The title of this story is "Max's Bug Salad."
Max, Ruby, and their grandmother were preparing for a tea party where because Grandmother's friends were coming. Grandmother and Ruby decided to make scones, lemonade, and gelatin salad. Grandmother told Max to bring her special ingredients special ingredients, but Max continued to bring her special ingredients along with the bugs them along with bugs. So, Ruby and Grandmother removed the bug removed the bugs. While Ruby was making her gelatin salad, she said she needed special ingredients more ingredients. Grandmother told Max to put strawberies strawberries in Ruby's gelatin salad, but Max put bug jellys bug jelly instead. Finally, Grandmother's friends came and liked Ruby's gelatin salad.
I wander wonder how Ruby's gelatin salad tasted.
Score: A-
- 문법: "removed the bug" 대신 "removed the bugs"라고 해야 하고, "wander" 대신 "wonder"라고 해야 자연스럽습니다.
- 내용 추가: "왜 할머니의 친구들이 젤리 샐러드를 좋아했는지, 그들이 벌레 젤리를 알아차렸는지 설명을 더 추가해 보세요!"