzene – a known human carcinogen – inside food and drink products alongside sodium benzoate.
Feel free to peruse these blogs and forums for complaints about citric acid from those allergic or intolerant to citric acid itself, mold & yeast and/or corn. Food intolerance to citric acid, or the components of its production, can trigger such symptoms as: stomach pain, reactions in the mouth, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, cramping, hives, dark circles under the eye and/or blotchy skin.
Nevertheless, most people are not allergic to citric acid, and have no identifiable negative effects from eating it. But it does serve as a poignant reminder that what we eat comes from food products – constructed as if from tinker toys, with multiple, highly processed ingredients that virtually no one would recognize and few know anything about.
Otto Von Bismarck famously quipped back in the 1800s that “Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made.” But today there is an endless array of foods that would baffle or disgust consumers if they saw them made. Industrial food processes have rendered entire grocery stores filled with food products whose ingredients would be even less recognizable than the contents of sausage.

- Photo credit Aaron Dykes.
Citric acid: in practically everything on the shelf
Citric acid is common enough to find in foods of virtually every kind, due to its use as a preservative – extending shelf life and preventing spoilage – as well as to enhance flavor with its acidic and slightly sour taste, which gives all manner of “natural”-ish and completely artificial foods and beverages a “refreshing” kick. Despite being a known hidden GMO, it is even frequently found in certified “Organic” foods – and the USDA and FDA allow it to be in there.
Citric acid isn’t becoming a controversial foodie’s food-to-avoid, but instead trending for its ability to bring out the pucker-inducing and tangy tastes in popular foods. It is increasingly celebrated for helping to bring a balance of “all five flavors” to countless restaurant dishes and prepackaged processed foods – indispensable to even celebrity and TV contestant chefs.
Like MSG, the widely used ingredient that enhances ‘savory’ flavors and induces cravings, citric acid is widely used not only as a preservative but as a “fairy dust of flavour amplification” by enhancing and intensifying other flavors present in the recipe.
MSG and citric acid are essentially enablers to modern America’s food frenzy addiction – making even bland foods not just palatable and tasty, but downright delectable and captivating. With so many ingredients raising red flags, piling on sugar, synthetic chemicals and calories while contributing to obesity, diabetes, heart conditions and even cancer – MSG, citric acid and their peers make manufactured food products possible.
Both are used industrially to make even bland foods taste better and last longer on the shelf, regardless of nutritional value. But like many other common food additives, the science behind their production would probably take away from their (artificial) palate appeal.
Manufacturers and distributors of citric acid – as well as the larger food industry who use it as an ingredient in practically everything – benefit from the public’s assumption that citric acid comes from fruit. While this natural appeal is frequently used in food marketing and product imagery (as this chemical manufacturer clearly does), the reality of large scale, mass production of citric acid bears little to no resemblance.
첫댓글 허걱.살균소독으로 사용할려고 구연산 가루를 샀는데 이것도 지엠오 검은곰팡이란게죠?천연살균제로 알고 사용했는데요.식용으로샀는데 귀찮아서 쳐박아뒀거든요.소독용으로만 사용해야지.
아마 그럴 거예요. 구연산이 너무 흔하다 했는데, 과일에서 뽑아내긴 어려운 양이 아닐까 싶네요.
@파피루스 중국산 천연이라고해서 믿었는데. 식소다도 글쿠 식소다는 어디서 나온걸까요?과일을 문질러씻는데.이것도 천연이 아니라 화학제품이라고 얼핏본듯해요 .선전은 천연이라고 하드만
@자연을 사랑해 베이킹소다는 암석에서 채취하는 거예요. 쉽게 말해 돌가루죠. 물론 베이킹소다는 적당한 양을 적절한 방법으로 복용하면 암을 치료할 수 있는 성능도 있어요. 그러나 원래가 세척제로 개발된 것인 만큼 무언가를 씻어내고 깍아내고 하는 능력이 뛰어나니, 일상적으로 복용하게 되면 몸이 견뎌낼 수 없게 됩니다. 과일이나 채소를 씻을 때 쓰는 것은 괜찮습니다.