(이 속보가 나오기 이전에 요르단과 레바논 국경지대에 미제와나토의 외세용병이 일시에 대거 침투했다는 보도가 있었음)
Security forces inflict heavy losses on rebels across Syria
Syrian security forces have inflicted heavy losses on armed terrorists in Damascus as well as in the northwestern city of Idlib and the southwestern city of Dara’a, Press TV reports.
Syrian forces have cleared the al-Diyabiah area in the capital of the presence of rebels.
There have been reports about clashes between the government forces and armed groups in the city of Aleppo in the northwest. The military has sent reinforcements to the outskirts of the city to maintain order and security.
The Syrian Army has cleared more areas of foreign-backed armed gangs, while clashes in the country’s largest city continue, Press TV reports.
The military has sent reinforcements to the outskirts of the flashpoint northwestern city of Aleppo to maintain order and security.
Meanwhile, gunmen in Syrian Army uniforms killed civilians in the Salahuddin neighborhood in the city in an attempt to accuse the Army of masterminding the bloodshed.
시리아정부군 복장으로 변신한 서방용병테러집단의 민간인 학살 (시리아정부군 소행으로 보이게 위장하는 서방정보부의 사기극)
Syrian security forces have also inflicted heavy losses on armed terrorists in Damascus as well as in the northwestern city of Idlib and the southwestern city of Dara’a.
Syrian forces have cleared the al-Diyabiah area in the capital of the presence of rebels.
On Thursday, there were also reports of sporadic fighting between Syrian forces and armed groups in and around the capital, with gunmen attacking police stations and Army checkpoints around the city.
Clashes erupted in several areas in the capital, including the Qudsaya and al-Hameh districts as well as the city’s suburb of Daria.
Syria has been the scene of violence by armed groups since March 2011. The violence has claimed the lives of hundreds of people, including many security forces.
Damascus blames “outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups” for the unrest, asserting that it is being orchestrated from abroad. The West and the Syrian opposition accuse the government of killing the protesters.
Thu Jul 26, 2012 9:44PM
The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) has revealed that al-Qaeda is responsible for numerous terrorist attacks in Syria, including the Houla massacre.
Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:19PM
The United States favors the presence of al-Qaeda militants and other Sunni extremists in Syria to help the country’s armed rebels overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
Thu Jul 26, 2012 7:4AM
Iran’s Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani has reiterated that the West and some of its reactionary Arab allies intend to take out one of the main resistance fronts against the Israeli regime through political pressures and media publicity against Syria.
Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:49AM
Western media say a number of foreign militants have joined armed gangs fighting against the Syrian government, while clashes continue between Syrian security forces and rebels.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that the country will keep its nuclear weapons and aerospace defense ready for action.
첫댓글 좋은 자료 잘 읽었습니다.
좋은 자료 잘 읽었습니다 ㅋ
자본에 인생을 팔아먹는 불쌍한 군상들
좋은소식 감사드립니다
US helps Al-Qaeda join Syrian rebels
Thu Jul 26, 2012 5:19PM
The United States favors the presence of al-Qaeda militants and other Sunni extremists in Syria to help the country’s armed rebels overthrow the government of President Bashar al-Assad.
이 부분이 가장 눈에 띄는군요.
알 카에다란 결국 미국이 지원하는 세력이라는 의미로군요.
그런데....위 기사가 이란의 티브이방송에서 내보낸 것이어서
그 객관성이 얼마나 담보된 것인지....알 수 없군요.
근데....맨 밑에 첨부한 그림들은 무엇인가요?
이해하기 힘든 그림들이어서 하나의 흠처럼 느껴집니다.
[시리아정부군 복장으로 변신한 서방용병테러집단의 민간인 학살]
위 부분에 해당하는 영문기사 부분이 보이지를 않는군요.
우리 카페에서는.....그런식 글쓰기 방식은
얼핏 좋아 보이는 내용이라고 할지라도
별로 환영받지 못합니다.
왜냐면 우리 카페는 주장들이나 논리전개에 대한
철저한 근거들의 제시를 요구하기 때문입니다.
U.S. officials have worried that some of those groups may be linked to, or sympathetic with, Al Qaeda affiliates. By one U.S. estimate, as many as a quarter of the 300 rebel groups may be inspired by Al Qaeda, says Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
위 얘기는....미국 관리들이 반군들이 혹시라도 알-카에다와 연계되어 있을까봐 몰라
걱정한다는 소리인데.....
그것이 어떻게 미국이 알-카에다를 돕고 있다는 말로 둔갑된 것인지....
나로서는 알 수 없는 일이군요.