.The Values God's People Should Have About Money
For those who serve God, how they use money is very important.
Those who misuse the wealth God has given them will be disciplined by the Lord.
Those who use their wealth according to the Lord's words will receive more blessings and enter heaven.
We must follow the Word of God in all aspects, and we must have the right values about money.
Those who hear the Word of God but do not follow it are treated by the Lord as the same as the Pharisees.
The Pharisees did everything well on the surface, but their hearts were far from the Lord, so they were rebuked by the Lord.
Their superficial faith was that they prayed diligently, helped the poor, paid tithes accurately, and fasted often (Luke 18:11, 12).
However, their hearts did not believe in God, and they tried to be saved by only keeping the form of the law.
Those who do not serve the Lord with their hearts have no faith and will perish like the Pharisees.
Many people believe in God but go to hell. They are so wronged that they gnash their teeth in hell.
Those who do not have the Holy Spirit or love in their hearts but simply follow legalism or charisma all go to hell.
We should not try to hold on to what is visible to human eyes, but hold on to the word of the Lord with our hearts.
Those who hold on to the word of God and obey it will enter heaven.
When Jesus' disciple Thomas heard the news of Jesus' resurrection, he could not believe it.
He said, "I must see the resurrected Lord myself before I can believe."
After that, one day, the Lord appeared to the disciples gathered together, and the Lord said to Thomas, "Put your hand into My side and believe in Me."
Then the Lord said that those who believe in Him without seeing His resurrection are more blessed (John 20:24-29).
We must believe in the words of John. Those who follow only what they see with their physical eyes will perish.
Whatever we do, we must begin with prayer, sow in prayer, and work diligently.
We must also participate in worship diligently. This means being alert during worship, concentrating on listening to God’s word, and practicing it.
If one does not focus on God’s word when worshiping, his worship will be in vain.
Both Cain and Abel offered worship to the Lord, but the Lord was pleased with Abel’s offering, but not with Cain’s.
Cain offered a grain offering, which means he offered worship without repentance.
Abel offered a blood offering, which means he offered worship with repentance.
Since everyone is a sinner, those who come before the Lord need the blood of atonement.
When Adam sinned, his spirit died, which means his relationship with God was severed.
From that time on, the blood of atonement is needed to restore life. There is nothing but blood that saves life (Genesis 3:21).
In order to save those who died because of sin, Jesus had to take on the sin and die.
When sinners repent, they are forgiven because of the blood of Jesus. That Jesus is Jehovah God who came to this earth in the flesh (Isaiah 9:6,7).
Jehovah came to the world in the name of his Son. When we believe in the name of his Son and repent, we are forgiven of our sins because of the blood of his Son and become children of God.
From this time on, those who keep their faith until the end, at the moment their body dies, their spirit takes off the veil of their flesh and comes out of their body.
At that moment, they immediately receive the resurrection of life and are carried by the angels to heaven (Luke 16:22).
When we enter heaven, all things in the world have nothing to do with us.
When we enter heaven, our soul salvation is completely accomplished. Those who live in the world can fall at any time, so they cannot achieve soul salvation.
It is not in accordance with the Bible for those who live on this earth to claim that their souls have been saved. Human doctrines make such false claims.
Many believers are deceived by false human doctrines. They prefer human doctrines to the words of the Bible.
Those who believe in human doctrines also read the Bible a lot, but they do not believe the words of the Bible. This is because they do not try to understand the Bible correctly.
We must pray to the Lord to help us understand the words of the Bible.
Those who do not understand the Bible correctly will eventually become spiritually blind.
More important than reading the Bible a lot is understanding the Bible correctly and knowing the truth.
There are many people in Korea who have read the Bible hundreds of times. One pastor said he read it seven thousand times.
However, these people do not correctly understand the truth of the Bible.
They claim that those who read the Bible so much become demons because they are the spirits of the dead.
These people pray a lot, but they interpret the Bible falsely. They add human thoughts to the words of the Bible.
Do not add human thoughts to the words of the Bible or take away parts of them (Rev. 22:18, 19).
Fallen angels are demons (Isa. 14:11-15, Rev. 12:9). The spirits of the dead never become demons.
These people distort the truth of the Bible. These people belong to Satan and will go to hell if they do not repent quickly.
Most church members believe that those who perform strange signs or gifts are true prophets and follow them.
Our church casts out demons in the name of Jesus, and never considers the spirits of the dead as demons.
Fallen angels are demons, and they are very afraid and hate it when their true identities are revealed to people.
When we cast out demons, they curse and shout at us and are driven out.
On the other hand, when pastors who believe in human doctrines cast out demons, the demons say, "I am your dead father, do not cast me out."
Since we already know the true identity of the demons, the demons cannot lie to us that they are our dead ancestors.
The reason why demons can continue to lie to them is because such people continue to hide the identity of demons.
Demons are deceivers.
Those who understand the word of God know the identity of demons exactly, so Satan cannot deceive them.
Lucifer is the king of demons and the king of lies.
God gives the discernment and wisdom to discern spirits to those who obey the word of the Lord and repent.
Lucifer cannot lie to those who know his identity.
The father of lies who makes up all lies is Satan and demons.
I pray in the name of the Lord that we all truly understand the word of God and go to heaven.
It is written in the Bible that Satan committed a crime against the Lord and was cast out of heaven with great wrath into the world (Revelation 12:12).
Jesus casted Satan out into the world, Jesus himself was Jehovah God.
Jehovah God came as Jesus to forgive the sins of the world.
The Lord is the light of life itself. Satan is the force of darkness and death, darkness cannot come into the light.
Satan is powerless before the name of Jesus, and cannot move at all without the Lord’s permission.
Those who understand the word of the Bible always live in the light of life, so Satan cannot attack them at all.
It seemed like he was living in the light while obeying, but one day he was found to be living in the darkness.
Those who live in the dark are living in sin and do not repent.
The whole world is in the darkness now, and it is a time when few people receive the gospel.
Do not boast about things like the Puritans, but boast about Jesus and obey the words of Jesus.
The Puritan spirit is a theory created by man. Calvinist doctrine was born on the basis of not loving God and prioritizing the Puritan spirit.
America brought many immigrants from various countries to it, and the immigrants brought their native religions with them to America.
That is why America became extremely corrupt and true faith disappeared.
Those who believe in false religions have become powerful in America and have had a great influence on American society.
America's religion has become like mixed wine, so the Lord cannot dwell in them and cannot bless the nation.
America has become like Babylon.
Anti-discrimination laws and homosexual laws are against the Bible and should all be abolished.
Many leaders like David should come out and rule all nations according to the Lord's will.
Our country is also suffering because there are no leaders who rule according to the Lord's will.
The evil powers unconditionally oppose, imprison, and kill those who do not conform to their ideas.
In such a situation, even Christians disobey the word of God and do not repent, so the Lord gives difficulties to the entire nation in order to awaken Christians.
Because of the corruption of the believers, tribulation and suffering come to the whole world.
When Christians encounter persecution and tribulation, we can see that they come to their senses and recover with strong faith.
When a peaceful and stable environment is always maintained, Christians living in it become lazy, corrupt, and fall apart.
When the church is always comfortable and wealthy, it becomes weak and corrupt. The way for Christianity to maintain its vitality is to be rebuked and disciplined for sin.
We can see that there was much persecution of the Lord's people in both the Old and New Testaments.
King Herod also deified himself and killed those who did not worship him as God.
The Roman emperors also killed many Christians.
Even though they imprisoned Christians, tortured them, burned them, and threw them into the lion's den, many Christians did not submit to them and were martyred.
The more suffering and persecution there was, the more Christianity had a history of revival.